"Picking on you"? Perhaps you should have picked "Sensitive" for a username.
Which part of my posts that mentioned you, gave that idea? Was it the part where I said you seemed "like an intelligent person", or where I called you a "giant"? In a like vein, I have said the same things about Azmula on the LDM Forum, and here, that you have said.
You read it as "picking on" Azmula there, and you are reading the same thing into my posts here. Just read 'em as I write them and you will know what I mean.
"Stay out of my Psyche Joe, it's dark,damp and pretty scary in there. I avoid it at all costs."
I will take your advise here, because I am sure you know yourself (far) better than anyone else does.

Each time you post, you reveal a little of your psyche. You can avoid that by sticking to the topic and not getting involved in personal exchanges.
"Since there is little discussion aside of the 3 of us, it is probably because few know the back story of the Fish map. That might be worth a retelling. Long story though if you go from beginning to end."
Is it a different story than Frank Fish told? I don't doubt that it would be worth retelling, as that's exactly what Randy was after.....Not counting other's opinions. If you have another story, why not tell it here? At least two of us would love to see it.
Lot's of people have bad cases of mental disease. One of the reasons I started out with a "username" here, was because I thought it might delay a few of them from packing them onto this site and displaying their manifestations on this forum. I am not good at subterfuge and don't like using secret identities. I have done it twice, for good reasons, and was not comfortable with the game.
I use my own name so other's can call me when I am wrong, and put me on the right track. When I put my name at the bottom of a post, you know I am not ashamed of what I have written nor unsure of my position. That does not mean I am right, just confident. I am confident I have not "picked on" you. If you will show me where I have, my apology will be sincere and immediate.
Joe Ribaudo