KGC clues found with John Murrell, put on your thinking caps!!!!!


Jr. Member
Oct 25, 2006
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Mansfield La.
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OK gentleman I had heard a local legend about a confederate wagon train here in the neutral zone about ten years ago. At that time I figured the old man was pulling my leg and did not pay him any attention. In my hunting trips I later found a pair of twin springs that looked like a great place to hide out if a man was on the run. I recently read Bob B. book and told my girlfriend and she wanted to look at the site. We had a wonderful picnic and was getting ready to leave when we found the first beech tree that was marked. Many of the markings are graffiti but the older ones are not. On our first trip our pictures did not show up so we went down there with a better camera and chalk a week later. After using a wire brush many more markings showed up and she took great pictures. the next week I thought I knew where to dig and after finding a layer of ironore I decided that the ground was undisturbed. I went back to the first tree and sighted along the heart arrow and marked off 19 yards. My 7 year old daughter was having fun helping dad look for treasure and held the tape for me. thats when I found the J tree and Murrells name there. I believe both Jesse and Murrell used this spot to hide. We went back last Sunday with My Dad and took a second set of pics. The pictures from her camera are larger than the 196 KB so I have tried to put in a hyper link. I hope this works. The second to last picture has a strange symbol under murrells name that I am sure means something. The picture of the snake is laying eggs but his head did not show up in the pic. There are two 19's on two trees both are underlined. Vara signs? There is also a misspelled word with a curious yj combination letter. I have read volumes of books over the last month and on of the books about Jesse mentions this spot by name after reading that I could not sleep for hours. Man this mystery is fun. Any insight from anyone would be appreciated as this mystery is keeping me up at night. Thanks Roger

Yo! Rebel here: ;D "neutral zone" is just another word for "free state" in the Civil War... neither North OR South... Union OR Confederacy... etc. etc. I think Missouri was one... AND MANY ex-Rebels became the OUTLAWS of the old wild west... burying treasure/loot "here & there... EVERYWHERE..." lol and YES! Jesse was one of 'em... ;)

Maybe I should have make the neutral zone definition a little clearer. There was a time when the boundary between Texas and Louisiana was disputed. The French claimed several miles west of the Sabine river and the Spanish claimed several miles east of the River. When the U.S. bought the Louisiana Purchase from France we inherited the dispute. When Texas gained Independence the border was still in dispute. It seems that Lawmen from both states would shoot at each other from time to time. In order to keep someone from getting killed lawmen from both sides were told to stayed away from each other. The disputed land now became lawless and the perfect place to hide if you needed to. Do a search for neutral zone Louisiana and you will have plenty of reading. I would have liked to have posted the pictures here but the forum said they were to big so I did the next best thing. I did not realise that when I uploaded them they went in reverse order.
I went back there Sunday and found more carvings but left my camera. I also found a old shovel with the handle completely gone. I guess I am not the only one who has looked at the spot. This weekend I plan to go back to the tree with the J on it and go beyond it like the clue indicated. It sounds simple but is worth a try. Wish me luck Roger

The treasure I am looking for was from the New Orleans mint. The bankers and the mint moved all of their gold and the armory was moved as well before the city was captured. The local legend is that the wagon train was seen Trying to cross the river by ferry but couldn't because it was swollen. It was next seen on a back road about .75 miles from where I am hunting. The wagon train was not seen anywhere else. I got this story from a local man who is Known for his stretchers so I went to a second man whose family were some of the original settlers of the area and he did hear the story but couldn't give any more information. I am not trying to make any connection between Murrell and the KGC. I simply think the place is such that both could have used it as a hideout at different times. Murrell before the war and the KGC during and after. Jesse was here according to the local history section at our library. The historian at the battle park thinks he may have lived for a short time in Pleasant Hill La. Also I heard from a very unreliable source that the bank in that town was robbed by him. I will check that lead out as well. I will see if I can crop some of the pictures and get them posted here. I believe you will like the pics and your insight may be very useful. Thanks Roger

Yo! Rebel here: THAT is a right interesting "post", BECAUSE, the Beale Treasure here in Bedford County, Va. is rumored to be part of the "Mint from New Orleans..." and the "story" is actually connected to Rebels, Spies, and the Civil War... DANG! :o Hmmmmm... ;)

Hello Rebel. I ordered a book on the Beale codes a week ago and am still waiting for it to arrive. Some of the nonsense words that are carved in to the trees could be connected with Beale. If you can get to the link in my post you can see the date Oct, 12, 1720 carved on of the trees. The date carved there cant be a real date because it would have to be carved by Spanish and they transpose day and month. Europeans still do that today. I have tried date ciphers but not had any luck. I am hoping the Beale book I ordered may give me some insight.

the J symbol is often used to mean turnabout, or return the way you came {as facing the carving......i do hope you don't think beale was alive in 1720...the beale code that was broken supposedly being coded to a document that was written after 1750, don't think it will help much.......just a thought.,,,,,,,,...g

Yo! Rebel here: ;D Well... this is VERY interesting... The Beale Treasure story was written in 1885 or thereabout... based on the trip out West by T.J. Beale & Associates... TWO TIMES... & burying BIG treasure(s) in the mountains above/around Montvale, Va. in Bedford County, Va. (near Roanoke... formerly known as Big Lick...) in 1819 AND 1822 or thereabout... IF, it is only a "cover-story" for the CSA Treasury (with stuff from the MINT in New Orleans, guarded by C.S. MARINES...). WOW! REBEL MARINES !!! who CoULD have sailed the stuff on the "high seas"... :o

The link must take me to the same place as SWR mentioned asking for name and password.

Hope you can post the pics!

Eagerly awaiting....

Yo! Rebel here: ;D I've been thinking... MAYBE Beale of the Beale Codes/Treasure was REALLY John Murrell (bandit)... Beale was stated to be swarthy... handsome fellow; could he have been a Melungeon or Redbone from New Orleans? Murrell had his "Mystic Clan"... Beale had his "associates"... there is a "Masonic connection" here... 'cause MOST FreeMasons CAN keep secrets... HMMMM... SO ! the story plot thickens... is Mark Twain here? lol... THEN... there is a "mystery man" who lived alone above Monvale, Va. "BUCK" W.T. Wright... ???

Thanks for the encouragement. I tried to crop the pics myself couldn't, so my girlfriend said she will try to crop the pictures so I can post them here. I had not heard that the J was a turn around sign. But it was one of the most significant signs on what I call the Jesse tree. The first tree we found had a Heart shaped arrow on it with a 19 and 2 vara signs on the other side. I followed the arrow to the Jesse tree and did a fair amount of detecting. I wonder now if the J on the tree is telling me to go back and measure 19 double paces along the same line. If it could only be so simple. wish me luck and I will get the pics here asap. Roger

I have also found the "J" to mean to reverse or mirror.

Also, keep in mind that if this is KGC, any distance measurements will most likely not be varas or paces. They were very precise in the bearings and distance information they gave and in the actual corresponding field layout. In my experience, they have used feet, rods, and chains. Everything was accurately varas or paces.

If you would like me to resize or crop your pictures, feel free to email them to me. My hotmail account has plenty of space and I can edit them how you want and send them right back to you to post.

Good luck,

Thanks for the offer to resize the pics Boattoa. I sent them to you and if you can post them here without sending them back feel free. I hope I sent you the picture of the snake laying eggs because it may be a map. I also sent a picture that I would like others to tell me what they think it is. I know what I think it is but I want others to give their first impression. As far as a mirror image meaning I will look at my snake map and try. The 19 on the two trees may mean South. IF I go back to the first tree and go opposite the arrow it will put just about the middle of the twin springs but that would be West. The ML on the first tree could be 1050 in Roman Numbers but which direction, South maybe? I cant wait till this weekend. Roger

Hi Magnsdad,
I just sent you the pictures back and then saw your post to go ahead and attach your pictures. I'll go ahead and do that now. They look awesome. Keep going! There is no doubt they are KGC. I have many, in fact most of the same symbols on trees and I'm not in the same state. M.L. is also on one of my trees written/carved the same way. They are not roman numerals here.


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BTW, I don't believe the "J" to be a reverse symbol in this case...
Good luck,

Thanks Boattow. Did you see the combination letter yj in the word benoyd? Also did you notice Murrels name was larger in the middle than the ends? Does the broken heart above the 19 indicate Danger? I must have missed the snake I will send it to you and if you don't mind please post it too. The date 1720 has got to mean something besides a date. I don't believe the tree to be 300 years old. If you Know what the ML is please tell me. Still I appreciate the help you have given me. Roger

One more thing. The funny symbol under Murrells name. The closest thing I can find is the Greek letter Phi. Is has to do with a math formula that is called get this the Golden mean. Any other Ideas?

Yo! Rebel here: ;D ;D THANK for posting "pics"; they DO look KGC; we have 'em on beech trees, here in Va.; AFTER the Civil War, MOST symbols were put on rocks, boulders, etc.; "turkey foots", turtles... etc.; here is a GREAT site to learn from: ;D have fun! HH ;)

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