Please mind your manners

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Bronze Member
Dec 28, 2019
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Golden Thread
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All Treasure Hunting
It's also bad manners to start a thread telling us what to do, since you're not a moderator here. Just saying...

All this talk about biting hands is making me hungry. I'm off to get a Happy Meal.
Can I get anyone anything? No, its no bother at all. I would be pleased to get everyone a Happy Meal.
Go to you local Happy Meal restaurant. Order your happy meal and when they give it to you say, Escape is paying and quickly leave. Its all arranged. Enjoy your meal and remember to dispose of your trash properly.

I would never dream of spending my time on a site I found so upsetting.
Also when ones post contain so much drama they should expect to hear replies that rub them wrong.
In all honesty you air a lot of laundry here and never seem to like the comments that follow.

Anyone who feels a post has caused their personal thread to be hijacked beyond tolerable limits
certainly has the right to report &/or request Mods look in & clean it up. some don't mind.
so we don't babysit for *social justice warriors*.in this case Not meant as an Insult. Just the Description that gets my Point Across, I Hope
The Internet is not a New thing & I would think everyone knows how conversations involving people can waver .
I'm also sure in most cases No harm is intended, and it's just happy or unhappy results of a persons mind being Greased,
and causing them to weigh in. in or off topic

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Sometimes good manners can backfire. Going into an elevator I bumped into a lady. I said, Pardon me. She said what do I look like, the freaking Governor? Some people can be so rude.

Sometimes good manners can backfire. Going into an elevator I bumped into a lady. I said, Pardon me. She said what do I look like, the freaking Governor? Some people can be so rude.

ROFL You should have said "No ! I know the Governor Personally & He never has 5 O'clock Shadow" :laughing7:

Then Watch her run for a Mirror :tongue3:

That was something I heard my brother say to someone when they said , Pardon me. But he used another word for Freaking. RIP Bro

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Been on this site for fourteen years and I think the mods and most of the posters do an exceptional job of being polite and supportive . Far better than many other websites.

I as well as other are not here to e belittled, picked at, toyed with or have their thread topics hijacked. I am embarrassed for new comers also experiencing this as of late.

If you have issue report it and let a mod address the issue.

Sheesh, now I’m going to have to search her threads to see if it’s me

rain falls on the just and the unjust

Sheesh, now I’m going to have to search her threads to see if it’s me

It's always you Jeff Payton Manning Gordon.


All this talk about biting hands is making me hungry. I'm off to get a Happy Meal.
Can I get anyone anything? No, its no bother at all. I would be pleased to get everyone a Happy Meal.
Go to you local Happy Meal restaurant. Order your happy meal and when they give it to you say, Escape is paying and quickly leave. Its all arranged. Enjoy your meal and remember to dispose of your trash properly.

I'll have a Mc Moderator :laughing7: I held a door open for a lady to enter a store before me....she started telling me what a POS I was....I graciously replied ***k you ***t pushed in front of her and closed the door behind me. Ive been holding doors open for people for 40 years and most women - and gents - appreciate this little gesture...thus I feel my response was justified.


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