"The lue was made by a german the way I understand it,Germany slipped a load of gold in hoping to ruin the economy .When That didn't happen a german enigineer made the map where the gold was hid,anyway thats the way I heard iT via my old friend Karl von mueller. "
Hi Kenjmor2006,
Could you provide some further information? Other than the self-proclaimed website and references to it, I can find no Germany connection to the LUE map. However, there are many Spanish clues. One must first understand how to read a sextant to understand the key in the top right corner.
As for your old friend Karl... We probably know each other. My father, his best friend and KVM were friends for many years. I actually inherited a bunch of research materials, books and the like and still have them. Of course, you know KVMs real name and not the pseudonyms used for his publishing. You probably know his wife as well.
In all of the interactions with KVM and from his personal research materials, everything he published and wrote personally shows the LUE as a Spanish map. The map also matches a lot of mid-1500s Spanish technique for maps. Keep in mind, on those maps, North is on the right side of the page instead of the top like in modern maps.
So, about KVM, Did you ever get to shop in his Colorado store before the building burned and was torn down?