I'm picky.
Real black or blonde hair, weighs between 100-130 lbs, about 5 ft. 10 in. in height, christian, likes or at least understands history, likes one of my hobbies (detecting, antique store searching, bottles, Civil War, WWII, Bricks, Coins, Arrowheads, etc.), small, to medium sized er... chest, moderate sized lower body, I won't go there... Athletic, but not insane like a runner or body builder, cheapskate, doesn't mind my pet snake, chestnut brown, or blue eyes, Has a good work ethic outside the home, has some form of class about her, patient, forgiving, slow to anger, quick to laugh (but not giggle!) not a "girly girl" but not a tomboy either, Conservative, Likes 80s music, and doesn't mind me going onto tnet to talk about stuff like this.
Thus, why I'll never get married, or have a girlfriend because no such creature exists.
RR, I have never been married,.... and haven't had so much as a date since May, 1996.
I retired from the madness,.... it just became not worth it, tons of stress, problems, headaches
It was an easy thing to see, I was always happy when I was alone.
Then an awareness came to me, you have to find that special someone early on.
And that was my mistake,.......
I always put Martial Arts and training first,... figured I could always find a nice girl later down the line.
It doesn't work that way,... you wait until you're 30 or worse yet 40,.......
You are done for,..... each and every good woman is spoken for.
The ones left,..... there's a reason they are single,...often more than one reason.
Then there is the fact that Jerks have fouled things up,.... you're a guy, so blame is on you too.
Just because you're a guy.
By 40 the average woman has been jerked around big time,..........
Their guy,.... fooled around behind they're back, sometimes with they're best friend or sister,...
Totaled their car,..... ran they're credit cards up into the clouds, lied, forgot their birthday,
came home drunk, smelling like another woman, to a cold dinner that she worked on for hours,...
smoked and drank, and didn't come home at all,.....
People define that as baggage,.....
You could be the best guy in the world,....
you don't stand a chance, you may as well plant a seed in poison ground,.....
Now look at the flip side,......
You find a nice girl in the 12th grade,.. or just out of high school,.....
Odds are,... she has not had her heart broken 5 or 10 times,......
and hasn't lived long enough for jerks to screw her over time and time again,...
she hasn't gone through a divorce, or 2 divorces,.....
One of those girls likely hasn't developed a resentment toward men,... they are still cool.
By age 30 a lot women start to develop a dislike toward men,....
By age 40,.... it's more than a "dislike",.....
By age 50,... it's often more a hatred toward men.
Who should guys blame for this?
Other guys"
"We have met the enemy, and they are us"
So shop early, and shop often,.... and beware of sales, factory seconds, returns,
damaged in shipping, or anything with process control problems.