Silver Member
Sep 9, 2012
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Nebraska City, Nebraska
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Money trails are left behind when funds are passed through something called a money loop. Unlike money laundering, that tries to wash funds to make them appear clean, money loop funds tend to start clean. However, they become dirty because they were used for a questionable purpose. The term dark money refers to funds that may have been passed into a money loop and not reported to election committees and voters.

Both money laundering and a money loop leave a money trail.

Would love to hear any speculations on this matter, and especially any evidence that would support it.

Thanks, L.C. Baker:icon_scratch:

"Drug Money" being used to build community medical clinics to help POOR ppl...?

:thumbsup: right, reb, if I may use the term reb. it is still working right here in Mobile Al.... there is a place where the drug users
can go ( if they supposedly want to quit ) get the shot of methadone (spelling) or what ever else they give, AND, according to what one told me was if he needed more than he had been taking, they give it to them. All nice and legal but it keeps
money trail working just fine. :icon_thumright:

As of this day they have many venues of opportunity to use fifth generation money that looks so clean you would swear they printed it themselves.........:thumbsup:, but I was more concerned with the beginning of the money trail than the end of the money trail.....there is no end to it.

"Drug Money" being used to build community medical clinics to help POOR ppl...?

Trust me Rebel...I know the whole "opium trade" thing is hard to swallow, but remember we traced these things from the end to the beginning, that is how they were linked to higher Knights in the Inner Sanctum of the Golden Circle.


Some say that the "Freemasons" and the "craft of masonry" began with Euclid in Egypt. Euclid of Alexandria, was a Greek mathematician, often referred to as the "Father of Geometry". Although we have two "Cryptic Freemasons" involved with this K.G.C. hoard in no way does that mean to insinuate that the Freemasons, as a standing body, had anything to do with it. It is believed at this time they were initiated into the Order of American Knights for that very reason, and some of them were Grandfathered in as possibly already being K.G.C.. A ritual is a reenactment of an actual circumstance. What is it when it is performed with a literal translation?:dontknow:
All of the Inner Circle of Knights that we have identified are Freemasons. Could that mean that a prerequisite of the Inner sanctum was to be accepted as a Freemason of a certain degree? Perhaps the 14th degree? The world may never know.

L.C. Baker

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Year Total Population in U.S. of Scotch Irish
1625 1,980
1641 50,000
1688 200,000
1700 250,900
1702 270,000
1715 434,600
1749 1,046,000
1754 1,485,634
1765 2,240,000
1775 2,418,000
1780 2,780,400
1790 3,929,326
1800 5,308,483

Investors in the Virginia Company hoped to profit from the wealth of the New World. In 1606 King James I granted the Company organizers exclusive rights to settle in Virginia. A charter granted land to two branches of the Company—the London branch was to settle a colony near the Chesapeake Bay, while the Plymouth branch was granted land in the New England area. The Company paid all the costs of establishing each colony, and in return controlled all land and resources there and required everyone to work for the Company. The first leader of the Virginia Company in England was its treasurer,

Year Total Population in U.S. of Scotch Irish
1625 1,980
1641 50,000
1688 200,000
1700 250,900
1702 270,000
1715 434,600
1749 1,046,000
1754 1,485,634
1765 2,240,000
1775 2,418,000
1780 2,780,400
1790 3,929,326
1800 5,308,483

From 1717 to the next thirty or so years, the primary points of entry for the Ulster immigrants were Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and New Castle, Delaware. The Scotch-Irish radiated westward across the Alleghenies, as well as into Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, and Tennessee. The typical migration involved small networks of related families who settled together, worshipped together, and intermarried, avoiding outsiders

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The fact is, there wasn't secret plans until a secret society existed. The chicken with out any doubt had to come before the egg in this matter.:laughing7:. What is a secret society really when you get down to the facts?

A secret society is a club or organization whose activities, events, and inner functioning are concealed from non-members. The society may or may not attempt to conceal its existence. The term usually excludes covert groups, such as intelligence agencies, or guerrilla insurgencies, which hide their activities and memberships but maintain a public presence. The exact qualifications for labeling a group as a secret society are disputed, but definitions generally rely on the degree to which the organization insists on secrecy, and might involve the retention and transmission of secret knowledge, denial of membership or knowledge of the group, the creation of personal bonds between members of the organization, and the use of secret rites or rituals which solidify members of the group.

I have to ask myself at what point and for what reason does an organization become secret, and then what or who was it that drove them underground? In the Knights of the Golden Circles' case, they were openly meeting and recruiting members off the street just like the local I.O.O.F. and other clubs. Then in 1860 it got real. Mr. Bickley (a pawn of sorts) calls the big meeting in Raleigh North Carolina and from that point on the K.G.C. became a secret organization. In 1863 we suspect the K.G.C. got rid of who and what ever they were associated with in an undesirable way and regrouped into a more focused and discrete membership and renamed that group the Order of American Knights. Within this organization there was top secret clearance and a need to know basis established firmly among the now mostly high profile members. This was probably due to the high risk of being hung for treason by the powers in control.......
However, new evidence points to the fact that there was activities by key Knights that were taking place as early as 1812, and maybe even earlier than that. It seems the K.G.C. was a secret organization way before the front man Mr. Bickley met with members in 1860.
The point I am trying to make is, that the transformation I just described continued over and over within the K.G.C. and then the O.A.K. year after year, and has continued to points unannounced at this time. However, there is a definite money trail that starts out looking like a dirt road and then it turns into train tracks and then a paved road that leads to another and another until the money trail begins to resemble the highway and road and rail system we have now. It practically leads to everywhere there is money piled up.


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Denver, Colorado AIRPORT indicate SKY-WAYS, too...

Not connected YET....but I don't doubt it considering the bailouts from the fed.....same as the automotive industry. Most anything with that many government regulations and a federal governing body is on the list to be back tracked for sure.

thanks, L.C.

Have you ever had the feeling that the South lost the war.....but they won the battle??


Have you ever had the feeling that the South lost the war.....but they won the battle??

Have you ever seen the silent movie "BIRTH OF A NATION"?
When and why it was made and who funded the production?
Director,D W Griffith,whose father was a CSA Col,based his movie on the book"THE CLANSMAN",by Thomas Dixon Jr.
Dixon was a classmate of Woodrow Wilson at Johns Hopkins University,and "Birth of a Nation" was the first movie to be shown at the White House(Wilson).
The 1915 silent movie had a running time of over 3 hrs,and had its own music score for accompaniment,which incorporated "Dixie" and "Old Folks At Home" in that score.

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No, I had never heard of it ECS. I will find it and watch it, and get back to you.

Thanks for the help, L.C.

Before the gold rush era.....there was copper and who do you think jumped in and took control of it?


Have you ever had the feeling that the South lost the war.....but they won the battle??


The South lost the first Civil War but won the second, otherwise known as Reconstruction. With immense assistance from the KGC, the South survived Reconstruction and then rebuilt the South's economy to where it was stronger than ever.
~Texas Jay

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