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Sep 9, 2012
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Nebraska City, Nebraska
Primary Interest:
Teddy Roosevelt knew about them because he was a member! How else would he have known about the secret societies of the K.G.C. and the O.A.K. 's symbolism? Think about it.

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”– Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States.

Theodore-Roosevelts-diary-the-day-his-wife-and-mother-died-1884-small.webpteddy X.webp

A picture is sometimes worth MORE than a thousand words. L.C. :thumbsup:

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I think the quote refers to industrial trusts so large they constitue monopolies. Many years later, President Eisenhower made similar comments about the dangers of the "military industrial complex."

The quote is from the Progress Party Platform - not from Mr. Roosevelt personally.

Roosevelt, Theodore. 1913. An Autobiography: XV. The Peace of Righteousness. Appendix B: The Control of Corporations and "The New Freedom."

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

I think we are all aware of Teddy's rhetoric and the quote is from the horse's mouth not his platform!
BUT what about his knowledge of the symbol and it's use?

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Teddy at Arbor Lodge.webp Crossed arms may sometimes indicate anxiety which is either driven by a lack of trust or fear of your immediate surroundings.......Crossed-Arms-on-Chest is universal and is decoded with the same defensive or negative meaning almost everywhere. It is commonly seen among strangers in public meetings, in queues or cafeteria lines, elevators or anywhere that people feel uncertain or insecure.


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The horse is on the other foot. I cited Mr. Roosevelt's autobiography. He quoted those lines from the Progressive Party platform.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

What if you were the president and you were invited to a private meeting at a mansion in Nebraska to meet with the monopolists that had lined your pockets and paved your way to the white house? Then you were surprised there by an architect with a camera? View attachment 1396214

The horse is on the other foot. I cited Mr. Roosevelt's autobiography. He quoted those lines from the Progressive Party platform.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

I was quoting him!!!!!!!!LMAO! ......"BUT what about his knowledge of the symbol and it's use?"

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Rhetoric is used by all politicians, especially those that are the most crooked! That would be saying one thing (what the voters want to hear) and then doing what ever was planned by the secret society of the O.A.K. that paved your way and lined your pockets.


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I agree you were quoting Mr. Roosevelt's book.

If you have a link to a speech or a book or article he wrote, please post it.

Thank you!

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

Say it out loud...Illumination! That is almost Illuminati! :icon_scratch: as in ..."The" Illuminated.......:icon_scratch: teddy X.webpTheodore-Roosevelts-diary-the-day-his-wife-and-mother-died-1884-small.webp


K.G.C symbol for midnight used by them at Nebraska City, Nebraska midnight.webp
The moon is at its brightest when it is 180 degrees away from the sun from our perspective (picture the sun, Earth and moon in a straight line). At this time, the full half of the moon's surface facing the sun is illuminated and is visible from Earth. This is what's known as a full moon.

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When Teddy was Police "Commish" of NYC; PROBABLY also had access to O.A.K. "Secret Files". Review his work with NATIONAL Parks... "covering" KGC/OAK "Sites of Interest" later. NYC was where 3rd Degree of KGC was; leading to OAK... like Scottish Rite can follow "Blue Lodge Masonry" of Master Masons... wanna be 32nd/maybe 33rd...? Go Scottish Rite. Was Teddy 32nd/33rd...? MAYBE... dunno.

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The "X" in his diary entry is for the day both his mother and his wife died, just hours apart. It is said that he never spoke his wife Alice's name again. What a tragedy.

I care much more for the Caribbean nights

The "X" in his diary entry is for the day both his mother and his wife died, just hours apart. It is said that he never spoke his wife Alice's name again. What a tragedy.

Yes, He used the symbol to represent the light now being absent from his life with their passing. The evidence is that only the initiated few would know that was what it represents. He was a member.

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When Teddy was Police "Commish" of NYC; PROBABLY also had access to O.A.K. "Secret Files". Review his work with NATIONAL Parks... "covering" KGC/OAK "Sites of Interest" later. NYC was where 3rd Degree of KGC was; leading to OAK... like Scottish Rite can follow "Blue Lodge Masonry" of Master Masons... wanna be 32nd/maybe 33rd...? Go Scottish Rite. Was Teddy 32nd/33rd...? MAYBE... dunno.

He was most likely initiated when he was the head of the Civil service for Grover Cleveland. It was during that time that he came to Arbor Lodge with Julius Sterling Morton and met his future Sec. of the Navy.....Paul Morton. Teddy is standing between Paul Morton and Joy Morton in this picture from 1905Teddy at Arbor Lodge meeting.webp

When Teddy was Police "Commish" of NYC; PROBABLY also had access to O.A.K. "Secret Files". Review his work with NATIONAL Parks... "covering" KGC/OAK "Sites of Interest" later. NYC was where 3rd Degree of KGC was; leading to OAK... like Scottish Rite can follow "Blue Lodge Masonry" of Master Masons... wanna be 32nd/maybe 33rd...? Go Scottish Rite. Was Teddy 32nd/33rd...? MAYBE... dunno.
...and Teddy's mother's brothers were part of CSA Sec of State Judah P Benjamin's foreign service in England, a second cousin once removed was a CSA Brig Gen Robert Bullock from Ocala.
...and where did Teddy and his Rough Riders visit before arriving in Tampa before shipping out?


Thank you! I had never heard TR's voice before. Sounds like I thought it would.

I made a mistake concentrating on the source (the platform of the Progressive Party) and not the meaning. It is quite clear, from the text and the context, that Mr. Roosevelt was referring to monopolies and other very large trusts.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

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