
Gold Member
Jun 1, 2012
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Golden Thread
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Garrett ADS-7X, Fisher Two Box M-Scope, Mother Lode Locator, Dowsing Model 20 Electroscope, White's TM808, White's TM900, Inground Scanners
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Fellow posters and moderators----I don't know if this is the right place to post this or not but here it is:

Over five and one half years ago my partner Big Ed and I found KGC Symbols and Signs on a 435 year old beech tree in the National Cemetery of Danville, Virginia. Some of you may have seen the stories in the Danville Register and Bee Newspaper or on WRAL Channel 5 in Durham---Raleigh, North Carolina. We have tried every avenue and option legally available to us. The US Government gave us one last option and I hope that the posters here on this forum will pass the word to other forums and other media available to them.

This morning I started a "gofundme" drive to take the United States Government to court. You can find the link, I am unable to copy and paste. I know and absolutely believe that we can win in a Federal District in Danville, Virginia to get permission to dig up the maps to 58 Gold Depositories of the CSA and KGC. We believe these gold depositories contain enough gold to pay off the National Deficit and that is exactly what the "gofundme" drive is for. Please pass the word and let us make this happen. Our country right now is on life support. If we do not act now it may be too late later. Pass the word please.

How much $$$$$$$$$$$$ would you need...? Set a Goal...

Well, that is just the FEDS... what about the private land owners, that own the land the Treasures are on/in...? I DO like the idea of paying down the Trillion dollar debt... to China, MOSTLY. So just give China the land, the treasures are on... HA!

KGC "GHOSTS" may "block" any "pay" to the FEDS, dunno.

$20,000?? For lawyer(s)??!??!?? I think your estimate may be a bit low.

Call Josh Gates!
If Justintime was able to get him to Virginia to look for Beale, Danville and CSA treasure would really get him to return to Virginia.

Franklin, friend please don't do it yourself. Only a fool will represent himself in court. One has to sit back and look at how valid the story sounds. 30 to 40 tons. Think about how much room that would take to bury. In a era of no power equipment that would be a monumental task. Lot of people would have had to know about it and I think that it wouldn't be lost. Just a quick calculation it would have to be a room 10 x 10 x 8 feet. Larger if there was more than just 30 tons. It might be that they used a cave or cavern. Then wall the entrance. A wise man once told me a hole is hard to cover up and hide. Good luck with your venture.

Senior Deacon

Call Josh Gates!
If Justintime was able to get him to Virginia to look for Beale, Danville and CSA treasure would really get him to return to Virginia.

Tell Josh Gates to call me. I don't have his phone number. I am listed in the phone book.

Josh Gates/Casey Brumels
Ping Pong Productions
(323) 845-1182/1183

Thanks ECS. I will give him a call on the grapevine.

good luck,keep us posted.

I really do not know what to tell you. If any treasures is on privately property, then you do not need the federal government permission. Did you take pictures of the signs? Just go after one site. Plan before looking on how you going to dig up the treasures, what shares that you are going to give land owners, how to store and sell all these coins. It is a big project. I recommend that you hire a big time contract lawyer to drawn up all contracts. Good hunting and best of luck because you are going to need it. God bless.

Since the maps are on federal lands, I highly recommend that you ask the assistance of congress members in your state, since IRS will get most of the profits anyway. Good hunting and good luck.

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Oh Franklin, I truly wish I could help you with this. I just wanted to wish you the very best of luck through this! I don't think it's coincidence that many of these treasures are on government-owned land, sadly.

Oh Franklin, I truly wish I could help you with this. I just wanted to wish you the very best of luck through this! I don't think it's coincidence that many of these treasures are on government-owned land, sadly.


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Franklin, Sorry I missed this when it was current. Please clear up a couple of things you said here. First, how do you know a Beech tree is 435 years old. Did you core drill the tree? Secondly how do you know there are exactly 58 depositories?
Third thing is why go to all the trouble to get to the depository maps? Do you not know most if not all the maps to the depositories in the USA are already in the hands of some people. Maybe if you would ask nicely for a map to a specific depository someone might post it right here on this site. I do know of a book that has copies of a couple of those waybill/maps and that several caches of treasure have been located and a few recovered. I viewed a History Channel program about a cemetery in Danville, VA showing carvings on some trees and a grave with a waybill on it. I heard awhile back that a big treasure was found using the stuff shown in the video.

Hello Rennes, and welcome to Tnet! :hello:

One other thought I had refers back to the OP, which states:
"We believe these gold depositories contain enough gold to pay off the National Deficit and that is exactly what the "gofundme" drive is for. Please pass the word and let us make this happen. Our country right now is on life support. If we do not act now it may be too late later."
Ok, let's say that you get the money for the lawyers, AND you take the gov't to court, AND you win, AND you so generously pay off the national debt..... Wow! That would be quite an accomplishment! But what then?? This IS the federal government, after all. ...You know, the folks who like to spend YOUR hard-earned money, even decades before you've earned it! So let's assume for a moment that all of this came to pass. .....What then?? Would we learn our lesson and change our spending habits? Or....would it be like handing over a handfull of clean, fresh credit cards to the gov't? I argue the latter. Even with "fiscal conservative" Trump in office, there's just no possible way you're gonna stop the U.S. Federal Government from over-spending overnight!! It just ain't gonna happen.

Throw into that mix all of the unforeseen things - natural disasters, wars, lining pockets, etc, etc, etc. It adds up pretty darn fast! Besides, even for Trump to fix much of what's wrong is going to cost BIG $$$$. Why? Because you can't fix a huge hole in a dyke/dam by plugging it with a toothpick. It's gonna take a huge effort to make "real and lasting change" in D.C.!!

I had a similar thought once, and wished I could somehow come up with a way to pay off the national debt. Yes, it's a very generous and ambitious goal, but also very improbable. Even if it could be done, doesn't mean it would help matters any. Yes, you can dangle a carrot in front of them with conditions attached, but this IS the Federal Government we're talking about here!!

If you had gold in hand already, I could see you getting a lawyer (or maybe a TEAM of lawyers) to go into federal court. Problem is, nobody is gonna work on promises - ESPECIALLY with the gov't involved!

PS - My thoughts to "help" the gov't occurred back when I used to watch Glenn Beck on FOX News. Everything was such a DO-IT-NOW-OR-ELSE!! catastrophe with him, and I really got caught up in it for a while. So much so that I completely and 100% told DISH Network to get the heck out of my house!! I didn't need to be paying that much per month for some yahoo to tell me the sky is falling. When it falls, I'll know. In the meantime, I look around and educate myself as to "how things work". Sorry, but I just can't see your amazingly benevolent deed really "helping" in the way you think it will. ...Call me a pessimist. :toothy4:

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