Re: help us to find the soldier schueler
Here's some more:
Herbert C. Schueler was born at Columbia, the son of
William Schueler and his wife nee Ida Oerter. He was
married to Miss Leola Ludwig, daughter of Philip Ludwig
and his wife Anna, nee Naumann. This union was blessed
with one daughter, Wendy Lou.
Mr. Schueler attended the Columbia public school and
graduated from the Columbia High School. He attended
the David Rankin Trade School, taking Architectural
Drafting and Construction Technique at night school. He
studied with the Chicago Technical College by correspon-
dence, taking estimating and construction. While with the
U. S. Army in France he attended the Biaritz American
University, Biaritz, France, taking courses relating to con-
Mr. Schueler is a general contractor with Schueler
Brothers, Contractors and Builders, Inc. He is president of
the Monroe Building and Supply Co., president of Colum-
bia Development Co., Inc., and director of Schueler Bros.
Inc., Credit Union.
Monroe Building and Supply Co. started in 1952. Offi-
cers were Herbert Schueler, president; William Schueler,
vice president; Clarence Schueler, secretary-treasurer.
They procured buildings from Jefferson Barracks and cut
them down in sections, transported them to Columbia and
set them up for lumber storage.
Schueler Bros. Contractors and Builders was organized
in 1921 with William Schueler head of the organization.
In 1938 Clarence Schueler came into the business and in
1940 Herbert Schueler joined it and the name was changed
to William Schueler and Sons.
During World War II when both boys were in the
service and there was a scarcity of building materials a
brief interruption in business was necessary. But after the
return of the boys after the war the two boys carried on
the business, with the senior partner dropping out. The
firm became Schueler Bros., Contractors and Builders until
1959, when the partnership was incorporated.
Herbert Schueler is president of this incorporation;
William Schueler, vice president and Clarence Schueler,
secretary and treasurer.
He belongs to Columbia Post 581 American Legion,
and is also a member of the Legion Drill Team.
Note: This information is as of 1959. I'll keep looking.