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Klondike here....
Most of us at least once in our lives, if not more often.... go out prospecting.. testing with a pan or a mini stream sluice...and find some color.... We get so excite because we have hit the big bananza...the mother load....and we work our tail ends off only to find out that what we thought was the best gold diggings in history, isn't what it seemed like at first... Right guys and gals.. we've all done it..
So, over the years.. as I started to change my focus from being a weekend prospector...to something less than full time commercial.. yet not really a commercial operation...(that came many years later..)...I realized that if I were to take some samples...which I was already doing anyway, just I didn't think of them as samples....I thought of them as I was mining..since I spent all weekend digging for that gold...
So, once I started thinking about measuring my dig.. moving maybe 2 to 5 yards over a weekend...measuring my work by how many SCREENED buckets I moves and processed....(41 five gal buckes of screened to 1/2 or 1/4 is about 1 yard of processed material...
I would clean up after each yard.... reduce the cons to black sand and gold...NOT REMOVING the gold from the black sand... and placing the black sands and gold into a plastice zipp-lock bag...For most areas... you'll end up with about 2 to 3 pounds of black sands... pan or table your sands down to about 1/2 to 1 pound....
Do this in several areas.... Placing each sample of black sand in it's own zipp-lock bag....and send or take the black sands to a lab to be analyzed. They will pulverize the sands to a fineness of a chalk like material..and using ONLY a 3 ounce portion of that black sand sample, will do an assay on your sands... the price varies from lab to lab..and also varies as to how many minerals you want assayed... The one I use in Prescott, AZ,..Copper State Labs... charges $50 for a Gold and Silver run combined..... and $150 for a complete mineral assay....
When you send in your sands, be sure to note how much material the black sands represent... the assayer will be able to come up with a better and more realistic assay for you, if knows how much of the original raw material was produced.
Almost all assayers will provide you with the results compared to 1 ton of black sand.... So then you need to figure out how much black sand you get from a yard of raw placer material....that tells you (from more sampling and weighing your cons) how much material you'll need to run to consistantly make the assay report totals....and if this great find of your is really worth working or not on a long term basis...
This is eactly how I do every property I go on to determind if I want to work it or not.... On my current project in AZ.. we collected samples, using the bove outlined method and from a ton of black sand, the gold content came out as high as 2.5 oz and the low was just shy of 1 oz..per ton of black sand... and the silver ranged from 3 oz to 4.5 oz per ton of black sand... the combined platinum group is an average of over 4 oz per ton of black sand...
Each ton of black sand , once smelted and refined, represents about $12,000 per ton of black sands....
Is this property worth working... of course it is.. yet the free milling gold is only way less than a 1/2 gram per yard of raw placer material... Without the assays, you'd never know what you have...what you are passing up ...or what you are willing to work, even on the weekends...Just think, if it took you 2 months to accumulate 1 ton of black sands with this kind of richness... and you were able to get around $10,000 to $12,000 for that ton of black sand, minus costs... could you consider stop working your normal job...and become a full time miner...?..or maybe get totally debt free...
It takes discipline and patience to do this.. but there is nothing like taking the guess work out of gold mining and prospecting...
The one investor..a minor player at that.. is totally sick he has had to quit our AZ project due to his family situation... If there is somebody out there that may want to learn more about mining and prospecting, get paid to do so, and become an investor with me and our project... drop me a line in a PM...I'll show you how to be come one, easily...
Happy and prosperous prospecting to all....
Most of us at least once in our lives, if not more often.... go out prospecting.. testing with a pan or a mini stream sluice...and find some color.... We get so excite because we have hit the big bananza...the mother load....and we work our tail ends off only to find out that what we thought was the best gold diggings in history, isn't what it seemed like at first... Right guys and gals.. we've all done it..
So, over the years.. as I started to change my focus from being a weekend prospector...to something less than full time commercial.. yet not really a commercial operation...(that came many years later..)...I realized that if I were to take some samples...which I was already doing anyway, just I didn't think of them as samples....I thought of them as I was mining..since I spent all weekend digging for that gold...
So, once I started thinking about measuring my dig.. moving maybe 2 to 5 yards over a weekend...measuring my work by how many SCREENED buckets I moves and processed....(41 five gal buckes of screened to 1/2 or 1/4 is about 1 yard of processed material...
I would clean up after each yard.... reduce the cons to black sand and gold...NOT REMOVING the gold from the black sand... and placing the black sands and gold into a plastice zipp-lock bag...For most areas... you'll end up with about 2 to 3 pounds of black sands... pan or table your sands down to about 1/2 to 1 pound....
Do this in several areas.... Placing each sample of black sand in it's own zipp-lock bag....and send or take the black sands to a lab to be analyzed. They will pulverize the sands to a fineness of a chalk like material..and using ONLY a 3 ounce portion of that black sand sample, will do an assay on your sands... the price varies from lab to lab..and also varies as to how many minerals you want assayed... The one I use in Prescott, AZ,..Copper State Labs... charges $50 for a Gold and Silver run combined..... and $150 for a complete mineral assay....
When you send in your sands, be sure to note how much material the black sands represent... the assayer will be able to come up with a better and more realistic assay for you, if knows how much of the original raw material was produced.
Almost all assayers will provide you with the results compared to 1 ton of black sand.... So then you need to figure out how much black sand you get from a yard of raw placer material....that tells you (from more sampling and weighing your cons) how much material you'll need to run to consistantly make the assay report totals....and if this great find of your is really worth working or not on a long term basis...
This is eactly how I do every property I go on to determind if I want to work it or not.... On my current project in AZ.. we collected samples, using the bove outlined method and from a ton of black sand, the gold content came out as high as 2.5 oz and the low was just shy of 1 oz..per ton of black sand... and the silver ranged from 3 oz to 4.5 oz per ton of black sand... the combined platinum group is an average of over 4 oz per ton of black sand...
Each ton of black sand , once smelted and refined, represents about $12,000 per ton of black sands....
Is this property worth working... of course it is.. yet the free milling gold is only way less than a 1/2 gram per yard of raw placer material... Without the assays, you'd never know what you have...what you are passing up ...or what you are willing to work, even on the weekends...Just think, if it took you 2 months to accumulate 1 ton of black sands with this kind of richness... and you were able to get around $10,000 to $12,000 for that ton of black sand, minus costs... could you consider stop working your normal job...and become a full time miner...?..or maybe get totally debt free...
It takes discipline and patience to do this.. but there is nothing like taking the guess work out of gold mining and prospecting...
The one investor..a minor player at that.. is totally sick he has had to quit our AZ project due to his family situation... If there is somebody out there that may want to learn more about mining and prospecting, get paid to do so, and become an investor with me and our project... drop me a line in a PM...I'll show you how to be come one, easily...
Happy and prosperous prospecting to all....
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