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Sep 9, 2012
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Nebraska City, Nebraska
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As you already know, J.W. Booth wasn't around for any questioning. If he was, he could have told us the name of the K.G.C.'s superintendent of operations that gave him orders and gold coin (untraceable) for he and his fellow assassins to operate on. There has been more than one account of Booth's inability to have planned the assassination on his own. We have released the evidence in "The Ones That Got Away" that points to the revelation that there was in fact a K.G.C. spy going in between the K.G.C. inner sanctum of elders and a team of would be assassins. Although there is no written account of messages passed between them, we have put the leader or "superintendent" of the assassins all together at the Kirkwood working on a plot to position themselves in control of a mono[poly on the South's cotton. The men were tying to make a cotton deal that involved both President Jefferson Davis and President Abe Lincoln, Orville Browning, John Singleton, and a "Daredevil" named Ficklin. The men conspired together on more than one occasion and they met secretly together in more than one location including the home of Senator Orville Browning and the Kirkwood Hotel. The hard evidence has been found and revealed for all to see. There should now be no doubt that it was the K.G.C. that assassinated the President, but it was over the oath of allegiance to the Union not for revenge of any kind.


For those that are interested...http://www.amazon.com/The-Ones-That-Got-Away/dp/1499593694

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I've always believed Booth's original plan, (which may have included the KGC) was to kidnap Lincoln and exchange him for Confederate POWs and carry on the fighting anew. That is why most believe the KGC collected and buried their resources: to fund further fighting if a way could be found to continue the war. Then when Booth learned Lee had surrendered and the war was lost, he changed the plan from kidnapping to murder.

The KGC may have been involved in the original kidnap and exchange operation, but my humble opinion is Booth went beyond the orig. plan and murdered Lincoln on his own out of pure personal hatred for Lincoln's subjugation of the South...After the Assassination, Booth read some newspapers and couldn't believe he wasn't being hailed as a hero by the Southern people. Most people, North and South, thought a government of "Radical Republicans " would be a lot harder on the South without Lincoln alive to restrain them...The KGC would also have known this and would have wished Lincoln had lived.

interesting thread... one of the great Civil War mysteries.

It has also been documented that John Wilkes Booth had called on, and met with, Vice-President Andrew Johnson on more than one occasion, his last visit or attempted visit, with Johnson was at the Washington Hotel, just seven hours before Booth would kill President Abraham Lincoln. J.W. Booth had written and signed a message for Vice-President Johnson that day, the message would later be turned over to the United States Secret Service agents investigating Lincolns assassins. The note, written by J.W. Booth was found in Vice President Andrew Johnson’s mail box at the Kirkwood House Hotel in Washington D.C., where Mr. Johnson had taken up residence. The message left by Booth was not found until the day after Lincoln’s murder, and it read as follows;

"Don't wish to disturb you Are you at home?
J. Wilkes Booth."

This is not the kind of note you leave for someone in their mailbox. This was the Kind of note that you would send up to someone’s room or apartment, by way of a messenger. A person that you are familiar with could possibly be at home, but not wanting to receive any visitors. The person would make it appear as if he was not at home, but a special guest, like Mr. John Wilkes Booth the famous actor, may still have been received upon their hand written request presented by a door man or servant. This note would have had no purpose when left in a mail box where it was found on April 15th 1865 the day after the president was shot. What good would “ARE YOU AT HOME?” be to Booth if it was answered the following day? The message was obviously left in the vice president’s mailbox upon returning from Johnson’s empty room by whoever Booth had sent the note up with, to see if the vice president was in his room. Upon that person’s return to the lobby of the hotel they would have verbally told Booth that Johnson was not answering his door and then they would have left the unopened and unread note, now in their possession, in the vice president’s mailbox as soon as Booth had turned away from them and left the building. It is also very possible that Vice President Johnson received John Wilkes Booth as a secret visitor that day, and the note was placed into Johnson's mailbox after its use by the hotel employee that had delivered it to Johnson‘s door.
Possibly one of the few mistakes that John Wilkes Booth made, was not taking his note back from the person he sent it up with. It was because of this note that implications and accusations against the Vice President were made that placed Johnson into the conspiracy to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln. After all, Vice President Johnson stood to become “President Johnson”. What more motive could you have.
Booth had went to the hotel to see Andrew Johnson just a few hours before the assassin would carry out Lincoln’s murder.
It would be fair to say, that John Wilkes Booth had familiar knowledge of Vice-President Andrew Johnson’s habits. It is also highly likely that Booth had came to see Andrew Johnson before April 14th, 1865 in a similar fashion. Booth would have known that Johnson may have been home sometimes when he was said to be away from his residence at the Washington Hotel. Prior meetings between Booth and Andrew Johnson would have gave Booth this knowledge, along with a method of announcing himself upon his arrival at the hotel, without announcing his arrival there to the general public. Booth was one of the most famous actors of the day, and highly recognizable. The person at the hotel he would use as a contact would not have been at the front desk, and may not have been an employee of the motel. This person could have been just another K.G.C. contact at the hotel. Perhaps it was another guest in the same hotel that was higher up in the K.G.C. than John Wilkes Booth. It is most likely that this person of interest would be found out after the assassination of Lincoln, and certainly at the very least, taken into custody by the secret service.
As it would turn out, the hallways, bars, and rooms at the famous “Kirkwood House Hotel” were crawling with conspirators in the years, months ,weeks, and even the day before and the morning of the assassination of President Lincoln. Do you think it was just a coincidence that Andrew Johnson was living there too? He was practically an arms reach from the assassins while they were housed, and visiting the hotel, to attend secret meetings planning Lincoln‘s demise. It would seem highly likely that Andrew Johnson was one of them. Just look at what he did , or tried to do, after he took over the presidency. He was sworn in as president in his residence at the Kirkwood House Hotel. This was not a very large establishment by today’s standards. It did not have endless wandering hallways. To imagine all of these men staying under the same roof and not passing in the halls or meeting in the hotel bar is a ridiculous assumption. They drank and dined in the hotel lobby , dining area and bar. Maybe not every meal or every day but over a period of months, that would add up to a lot of days and nights of hotel living. “Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner with a night cap or a few evening cocktails in the hotel bar to wind down a nervous conspirator?” Not that hard to imagine them at least making acquaintance daily.
On the morning of April 14th, 1865 George Atzerodt rented room number 126 in the Kirkwood House. Luis Payne had also stayed in a room at the Kirkwood where meetings between John Wilkes Booth, David Harold, and George Atzerodt and himself had been taking place.
Johnson had made an impromptu (unnecessary and unasked for) drunken rambling acceptance speech that actually delayed the swearing in of Abe Lincoln. After this speech he dropped out of sight, went to the Kirkwood Hotel and stayed out of sight there for the next six weeks, until April 1865 when Lincoln was shot. He was sworn in at the Kirkwood and then moved into the white-house after he was made president. I believe Andrew Johnson knew he was going to be the president when he was sworn in as vice-president.

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I've always believed Booth's original plan, (which may have included the KGC) was to kidnap Lincoln and exchange him for Confederate POWs and carry on the fighting anew. That is why most believe the KGC collected and buried their resources: to fund further fighting if a way could be found to continue the war. Then when Booth learned Lee had surrendered and the war was lost, he changed the plan from kidnapping to murder.

The KGC may have been involved in the original kidnap and exchange operation, but my humble opinion is Booth went beyond the orig. plan and murdered Lincoln on his own out of pure personal hatred for Lincoln's subjugation of the South...After the Assassination, Booth read some newspapers and couldn't believe he wasn't being hailed as a hero by the Southern people. Most people, North and South, thought a government of "Radical Republicans " would be a lot harder on the South without Lincoln alive to restrain them...The KGC would also have known this and would have wished Lincoln had lived.

Ask yourself this, who would Booth have turned Lincoln over to had he been actually kidnapped? What podium would have made those prisoner trade negotiations? What good would that have been after 1863 to the C.S.A. by early 1864 the war had taken a turn. I believe the first attempt to kidnap Lincoln was a set up (training mission) to see if the assassins would back out of the deal when the time came. It was called off when none other than Salmon P. Chase stepped out of Lincolns coach. Salmon P. Chase was a Freemason Democrat until Lincoln's office when he became a Republican.....then he became a Democrat again. I believe he was a "Copperhead" and possibly K.G.C. He had early dealings with Senator William McKendree Gwin. on the Gadsden Purchase

The Pierce administration, which took office in March 1853, had a strong pro-southern, pro-expansion mindset. Louisiana Senator Pierre Soulé was sent to Spain to negotiate the annexation of Cuba. Expansionists John Y. Mason of Virginia and Solon Borland of Arkansas were appointed as ministers, respectively, to France and Nicaragua. Pierce's Secretary of War, Jefferson Davis, was already on record as favoring a southern route for a transcontinental railroad, so southern rail enthusiasts had every reason to be encouraged.
The South as a whole, however, remained divided. In January 1853 Senator Thomas Jefferson Rusk of Texas introduced a bill to create two railroads, one with a northern route and one with a southern route starting below Memphis on the Mississippi River. Under the Rusk legislation, the President would be authorized to select the specific termini and routes as well as the contractors who would build the railroads. Some southerners, however, worried that northern and central interests would leap ahead in construction and opposed any direct aid to private developers on constitutional grounds. Other southerners preferred the isthmian proposals. An amendment was added to the Rusk bill to prohibit direct aid, but southerners still split their vote in Congress and the amendment failed.
This rejection led to legislative demands, sponsored by William Gwin of California and Salmon P. Chase of Ohio and supported by the railroad interests, for new surveys for possible routes. Gwin expected that a southern route would be approved — both Davis and Robert J. Walker, former secretary of the treasury, supported it. Both were stockholders in a Vicksburg-based railroad that planned to build a link to Texas to join up with the southern route. Davis argued that the southern route would have an important military application in the likely event of future troubles with Mexico.

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I am REALLY DATING myself with this post !!!!!!!!!!!!! MANY MANY MANY years ago , when TV was still B&W, there was a television show on , I think it was called " Playhouse 90 " , One night there was a show about the Lincoln Assassination,,, Since my grade level was in the process of Civil War History , My teacher recommended that all students watch it. I do not recall all the specifics but the last few minutes always stayed in my mind.
The part focused around some relation of Lincoln , Kneeling by a roaring fireplace, I would have dated it as maybe 1915 era, He was with a young child maybe 12, The adult was going through a box of papers and tossing them in the fire, The child asked whose papers they were , the adult replied , " these papers need to be burned , they would show that the assassination was part of a plan from Lincolns Cabinet " The part ended with just a shot of papers going into a roaring fire.
Be it a fact of writters fiction, for some reason over the years I have always kept that image in my mind---- Maybe that is why I still chase history today

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Lincoln's cabinet had more than one K.G.C. member in it. Considering they met in the white-house kitchen (because it was the warmest room in the house) the president was an arms reach form the Knights at all times. If he had an idea....the K.G.C. knew about it immediately. However, it would not help the South win the war.
Thanks for your input, L.C. Baker

Lincoln's cabinet had more than one K.G.C. member in it. Considering they met in the white-house kitchen (because it was the warmest room in the house) the president was an arms reach form the Knights at all times. If he had an idea....the K.G.C. knew about it immediately. However, it would not help the South win the war.
Thanks for your input, L.C. Baker

They were known as COPPERHEADS, and connected with KGC, CSA spies, etc. it was PERSONAL with J.W. as his friend BEALE, was hung by yanks in New York; Lincoln WOULD NOT intervene, thus, an "eye for an eye"...

My concern is to what the KGC turned into. What unnamed agency. Also, did they really find JWB or a look alike.

Casca, follow the money to the Federal Bank.

I doubt the KGC was as significant a body as they made themselves out to be. No doubt they existed but I think their level of impact on this country was far less then what their legend has created over the years, i.e., there's rumor of hidden KGC treasure just about everywhere you go. Having said all this, there are some curious events within the Lincoln assassination that leave room for all sorts of speculation, but KGC? There were a lot of people in both the north and south that didn't favor Lincoln or his policies, the same can be said of other countries. Whenever there's an assassination there is always speculation of mysterious groups and secret objectives attached to them.....always!

Let's examine the notion this way;

If the KGC was behind the Lincoln assassination then they weren't very well organized or overly brilliant in their planning. In Lincoln's era it would have been possible to approach him in a hundred different scenarios VS the very poor/exposed option that was eventually selected......"a confined theater crowded with people." If the KGC was as influential and resourceful as many like to believe then why the sloppy planning and complete lack of sufficient resources? And where was all of their power and influence and brilliance after the deed was done? Killing Lincoln didn't accomplish a thing.

Bigscoop, I beg to differ on all points of your previous post. First the KGC was well organized and at the time of Lincoln's Assassination they had over 3,000,000 members. JWB had planned to assassinate President Lincoln himself even if the KGC did not approve of it. It was at the first inauguration of Lincoln. They tried to cut him out and capture him on his way from Baltimore to Washington City. There were other close attempts. But the last attempt that finally assassinated Lincoln was well thought out. John Surrett escaped went and stayed at the Vatican in Rome as the Pope himself ordered the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. There were others in on the assassination Jacob Thompson, Judah Benjamin as well as all members of the Confederate Cabinet and President Jefferson Davis himself all gave their final approval.

US Secretary of War Edwin Stanton was in on the assassination as well as Vice President Andrew Johnson. Lincoln was notified of Jacob Thompson and John Surrett's departure of leaving the States and Lincoln told his SS to let them go. That self-same night he was assassinated. Lincoln himself in his own diary knew he was not going to live to see slavery abolished in the US. He said, "As Moses freeing the Israelites did not get to cross over Jordan he was not going to see the slaves freed and he was not going to cross over Jordan as Moses did not.

My gggrandfather was to guard President Abraham Lincoln that fateful night when JWB assassinated him. Secretary of War Edwin Stanton had him pulled from duty and another SS was put in his place. The other SS was in on the assassination and was holding JWB's horse for him. My gggrandfather was a double SS for the North and the South, he left Washington City later to guard President Jefferson Davis on his flight towards Irwinville, Ga.

I'll stand by my previous post. "Poorly thought out, far too few resources, and no accomplished effect." It was a very sloppy affair, an act of pure desperation with a lot of last minute actions and uncertainties. Certainly not that of a well organized body with unlimited resources and tremendous influence. Had the KGC maintained the power and influence that many want to believe then things would have never gotten to the point of such a desperate act. But this is just my opinion.

I doubt the KGC was as significant a body as they made themselves out to be. No doubt they existed but I think their level of impact on this country was far less then what their legend has created over the years, i.e., there's rumor of hidden KGC treasure just about everywhere you go. Having said all this, there are some curious events within the Lincoln assassination that leave room for all sorts of speculation, but KGC? There were a lot of people in both the north and south that didn't favor Lincoln or his policies, the same can be said of other countries. Whenever there's an assassination there is always speculation of mysterious groups and secret objectives attached to them.....always!

The Knights of the Golden Circle was a secret society. The true depth of the organization has yet to be disclosed. All the general knowledge of their activities was never made public, and even then it was loosely accurate. We have information that has never been made public knowledge but soon will be. I promise you it will be "NEW" information that is indisputable. What you have to realize is that the people involved were posing as "Republicans". They have never been looked into for the past 150 years as K.G.C. spies. It was through the discovery of K.G.C./ O.A.K. clues (buried in the ground) that we were able to track down multiple financial schemes that the K.G.C. was part of throughout history, and the members involved in them. I know you believe the way you do, because of misinformation and lies that has been fed to you throughout your life. When the truth comes to light, and it will, you will have to unlearn a lot of things that you have been taught as fact They used K.G.C. funds to start up companies (with a wide range of venues), some of which are still operating to this day, and are worth 'BILLIONS".
Thanks for your input, L.C. Baker

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If the assassination was poorly planned how is it that JWB was able to elude all Yankee Post and escape.
Unless you're referencing a different story/theory, he didn't escape capture. In fact, given the period and the simple means afforded them, it didn't take them very long to round him up. I would think a well-funded body with unlimited resources and influence could have arranged to have him on a vessel and on his way out of the country rather quickly after the event. Instead, he is pretty much left to his own resources and means.

And what was accomplished with the Lincoln assassination? If not a simple act of revenge then what did this diabolical act and super powerful organization accomplish? In the end the policies of the north flooded into the south just as they would have done without the assassination. In other words, the killing of Lincoln changed absolutely nothing, a fact that is hard to imagine if indeed such an influential and powerful body really existed and had been behind the killing......but absolutely nothing changed, everything continued to progress just as if Lincoln had still been alive. At best, it was a final act of desperate men who maintained absolutely no control over much of anything.

The Knights of the Golden Circle was a secret society. The true depth of the organization has yet to be disclosed. All the general knowledge of their activities was never made public, and even then it was loosely accurate. We have information that has never been made public knowledge but soon will be. I promise you it will be "NEW" information that is indisputable. What you have to realize is that the people involved were posing as "Republicans". They have never been looked into for the past 150 years as K.G.C. spies. It was through the discovery of our artifacts (buried in the ground) that we were able to track down multiple financial schemes that the K.G.C. was part of throughout history, and the members involved in them. I know you believe the way you do, because of misinformation and lies that has been fed to you throughout your life. When the truth comes to light, and it will, you will have to unlearn a lot of things that you have been taught as fact They used K.G.C. funds to start up companies (wide range of venues), some of which are still operating to this day, and are worth 'BILLIONS".
Thanks for your input, L.C. Baker

I prefer to believe in "documented" materials, and not in the speculative writings of others, or in the writings of those with a vested interest in "spreading the word". From everything I've ever researched the KGC wasn't nearly the powerful and influential body they thought they were and I have yet to see one ounce of proof to the contrary. In their hay-day the KKK made many similar claims...I think the KGC pretty much falls into this same class...way over-touted for what they really embodied. In fact, the KKK probably had more success during their short time atop their self-made throne then the KGC ever accomplished. But again, this is just my opinion.

It is those very documents that i speak of. My interest is only to make them public knowledge to the misinformed nation that was built on a foundation of lies and deception by those K.G.C. affiliates involved. I want to set the record straight before I am gone from this earth, gold is not my driving force.
Very insightful input and greatly appreciated, L.C. Baker

The activities that I speak of took place during the "reconstruction" after the Civil War had ended, and carried on from that point until at least 1902. The Knights maintained their position in the U.S. government throughout that entire period in history. Thanks, BAKER

A "super-secret organization" that went about the countryside supposedly leaving their secret markings & symbols all over the place? That makes little sense if one is truly trying to remain, "super-secret". The same can be said of the Mason's, etc. Where is the logic in performing actions that defy the proposed claim/objective?

Also, during the period there were many powerful and influential people who were members to various organizations, however, this in no way confirms the involvement/plots of those various organizations. This same thing can still be said today. I think we tend to forget that there were just as many intelligent and influential men on the opposite side of the fence, perhaps even more, hard to believe they would have been blind to it all or without means of addressing/exposing these various plots and issues. It is for this reason and others just like it that I firmly believe that most of these super-secret plots and mysteries have simply been fabricated through the inquisitive and creative minds of men. But again, this is just my personal opinion.

If the assassination was poorly planned how is it that JWB was able to elude all Yankee Post and escape.

If you're asking how did he get as far as he did...no cell phones in those days!

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