East Fork, SG River Prospecting Enforcement


Jr. Member
Sep 10, 2012
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Golden Thread
Southern California
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All Treasure Hunting

So I've been following the threads about the East Fork location for a while and finally picked up some gear. Was going to head down there as soon as the roads were open again but figured I should call the ANF Ranger station to find out about claims, since I've seen a fair amount of warnings about jumping someone's claim. I got a pretty good phone spanking from the woman who said ALL prospecting is illegal but it has been overlooked until now. She said so many people have been showing up, leaving trash, not filling in giant holes and generally making such a big mess that they are now enforcing the law and turning people away. She referred me to this:

Forest Mining Policy

All mining operations (location of mining claims, prospecting, and mining, including panning, sluicing, and dredging) under the 1872 Mining Law are prohibited within withdrawn areas of the Angeles National Forest. Public Law No. 578 (1928 withdrawal) withdrew areas from entry and location under the mining laws. There is no provision in PL 578 which provides for even a limited right to enter the withdrawn lands to prospect. Therefore, National Forest System lands within the East Fork of the San Gabriel River are not open to prospecting or any other mining operations.

So, what gives? Are we standing up for our rights and defying this because it's actually "our" land ... or are we just playing stupid?

Has anyone here been turned away yet?

Sorry if this has been answered somewhere else. I looked but it's a very expansive forum and couldn't find anything.


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PL 578 does not prohibit prospecting (exploration), it only withdrew certain areas from mineral entry (filing of a claim) to prevent huge mining operations. The FS is making up their own "policy" and not the law. There has been no citations given and when you ask them what law or code I am breaking, they have no answer because there isn't a law against it. The East Fork is listed on the new dredging regs. (if we ever get to dredge again) as a certain class so it can be dredged in season, so why can't you pan and sluice?
The problem up there is the homeless that have moved in in numbers and dig 24/7 making huge holes into the banks. And now with the fire they are going to be all over up there trying to intimidate and lie to get people to leave. The FS thinks they own the forest.

Let things calm down a bit before you head up there again. It's a shame because I just found a little honey hole...


Thanks for the clarification Edson. I get it. It's really a case of a few spoiling it for the many, as so often is the case. I'll chill for a bit then head up there with a pan and a mini-bazooka and see how it goes. It's really just about getting out, doing something different and having a bit of fun in the process. Getting into a confrontation of sorts with a FS person will definitely ruin that. I understand the FS in underfunded and they do certainly have a purpose out there, it's just unfortunate that they're trying to take such extreme measures here and throwing the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak.


Just some more info on this.

I have been going up there every week or every other week for the last couple months. I have had the man walk up on me and start out with a real attitude about sluicing in the river. Once he realized I was not homeless, drinking beer causing any issues he seemed to calm down some.

He try to tell me that I was not allowed to be there but after several questions about which code of law I was breaking he seem to understand I knew my rights and there were no such law I was breaking.

PLEASE Keep in mind I asked and stated my case in the most respectful way I knew how. Meaning even though I knew I was in my right I never once acted like a smart ass or pretended to be smarter than him.

There is a local group of us (10-35 people feel free to join us its free and fun American Prospector Outings & Updates ) that head up there one to two times a month. One time when we went we had a rep from the PLP ( Public Lands for the People )come with us and really educated a lot of people on our rights.

You can visit their site and read about your rights to prospect (Public Lands for the People, Inc. ). There is a thing called the challenge card. You can get them from the PLP. This is a political and legal way to challenge the FS when they walk up on you and try to make you leave.

One of the questions on the card is “What is the code number for the law I am in violation of” not sure if I have it word exactly but it’s pretty damn close. They can never answer that question. If you are a member of the PLP and you get some kind of citation make sure you contact them and they can help and advice and in some cases go to court for you or with you.

Also I do not work for the PLP or promote them but however if the FS walks up on you and they see you are wearing a PLP T-shirt they are a lot nicer in the way they handle what you’re doing.

Also remember at the end of the day try to be respectful and keep your cool. This goes further than anything else out there when in the middle of nowhere and no one can hear ya squeal like pig cause you sure have a pretty smile boy.....

So who wants to hit East Fork whenever the roads open up and do some digging ???

I want to start goin up there when it opens back up but the clubs you are talking about sounds good to protect yourself from fs. But do you know anything about the keen river? Been trying to find some info up there. Especially if there is camping spots for tents or even better hook ups for a camper. Prob. Not but worth a try.

Rawdog here...

My faithful digging partner, Goldpaw and I hit the east fork when the elusive yellow stuff is calling...

Pay attention to the shallow bedrock upstream from cattle canyon...Dig faithfully and tirelessly and you might pull out a couple nice pieces, along with lots of fines.

Don't worry about rangers or sheriffs..these guys are right on the money with their advice

Good luck...

Thanks for the tip, Rawdog.

Are the roads open now? The website I've been monitoring hasn't been updated since Monday and still shows they're closed due to the fire.


Jerry Hobbs from the PLP can help. I would also suggest watching the recent video on Youtube about the EF.

Remember, your actions affect all of us. Be respectful even if they aren't because the LAW is on our side. Take out what you take in and fill your holes. It does look like a warzone in certain areas up there and aside from the diapers, bags of trash, etc. there is a lot of miner's trash, broken buckets, wire screens, etc.

That place is a an angry nest of hornets right now because of the fire. I'd give it a few weeks before even thinking about going up there.

Oh, and if you are looking for a great club in So. Cal, Route 66 Gold Miner's is one Route 66 Gold Miners, Orange CA Prospectors .

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Rawdog here...

Pay attention to the shallow bedrock upstream from cattle canyon...Dig faithfully and tirelessly and you might pull out a couple nice pieces, along with lots of fines.

Hey Rawdog,

I haven't been up to the East Fork yet, but from the maps it looks like two streams come together right where Cattle Canyon is, underneath the bridge right there. Is the spot you mentioned following the North tributary or the one that comes from the East passing Camp Bonita?

MrLee ... Thanks for the advice. I'm definitely going to join up with the PLP, plus I also found an organization called Leave No Trace. It probably wouldn't hurt if I showed up with a Leave No Trace shirt on either. I have a feeling it's going to be a few weeks before I venture up there anyway, the temps are just frying currently. Heat stroke is NOT in the plan...


Yea i am goin up there in a few weeks too. Just want to make it where fs doesn't make it hard on me!

The word I heard a few days ago is the Road is open, but like MrLee said I would maybe give it some time to calm down some.

I have met a few guys from Route 66 Gold Miner's and I have to say being a new guy in the woods can be a little nerve racking when you walk up on a few people by yourself but these guys from Route 66 Gold Miner's were very friendly and easy to talk to. Gave me some good advice and pointed out some interesting things in the area. Diffidently a thumbs for the guys representing the Route 66 Gold Miner's...

Here is a pic of the area that was recently burned from the fire up there.

SGR Fire.webp

Thanks for posting that Ash. Looks like they held the line at Shoemaker road and the tunnels to nowhere. I wish some of those firefighters would have found some gold while fighting cause they busted their a$$es off. That terrain is tough and it was hot.

I just got a email from American Prospector treasure seeker , they are in Temecula and they have a group goining up tomorrow.They are meeting at the jack in the box in Azusa address 126 North Azusa Ave they leave at 8 am sharp and thet are asking for people to be there before that and to have a adventure pass. Seems like they are not to worried about being denied to enter.

I dry camped and mined in the Keysville Recreational mining zone on the Kern River, just below the dam next to Isabella in 97.
It's BLM and primitive. The gold was corse and small in decomposing Granite.
I will bring my drywasher next time.

I want to start goin up there when it opens back up but the clubs you are talking about sounds good to protect yourself from fs. But do you know anything about the keen river? Been trying to find some info up there. Especially if there is camping spots for tents or even better hook ups for a camper. Prob. Not but worth a try.

Check out this map.

I dry camped and mined in the Keysville Recreational mining zone on the Kern River, just below the dam next to Isabella in 97.
It's BLM and primitive. The gold was coarse and small in decomposing Granite.
I will bring my drywasher next time.

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