Its illegal to take any gold from this spot, Its on federal land. I got One pic of the hundred caves i found because the area drains the phone battery horribly... Even with the phone off.
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As a rockhound you can legally remove a small amount of rocks. It used to be something like 150 pounds per person per year, but I think it has been drastically reduced to something like ten pounds per person per year. Besides, you don't need to remove it at all to take PHOTOS of the gold and ore vein as well.
That looks to me like a natural cave, not a mine. The lost Dutchman mine is a shaft, although the alternate description includes both a tunnel and a shaft. Either way
it should have a mine shaft, dug out by humans with tools, PERHAPS with the aid of blasting powder but doubtful,
it would not be a natural cave. It is extremely, extremely rare to find gold in a natural cave, due to the natural geological processes that create caves is not conducive to the deposition of the gold bearing quartz veins. Conversely, the quartz veins are naturally very resistant to the forces that normally form caverns.
Not trying to be a hard nose by putting some words in BOLD type there, it was just for emphasis. The written word usually comes across much more harshly than intended. No offense intended amigo, and by the way
WELCOME TO TREASURENET! Or some might say the booby-hatch as most folks view all treasure hunters as being crazy! After you have been here a while and you see a new person arrive online claiming they found the LDM (Lost Dutchman's Mine) fairly frequently, you will agree that we have to be cautious about passing out those congratulations when SO many different folks are all claiming they found the LDM and always in a different place!
I take it then that you have not found any gold at your site? Do you have a decent metal detector?