histroy of the cave /tunnel

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

thank you wreckdiver 1715 ,

i will redo the post for those that do have interest in this topic ..

as my research of my 1979 sighting has taken many paths threw the years as i have searched for evidence to define the object of the sighting , i have had to research many things in the area that relate dirrectly to the sighting .. as of late i have found my self researching the secerd cave part of the lost dutchman legend

frist i listed those statements that IMHO related to this cave

acounts like geronamo, haveing a treasure cave ..

like the acounts told the kino

like the massacre related events

i thaught wouldnt it be funny if they are all the same cave ...

threw the years these events and acounts have never gave us enough data or evidence to relate them to anyone site or location ...

now i have stated i am a shaman .but i am far more, i am a rare type of shaman called a shamachi

i have been talking with one of the formost shamana's in the feild of this study . she was explaned what has been happening and explan to me what she believes is takeing place ..

i have had a few acounts of a past life desent , i desend to a time when i was once a aztecain boy name tazza .of the coo a caw tribe,,

this gift has been unbeleiveable at times , remembering where i am from and speaking in their laguage and even singing song from that time in their laguage ..

the nahuatl people have faded into the past . but not to someone with my rare gifts ..

you will here me talk of them in stages as i explan what these events have show us ..

this tribe was of the dove and ravin ( coo a caw )

i was born as tazza in the seven caves of chicomoztoc

i was born in the years of mexica the timeof acolhua and toltecs

by focusing in the years i found my self becomeing a pastlife spirit of the years i seek

as i am part indain it was easy for my shamanachi to find a body in this place ...

so i became tazza

and see threw his eyes and sense what he saw in the years i seek

IMHO the cave /tunnel in the dutchman legend , is the seven caves of chicomoztoc

as tazza i grew up there

as you may know our past lives carrie threw our beings and we may remember small parts at times ...

i took that nick name tazz from my membery at age 7

i have been talking with the founder of the shamanic institute to try to under stand what these events mean

my gifts are very rare and i can desend into any time and space i will ...

i had been doing this with the dutchman . but when i started talking in a nother laguage it got to a far deeper level of focus

i can be typeing and desend at will , now i find my self desending to tazza's time any time i will it

this can be very dangerous for the shaman ...

the piont in this case is you can not hide ones home from them

i could read the meanings of the codic of the seven caves from the secound i saw it ...

that is me at the top of the page telling the story of the seven caves

i am the one wearing the wolfs spirit , i make smoke and fire .it is who i am

from life to life i have asended upward ,the path is never ending for me i am ageless to the being within me

the coo a caw where a tribe of kind and loveing people in a time of change ... a group of others came from moons away , one my mother chantico , but her name is spelled wrong . it is chianti coo . she was jesus maira from chianti Italy , the tribe called her a witch because she wears a crown of thorns from her lost husband ... the tribe has cast me away i grow up as a coo a caw but alone to my self . i am the maker of fire for the caves . chianti coo writes her name on the wall with a fire stick ... i have seen this ...

she rest there now ...

the question is could the cave of the lost dutchman legend be these caves ....yes

do i see these things when i am near the caves .... yes

are these the secerd caves told to Kino ...yes

imho i will prove what i am saying is true ...

there is a reason why these caves have been hiden for so long ... this is the brith place of the ancient ones , the seven tribes that became many ....

these tribes came north from mexica and before that from prota mayan , before that , from brizel . before that from old drums faultline area under the ocean north of brizel .....

these are the tribes of aztlan . or should i call them by their real name .....Aztlan tis

this is why tazza speak in a laguage 6000 years old ...it is a laguage of shared shaman lifes

when the spirit walks in, the sprit walks out , the spirit walks within , this is how the tribes seen live , the past the present and the future

. all of creation was a great river and the shaman could step into the flow of this river to any time and space he will to go ...

this is the meaning of life them and now me .

this is the fountain of youth ,,,,

a being that never dies and passes from host to host threw out infinity ...

i once played in the caves of my people when they were my people , they still are ....

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

I did not quite catch what exactly you are saying, blindbowman.

Could you please explain?

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

yes i can explan . the reason why no one has gotten any real evidence of this tunnel is because there is more treasure in the tunnel then we knew of ..

IMHO the cave system started as the seven caves of chicomoztoc , its where abouts were only stated as being north of mexica

the kino acount stated the cave was a secerd cave of the Ancient Ones ,
IMHO those Ancient ones were the part of the Nahuatl indains . or nahua , mainly the tribes of the Acolhua & the Toltecs , these tribes were Aztecain and were in the area from the 1200's to 1375 and vanished around the mexica calpultin era and ended with the death of tenoch in 1375

my research has pionted to a set of facters that define these tribes as not being native to the area . when atlantis fell beneth the ocean north of brazil near the old drums fault line .. the tribes that were not killed in the event move inland to the amazon forst and then move north to the prota mayan era . moveing north again into the mexica area never becomeing part of any one tribe , they settle in the seven caves area ,

afrade of the other tribes they with drew from the out side world ...

they were mis labled as the AZtlan

this tribe was not welcome by most of the other tribes , their faith was of a shaman spirit ...

they may even be the basics for the earlist know writeing and speach of all north american tribes i could only trace them to about the 6000 year old mark as of yet ...

IMHO i do beleive there is reasons to beleive this cave in the dutchman legend is the same cave system that was shown to kino and it was most likely the seven caves of chicomoztoc ...

one reason i beleive this is posable is the relationship of the ruth map to the name el sobrero and the path of this tribe , passing thre what is now el salvador

not that these to names related in spelling but more the path of this tribes path north from brazil to the seven caves ..i beleive the acolhua were related to the Anasazi but the tribe i am speaking of was with drawn from the others tribes, they remained in the caves even after the anasazi moved onward ..

there is no real way to defind the tribe that came from these seven caves beyond the seven caves of chicomoztoc codic ...

but one thing i am sure of i have been desending into the time and space of the seven caves tribe . and it takes me to the place i found in the mt range ...

i can not totally explan how this works . i can show you what shamanic arts means ..

The word “shaman” is often used to refer to a person in a particular community who is chosen by the spirit world to be a spiritual healer (a soul doctor) for the group and its members. (The origin of the word "shaman" is discussed below) The shaman is one who is able to communicate with the spirits, enter trance at will and inspire ecstatic healing in others. These abilities come from the spirit world, but they are honed by the shamanic initiate through practice.

The Tao Te Ching describes the master (shaman) as "A man or woman whose life is in perfect harmony with the way things are. This is not an idea; it is a reality. The master (shaman) has mastered Nature; not in the sense of conquering it, but of becoming it." (Tao Te Ching, translated by Stephen Mitchell pg. ix)

Stalking Wolf, the master shaman teacher in the books by Tom Brown Jr, describes the shaman in the following way " A shaman was one who has transcended the very religion that brought him to the final path of enlightenment. The shaman needs no religious toys or crutches, no ceremony, custom, gaudy religious dogmas or cathedrals. The shaman needs nothing but the purity of her/his own spiritual mind." He goes on to say, "There is no right or wrong religion or belief, for they all lead up the mountain of spiritual enlightenment. However, at one point, far up the mountain, all of these paths come together and fuse into one well-defined trail. This is the path of the shaman, where all come together as one, where all speak a common tongue, and religious beliefs and differences are cast aside. It is this path that we should all seek." (Awakening Spirits by Tom Brown Jr. pg. 205)

Joseph Campbell's description completely describes my experience.
"The shaman is a person, male or female, who has an overwhelming psychological experience that turns him (her) totally inward. The whole unconscious opens up, and the shaman falls into it." (Campbell, The Power of Myth, p. 86)

Quynn describes the shaman as "One who has learned to become one with her Nature, in doing this she becomes a master of ecstasy, a magic maker, a heart healer. One who speaks the "truth" to help people understand their Nature."

What is SHAMANA?
SHAMANA is a name for the force that flows through All That Is.
A SHAMANA is One who learns how to move with this flow.
A SHAMANA is a modern One who is called to the path of the ancient One who has had many names, one of which is SHAMAN.
A SHAMANA is a spirit world traveler, artist and Earth honoring activist. SHAMANA is the gathering of individuals called to this path.
(The word Shamana is used by Quynn in her personal practice)

The shamanic arts explore modern applications and benefits (emotional, mental, physical and spiritual) of consciously voyaging into the wilderness of one's mind for the purposes of healing, increasing communication skills and inspiring arts. The Shamanic Arts are PRACTICE.

Shamans are ordinary people, just like everyone else. They happen to have an ability to be able to connect with the spirit world and enter trance, and they dedicate themselves to honing this gift. The shaman is a member of a community who participates in the daily life activities of the group. The old saying goes "before enlightenment, chop wood and haul water. After enlightenment, chop wood and haul water." In the book Trances, anthropologist Audrey Butt wrote of Akawaio shamans in the Amazon, "There is no wonder the Akawaio shaman is sometimes called eneogei,"the one who perceives". Yet there is nothing surprising about shamans: they are just like ordinary people. Seeing them hunting each day and fishing, teaching the young how to survive in the forest, or even on a drinking spree with their pals, you would never suspect their skill in the art of trance." (Trances by Stewart Wavell, Audrey Butt and Nina Epton pg. 38)

NO! Each culture is different. There are similarities between shamanic cultures, such as Nature connection, belief in the power of the Ancestors and the spirits, and herbal awareness. One similarity is that in many old-ways cultures the shaman was the physician of the group, expected to diagnose and treat sickness. Keep in mind that throughout time people have believed differently about the causes of illness. In our modern culture, people generally believe that sickness is caused by disease. A physical ailment. In pre-technological cultures they most often believed that illness was caused by bad magic. A curse, spell or sorcerer. As our culture uses doctors, shamanic cultures used(s) shamans.

For the most part, however, the way in which each culture used its shamans was different. One shaman might have a gift for prophecy, another might be proficient at connecting with the dead. The details were different, but the purpose was the same, to heal.

Many people know the word "shaman" but in my mind, there is some ambiguity about the word. Anthropologists say that the word "shaman" comes from the Tungus people of Siberia. I have also heard that "shaman" originally comes from the word "saman" meaning "exalted". Keep in mind, however, that this explanation came from anthropologists 50-100 years ago (when much of the original writing and observations of shamanic culture were brought to light in the western mind). Many of them were white christian men with certain biases against non-christian lifestyle. I hesitate to say that the word "shaman" was the word for their people's spiritual healer. Many times indigenous people (including pagan pre-christian Europeans) did not want to tell their oppressors any sacred vital information. I don't blame them. Sometimes they would give false information purposefully, to protect their sacred rites, and their lives.

Let's say that "shaman" was a word. If it does come from the word "saman" (exalted), it describes a state of consciousness, not a role. The whole idea of Shaman culture is to be able to connect with the Divine through ecstasy.

In recent times the word "shaman" has been adopted by many people as the generic term for Nature centered, ecstasy based, spirituality. I use this word because many people are familiar with it but please remember, "shaman" is a word describing one group of people, there are thousands of words that have been used, and can be used, to describe these emerging humans.

i guess the piont i am trying to make is when the templar came to brazil and came the same path as the tribe that lived in the seven caves they ended up at the same place in the same years .. around the 1275 -1375 era , were they useing maps of the tribes to locate this site . or were they told of this site by the tribes of the seven caves .. or were they killed or massacred by these tribes of the seven caves ...the other tribes called them thunderd gods . were they refering to the tribes of ancient ones from the old drums fault line ....?

at this piont i do not believe treasure or wealth can discribe this cave system and its histroy...

i believe a group of 7 tribes .home land vanished with the sinking of aztlan tis .. and they move north untill they found a place so rough and dangerous no tribe wanted it , and thus the seven caves became their home ..this would explan what was told to Kino and what happend at the templar massacre site . and after the death of the tribes the apache close the site and kept the site holly and secerded , this explans what happen at the apache massacre site ...

IMHO this is not a mine . it is a secerd cave system . maybe spainish or jesuits tryed to open this cave system and were massacre because of it's histroy with the ancient ones .. we have no way of knowing how old these tribes histroy goes back or what drawings or art works are there . these tribes could have histroy older then atlantis it self ....

maybe the aztec the mecia, the mayan and the amazon tribes are all desendents of these tribes peoples ...

at one piont i seen and noted very simbolic drawings that related to atlantis art works ... i just could not figer how the art got to this area ..

we may be seeing how in this theory of the seven caves and the tribes that lived there long ago ...

what makes this cave system diffrent is it has seven caves branches and only one entrance ...


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Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

Real de Tayopa said:
HIO: I stand on the --------------------5th-------------------- no comment.

Don Jose de La Mancha

You can stand on the 5th Amendment, but after reading that, I will have to stand on the 21st Amendment (Allowed the transportation, sale, and EMBIBEMENT of liquor!)!



Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

i will try to define for you what i am talking about

:The Postclassic period is divided into two phases. The first is the early Postclassic, which includes the 10th to the 13th century, and is characterized by the Toltec hegemony of Tula. The 12th century marks the beginning of the late Postclassic period, which begins with the arrival of the Chichimec, linguistically related to the Toltecs and the Mexica, who established themselves in the Valley of Mexico in 1325, following a two-century pilgrimage from Aztlán, the exact location of which is unknown.

look at the fact toltec and mexica established themselves in the Valley of Mexico in 1325,this statement could be true but it dose mean these two tribes did not go far north of where they established ...or it dose not say they did not establish in more than one area or that they had not been with other tribes that established them selfs north of Mesoamerica.

and the last part of this statement agrees with my finding ,the stament dose not mean it did not take them 20 years to become established ...

:following a two-century pilgrimage from Aztlán, the exact location of which is unknown.

it is my under stand the it was not two centuries it was more like 20 years two decaids , that would have made the pilgrimage from Aztlán around 1305 about the same time the templar vanished south by the way of Azores then to aztlan where the event of atlanis takes place . the templar ships save the people from a sinking island and in reward the tribes take them with them west and then north from brazil...

the time line could be far from what people believe was the time line ...

we all want to beleive atlandtis happend why before the 1300,s . there is no facts to say it did not happen in the 1300's in fact IMHO 1305

note two other facts . it is a matter of record the Greece and Italy record part of the legend of Alantis, its funny i now correct the mother of Tazza as comeing from castellina in chianti Italy, the tribe referd to red serpent ,is this a tribial name for red wine ...

Castellina in Chianti
Comune di Castellina in Chianti

Municipal coat of arms
Country Italy
Region Tuscany
Province Siena (SI)
Mayor Anna Maria Betti

Elevation 578 m
Area 99.4 km²
- Total (as of Dec. 2004 [1]) 2,820
- Density 28/km²
Time zone CET, [[UTC+1]]
Coordinates 43°28′09″N, 11°17′19″E
Gentilic Castellinesi
Dialing code 0577
Postal code 53011
Frazioni Fonterutoli, Lilliano, Piazza, Rencine, San Leonino, San Quirico, Sant'Agnese
Patron San Fausto
- Day september 18

Location of Castellina in Chianti in Italy
Website: www.comune.castellina.si.it
The entrance of the Via delle Volte.Castellina in Chianti is a comune (municipality) of c. 2,800 inhabitants in the province of Siena, in the Italian region Tuscany, located about 35 km south of Florence and about 15 km northwest of Siena. It is part of the Chianti Hills, between the valleys of the Arbia, Pesa and Elsa rivers.

The Rocca of Castellina.The territory of Castellina in Chianti borders the following municipalities: Barberino Val d'Elsa, Castelnuovo Berardenga, Greve in Chianti, Monteriggioni, Poggibonsi, Radda in Chianti, Tavarnelle Val di Pesa.

The first settlements in the area dates from the Etruscan age, and they were probably devastated by Gaulish invasions at the time of the latter's invasions against Rome.

In the early Middle Ages the town was known as Salingolpe; in the 11th century Matilda of Tuscany gave it as fief to the counts Guidi and, subsequently, to the Trebbio. In the early 15th century it became a strong fortress, of which today the Rocca remain.

the piont is chianti coo could have came from castellina , makeing her a bloodline from Italy , she may not be the wife of christ .. but she could be from the bloodline ...

because maria died around the tyime of christ it dose mean her body dose not end up in Italy if she had childern they could in fact have been taken when thew templars vanished in 1300's

with some confussion i still believe we have a traget date of 1305......this would explan why there were not as many templars killed in 1307 .. far the most part they had alreay started to leave from Italy to the Azores,,,

The Mexica
View of the city of Tenochtitlan, by Dr. AtlOf all Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures, perhaps the best-known is that of the Mexica, sometimes called the Aztec. Among other things, its fame is due to the fact that the Mexica state was the richest and most powerful in the region, which came at the cost of exploiting the surrounding peoples. At the time of the Mexican conquest, many missionaries were preoccupied with preserving the cultural history of the Nahau people, and for that reason our body of knowledge about them is much greater in breadth and quality.

The Mexica people came from the north or the west of Mesoamerica. The Nayaritas believed that the mythic Aztlán was located on the island of Mexcaltitán. Some hypothesize that this mythical island could have been located somewhere in the state of the Zacatecas, and it has even been proposed that it was as far north as New Mexico. Whatever the case, they were probably not far removed from the classic Mesoamerican tradition. In fact, they shared many characteristics with the people of central Mesoamerica. The Mexicas spoke Nahuatl, the same language spoken the Toltecs and the Chichimecs who came before them.

The departure from Aztlán is deduced to have occurred in the first decades of the 12th century (1311), based on the document known as the Tira de la Peregrinación, a codex in which notable events of migration are recorded according to the Nahua calendar. After much wandering, the Mexicas arrived at the basin of the Mexico Valley in the 14th century. They established themselves at various points along the bank of the river (for example, Culhuacán and Tizapán), before settling on the Islet of Mexico, protected by Tezozómoc, king of the Texpanecas. The city of Tenochtitlan was founded in 1325 as an ally of Azcapotzalco, but less than a century later, in 1430, the Mexicas joined with Texcoco and Tlacopan to wage war against Azcapotzalco and emerge victorious. This gave birth to the Triple Alliance that replaced the ancient confederation ruled by the Tecpanecas (which included Coatlinchan and Culhuacán).

the piont is shamana vission and desents have no true time line yet we can look at the events and see if there is events that could fit these time lines or patterns of events ...

thus i prove my piont the templars could have placed the treasure in these caves , and the caves could in fact be the seven caves of chicomoztoc ..

piont is ".The departure from Aztlán is deduced to have occurred in the first decades of the 12th century (1311), based on the document known as the Tira de la Peregrinación, a codex in which notable events of migration are recorded according to the Nahua calendar, "

"deduced to have occured " what if it happen in 1305 and not 1311 this may be why , what if atlantis , was in fact like Italy and water flooding hapended more then once . and atlantis was there untill the earl 1300's ...

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

if the Kino acount stated the cave was a secerd cave of the Ancient ones . it had to have a histroy ...

i am seeing evidence that says there may have been a few massacres over this cave system ..if i was right about it being some how related to the tayopa mine then how was it related and why and when ....

its not to say this is the tayopa . its saying that there is some relationship between this cave system and tayopa ... what if the real de tayopa and i are both right .. what if the tayopa mine is where real de says it is and this is a site of the people that founded the tayopa mines . these tribes are not yet clearly identified,,its taken me years to even get some idea of of who these tribes could be ,,,...

but as you may know and under stand any treasure trove permits must list what treasure and its sorces and who put the treasures there and what the treasures are ...if we can not identifi the tribes by relation to the treasure it self the clam will not be legal ...

it is often confusing to use shamna arts to find new leeds , but even to find one new peice of evidence is well worth the time and hard work ...

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

the cave system i am talking about has a very given histroy in respect to those Ancient ones ...the cave was not a mine when it was frist recorded in histroy by these tribes . it became their home after the lost of aztlan ...take note of the seven caves codic and the next codic known of that time span

note the football shape standing on end in front of the seven cave tribe at the top of the drawing , this is the tribe that leaves the seven caves . and it holds true of the next codic , note the black foot prints are leaveing one site and going by boat away from the frist site ....and leaveing six tribes in the seven caves site ...

shaman well tell you the beyond has no real time with in it .. events are not held to the lemits of time .. so often events can be out of sequence one part of a path of vission can be out of sequence with other parts in the same path sequence..

thus time is not relative in the beyond ...

how old did these events tak place .. this is unknown from the vissions .. this could have been in the 9500bc time span of pluto's frist writtings yet it could be in the time span of the revised 700bc time span of the event i am researching that takes place in about 1302-1305 AD , but one thing dose remain constent that is the tribe of the codic and the seven caves ...

how many caves are in the area of tribes ,,, who knowns .. the piont is here we have a peice of histroy and it tells us about a secerd cave or treasure cave .. then we note the codic relationship to those caves in question . defineing the tribes may never become totally clear to us .. but the one thing that dose not move from place to place like the tribes did is the land . yet often maps and acounts of histroy were not as stationary as we would like lol,...

note : you pionted out the window in the codic .. that funny thats what i beleive it is .. and if i am right . this tribe could have been showing the templar people the way their aceint ones had gone long ago and tooken the templars to the caves , this would explane the window in the drawing for the time of the codics . the templars would have been there around 1302-1305 AD at the time of the nahualt tribes . yet the caves could even be as old as the Anasazi... or even old then the Ancient ones

as we try to put the events in place we may have to change events and relable the time line a few dozen times before we find the true sequence of event to match the true time line ... but note , in the frist codic the window is also on the side of the drawing with what looks like a pen and a sword the reason i say this is it is a matter of fact my family was templar knights and my family crest is the english wolf . with the saying " wonded in battle never beaten " yet in the frist codic we see a man wearing a wolf skin makeing smoke into fire ....this could be a drawing of my own families past .. remembering the tribes drawings are translations in their shamanic art of the times ..

note on the secound codic show the alter of stones much the same way as the priest stone of the peralta stones ....with a cross on the alter . was this a faited conguest of the templars , dose this secound codic show the sacrifice of the templars ...?

did a shamanic templar help draw this codic is he the one wearing the wolf skin ... ?

i can prove my family crest is real yet here in the codic we see the same meaning in shamanic drawing ...

did they learn of the meaning of the family crest from the templar wearing it ....?

note on the left side of the frist codic the hand throws a ear that rides the window to the moon ,,,and above that looks like a letter envolpe...

i am not saying these are the only path in these legends . i am say these are some of the paths i am finding in my research ...

this would tie the frist and secound codic togather in order and the templar and the peralta stones map and dirrections all togather at one site ...

many comeing and going from this site and even some being massacred and some being sacrificed

and we have seen this before in the spainish acounts of sacrifice...

there a many clues i am still working on and it takes time to under stand them and replace them into the path of events that took place ...

i will keep working and hope to find more evidence of these events ...

secound codic is the Aztlan_codex_boturini

dose the secound codic show the 3 people being sacrificed on a cross or is it the tribes drawing of 3 people on crosses being scarificed as their translation of what was told to them by the templars is the codic show them going back to find where the templars had told them this happended ...

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

mrs.oroblanco said:
Please tell me we are not talking about Sunlight windows and square holes with square plugs (to shorten it dramatically)?

That same (similar) story surfaced about 30 or so years ago, and has now re-appeared here and there.

If not, I am now re-confused on what is being said. I cannot seem to keep up with "some" people's logic.


Dain-bramage - I actually posted to say that there are thousands of "one entrance" caves/tunnels that have off-shoots in many directions, and I'm not understanding how that makes the one you are speaking of different.

i agree mrs.oroblanco

to make the statement they are windows is foolish with out showing a turn of events that could have proven they are windows .. this is just my piont ..if i am right and the templar did in fact go to the seven caves , it dosent realy matter if they were massacred or sacrificed after .. the fact remains they would have been there about the same time as these codic were made ...and the codic reflect this out right ..

it is not to say this is the only posable way the drawings could have happend but it dose show the relationship i have been defind and there is evidence here to prove what i have been saying could in fact be true ...

if i am right , the templars founded north America around 1302- 1305 and i beleive what is in the cave system can prove this ...but we must also remember they came into a land of tribes that were already here ...

and these were not savages by any means . in fact if i am right they were the desendents of aztlan tis .....

with any goo theories one must relate the time line with the turn of events , in this case there is enough evidence to show this is posable ....

what makes the seven caves diffrent ,

fresh water , its histroy , the secerd location it self ,. if i am right people were sacrificed and their remains and and belongings were put there in the seven cave system .. as offerings to the thunderd gods ...

note the volcanic structure of the seven caves codic ..would match the discription given to Kino as well as the fact it was the home of the Ancient ones as well as the thunderd gods ...

i am not saying this could be a window .. i am saying here is a reason or evidence why it is a window .....?and how these tribes learn what a window was and when they learn this ...

let egt real . to have a theory is one thing to show how this theory fits events of the time and place is as hard as showing who made the turn of events and when they made them posable ...

can i show this evidence i beleive i can ..and just did ,, can i add more evidence or find more evidence of these events . if i am right the path well have vanished but it is not gone . there will be more evidence to be uncoverd ....

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel


You really need to step back and read what you have written.
These claims with out proof tend to come off as ravings.

There is no "fun" in watching you do this.

May I suggest ...
Spend some time looking for "the caves"
and less time speaking unfoundedly about something that may not only embarrass you, but convince everyone here you are not worth listening to.

Too many conflicting points and dates did it for me....Sorry.

You have reached a point where physical proof is required.
You seem to have done the research, It is useless without the physical effort.
Consider me from Missouri from here on out.



Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

if i posted prove or evidence of the caves location , others would deface it before my clam is legal .. you can think what you want .. there is no shame in trying , the only true shame is standing around waiting for some one else to find prove ,, and not trying to find it your self ...

i dont think most of you have any idea of of what i am talking about .. i bet anyone of you that you could take a 1000 people and go out there and not one of you would come within in 50 ft of the this cave i was with in 10 ft of it and had to get closer to see it ....

i agree with you 100 % old dog . after expeditions 3 i will prove it if it is there ...if not i will walk away and that will be the end of me treasure hunting or posting or replying to this site or any other treasure sites . but set there old dog and ask your self if you would not take the chance i have to find these sites if they are real and are there ...?

what is the real value of these treasures if they are found ..

it comes all down to one fact is the stone alter of the codics the same stone alter the peralta stones are showing under the priest .is the secerd cave in the dutchman legend the same secerd cave as the seven caves codic ...

is there any prove of this .. the answer is yes there is prove there ,. is there enough evidence .. we will see on expedition 3 . there is no shame in trying ....

i have not come to a complete stop as most of the legend hunters before ..

if you need prove , real evidence then i will see if i can find that evidence on expedition 3 , till then i will keep working and researching , and finding every bread crumb if need be to get even one real peice of evidence .. this is what it takes IMHO . you need to put your own well being on the back shelve and get into to some real hard work .. research every leed no matter where it takes you or how much of a fool other beleive you are ...

i can out right prove where the ruth map is drawen from ... i dont have to wonder about that , there is no question about its value in finding this cave system ..

i still beleive the LDM is there and is real yet it is almost next to nothering beside histroy of the seven caves ....if i am right this could be the most valueable find in the histroy of north America it self ..

go ahead prove me wrong , look north of brazil and prove Aztlan tis is not there .. prove me wrong , show me a reason that the priest stone is not showing a templar priest standing on a alter ...

the only diffrence between fact and thoeries are can we prove it... i beleive i will on expedition 3 ...

old dog ...if you think i dont care what people think of me you are wrong . but would i let these treasures remain lost to prove i care about what others think of me .... no

lets . make a list

my sighting .
the 1959 sighting
the peralta stones
the ruth map , the dirrection .
dickholmes acount
julia's acount
the boys acount ...
the seven caves legend .
the thunder god legend .
the dr thorns legend
the dutchman legen .
the jesuit kino legend
the Apache legends
the templar legend .
the temple mount legend ,
the tayopa legends
the massacre site legends both them
the dutchman him self
the location and the dirrection that fit the sites
the nephews killing and grave legend ...
the mt range it self .

all these thing out right agree with my sites from my piont of veiw .

these are not all lies ... i beleive IMHO they are all true . but it is up to one persons fate to defind them and prove it ...

i am willing to try ... even if i got to turn over ever grain of sand in that 5 mile circle or if i look like the bigest fool on earth ...

but if i am right i will have used my shamachi to see threw time and space and then proved it ...

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

Although there are some inaccuracies in the history here as far as dates and a few other things in regard to Kino, I am willing to give blindbowman the benefit of the doubt.

He seem serious and I have learned some of the most unbelievable stories in treasure hunting can turn out to be true.

As far as the dates and some history being off a bit, if he is a Shaman it is easy to understand because describing an infinite world and defining it in finite terms is often difficult.

Now am I going to drop everything and believe anything anyone posts of a treasure site? No way, not even close.

But I am not going to knock someone for going out on a limb and trying to explain something that is a little beyond my understanding or possible belief? No, I am not.

I admire the poster for putting it out there.

blindbowman, if you are wrong do not stop posting here or anywhere. I have been wrong hundreds of times. You only have to be right once to make it count.

Do I know if he is a Shaman? No, there is no way of me knowing that.

Regardless I like far out treasure hunting stories. I am willing to listen to what he says and hope he posts more.

This is the treasure legends section.

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

i dont know if i can explan it in away everyone can under stand it .. but i will try .. much in the same way facts collect a given histroy .. the inverse oppsite is also true .. at lest in this case from my piont of veiw ...

IMHO what has happend , is here was a secerd cave system hide in one of the roughest places in the world as those tribes try to stay hiden the delite any sign of them being there . in doing so they caused new legends to become born in and around the area of these seven caves... its much like a vacuim . along with massacres and the sacrifices , no one was left alive to reopen the cave opening ..we are talking about a 10 ft cave with a hole about 3 ft stright downward ,,,...its been a seek and find research from the start ...you can be 10ft from it and not see it .... its odd because the LDM is the same way with one more added trick to the test ..

the piont look at the list . thorn gold could have come from the pit or the cave , the dutch had gold ore , geronamo had a treasure cave thus a cave , kino was told of the volcanic blow out , yet this is what we see in the seven caves codic , we see seven caves with one entrance ...

the other thing is i saw the dove and ravin before i knew of the seven caves codic , ...

same for the nephews site . i was not looking for it when i found it ,,,..

but the fact remains its less then 60yards away from the hiden camp .and rock house ...

i can go out in the mts and find 8 diffrent places where 4 mts aline . but only one with in the 5 mile circle

and even if i was dead wrong why have i found 3 rock houses in this area where scot wood says there has not been any clams in this area ,,
i stated i beleive hunderds of people have walked past these areas in the last 116 years ...

one thing stand out as a true fact . who ever made these caves played hide and go seek with the best of them ...the pit is just so dangerous and hiden its unsafe to get to .. unless you know how ...

i think the dutchman found the cave opening and once he saw what was there he knew it was not his , it belongs to the gods ...i think he saw the graves of the anceint ones and backed away and left it as it was ...i dont know how the caves got there or if they are hand made ... i can only guess as to how many have died for even seeing them or even getting close to this area ...

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

no , i have not got more then 3 miles from where i started ........lol

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

Kind of strange. But a lot of this information almost describes an area in New Mexico. As far as the physical description of the area, not the other stuff.

But I wish you all the success in your treasure hunting, blindbowman.

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel


"cross-contamination".....Say it Ain't so. It's just too much for the common man to imagine. :o


Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

ericwt you state something to me tonight that got me thinking about how i could explan what i see to you in a way others may under stand me ...

after cooking a great dinner of pork steaks and summer squash and petso , and doing the dishes so my girlfriend didnt get stuck with them late .. i came up with a good compairson ..


ok say a meteorite is spoted by 30 people comeing down in one area near a small town . ity lands some where in a heavy wooded area and no one knows where it landed . so some people go a few miles into the woods . looking for it , a few more go 2 miles beyond the frist group and the 3rd group goes 2 miles beyond the second group . now say the meteorite broke up just before it hit ground , the frist group find a few peices biger peice because they fall faster then the other peices of the meteorite . the secound group fines a few more peices of the metorite but they are smaller in size , the 3rd group finds lots of peice but they are much smaller and cast over a large area ...

it come down to a matter of who will find and recover the the most of the meteorite . . are we to be part of the frist group and recover a few good clues . but yet not recover enough evidence to find the meteorite it self or not be able to see the meteorite for its true size and shape ...

any many ways to not widen the search area and in this cast the qualities of evidence and data in say a 100 mile circle . we lemit our recovery as well . when a trail has gone cold you mark what you know and then relate the dirrection of the trail .. yet here the trail vanished telling us we are still in a area where the peices are biger but they are far and few between , so the trail goes cold . and we dont recover the main peice of the meteorite ..

all legends are like riples in a pond . they have a center piont and they fade away outward in waves , often in a case like this there may only be 25 peice that relate to the legend and it may take 15 of those peice to find the center piont . but wich dirrection did they go in and how far did they go .and if we can locate a peice of it dose that peice have evidence that can help us find other peices of relate back to the center piont ..
so when you see me headed in another dirrection others are not looking at . you know why .. because i have found even the smallest peice that has given me clues to other peices . can i collected all these small peice and map them and defind a pattern that well in time leed me back to the center of the legend ...?

its much the same as they do to defind a shipwreck debery feild . but in this case we have the supersititions mt , and the rest of the world . and the time line that spans over 700 years what IMHO keeps confusing people is to many legends in one area ... often many of these legends can be started by one legend ...

and often one peice can be the glue that holds the hole legend togather , or two peice in this case of the LDM . we have a pit and a cave , the rest can be peice cast out over a 100 miles and threw the past 116 years the peice have been lost and refound and lost without being found .. in the case of the peralta stone this is fact IMHO ..

and finding a peice dose not make it real or fact ,,, one thing that fakes do not do is ,fit the same way as the real peices do ...

i thing one of the worst things a person can do is asume the dirrection well take them to the center piont .. just because you find clues that you rate a 9 out of 10 dose not mean those peice are enought to get you any closer to the center piont ...

in some way those parts may be dirrectly related to the center piont but by them selfs they may even leed you away from the center piont of even worse leed you down a dead end like the dutchman legend has done to so many ...yes i may use my shamachi to see what cant be seen under normal conditions , but about 2/3 of this LDM legend is missing or not being seen ...

see i used two pionts and worded around them in waves ,, my sighting in 1979 and the 1959 sighting , he found the cave , i saw the pit i build on this even if we have little evidence to prove ether ...but when the location were found they fit like they were part of the legend and if we question everything we see and do we wont get nothing done at all ... blind faith call it what you may but this system has been finding evidence and i am close to the center piont then i was ,,,,

..as i stated finding the cave or the pit means nothing if you can not prove 100% that they are what you say they are . and you must have prove and evidence to prove what the treasure is and where it came from ....and your clam must be legal as well ...

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

cactusjumper said:

"cross-contamination".....Say it Ain't so. It's just too much for the common man to imagine. :o


lol i agree with this lable . but the facts could be hiden right infront of us in this mass of cross-contamination , and anyone well tell you often the best evidence is right in front of you and it is most often over looked ...or in Oj's case miss labled ...lol

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