Gentlemen, read it again. These guys HAVEN'T FOUND (past tense) ANYTHING. It's just a ghost-story legend camp-fire story they are chasing. And like we see in so many of these type lores: Someone comes on saying they "found" (past tense) something. When in fact they've just narrowed it down to a certain canyon. Certain lake bottom. Or a certain grave of a CW soldier (sound like a Clint Eastwood movie), or whatever. Yet in their mind's eyes, they've "found" it . It's merely a matter of petty details. Eg.: govt. regulations. Or a detector that goes 6 meters deep, etc....
And ... of course, look at this story: It's the big bad government that's keeping them from digging it up. In fact, the govt's "no" (on digging up a CW grave in a state sensitive monument) is to them ... ALL THE MORE PROOF that the treasure is there (ie.:a coverup or conspiracy). And the minute words like "FBI" are floated, then it's even ALL THE MORE PROOF. See how silly this is ?
And as proof of the dreamy mindset that leaves these things un-questioned: Note among our own ranks (replies here and other forums where this link has popped up) the replies: MD'rs chiming in musing over "splits" or "should've kept mouth shut to avoid taxes" or "oh wow, congratulations", etc... AS IF SOMETHING HAD ALREADY BEEN FOUND. See how quickly the human mind wants to believe ? But reading closer, nothing's been found. An interesting insight into the psychology of this.