
Silver Member
Jun 26, 2012
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Primary Interest:
This is carried over from a different thread; however, I think it is important enough to start its own thread. For those of you who did or are not following the previously mentioned thread...this is basically a list of people that are not worried about a government takeover. So far, here is the list...

Rebel -KGC
Bill from Lachine

I will update the list periodically. Take note that the list order denotes membership tenure. If you want to be on the list post here.

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This is carried over from a different thread; however, I think it is important enough to start its own thread. For those of you who did or are not following the previously mentioned thread...this is basically a list of people that are not worried about a government takeover. So far, here is the list...

Rebel -KGC
Bill from Lachine

I will update the list periodically. Take note that the list order denotes membership tenure. If you want to be on the list post here.

You can add (Big Bird) The yellow one.

As soon as I saw this I knew it would be good.
A friend of mine wants to know if he can be on the list anonymously. He's not worried about it, but wants to avoid the name-callers

The most feared sentance in the English language: "Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to help".

List Update:

Rebel -KGC
Bill from Lachine
Big Bird (the yellow one)
Jeff-Gordon's anonymous friend

Ok...who else?

The most feared sentance in the English language: "Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to help".

No one's ever said that to me, but I have heard ' this won't hurt a bit'

I can't officially speak for her, but I don't think Bill's rebgirl is afraid of anything

we can ask her next week when she comes on

comes on or comes out or comes on to whom?

I meant comes on Tnet, but I get your gist

I already told you what I wanted the "group" to be called.

This is carried over from a different thread; however, I think it is important enough to start its own thread. For those of you who did or are not following the previously mentioned thread...this is basically a list of people that are not worried about a government takeover. So far, here is the list...

Rebel -KGC
Bill from Lachine

I will update the list periodically. Take note that the list order denotes membership tenure. If you want to be on the list post here.

If I said that please show me where!!!!!

Take over of? Not sure what other thread, if its second,i,ll take(not drink) the fifth.(yet). I feel the gov has a full enough stack of plates to keep spinning to need to acquire more.
Having what i,ll call the privilege of working,recreating and with some living with other cultures coming here for our freedom(s) found a similar pattern.
Many countries left due to government control of minutia. Just do not see it here. Unproductive being biggest reason as an unwilling worker will only do what they have to,and there are ways to sabotage the process on occasion to stop the work.
Free people and reasonably free market =more money in coffers.

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If I said that please show me where!!!!!

Quote Originally Posted by Crispin View Post

Stocky: I am not worried about a government takeover. So, please do not use global generalizations like, "Why is everyone so worried..." Clearly, I have just proved that statement false. Theoretically, you could say, "Why is everyone other then Crispin so worried about some kind of government takeover." However, I am not suggesting you say that because I do not believe that.

Crispin, I myself am not worried,what can one do with worry but make yourself sick,physically and mentally. I am VERY concerned where this world is headed though!

This is post 94, copy and pasted from the 22.6173452 million guns thread in Second amendment watchdog forum. You are in the club now! Haha! Too late, we see where your true allegiance is. You are a Pinko Commie Liberal like the rest of us.


Updated list:

Rebel -KGC
Bill from Lachine
Big Bird (the yellow one)
Jeff-Gordon's anonymous friend
1/2 of RelevantChair

who is next?

Ps. I'm giving RelevantChair half a membership because he was really confusing and I'm not quite sure if he wants a membership or not.
Pps. WorldTalker is our Vice President as he has second longest tenure!

don't forget to ask Bill's rebgirl when she comes on

Updated list:

Rebel -KGC
Bill from Lachine
Big Bird (the yellow one)
Jeff-Gordon's anonymous friend
1/2 of RelevantChair

who is next?

Ps. I'm giving RelevantChair half a membership because he was really confusing and I'm not quite sure if he wants a membership or not.
Pps. WorldTalker is our Vice President as he has second longest tenure!

Please include me on the list..Barb alias Squiggy...thanks :)

Updated list:

Rebel -KGC
Bill from Lachine
Big Bird (the yellow one)
Jeff-Gordon's anonymous friend
1/2 of RelevantChair
Barb alias Squiggy

Who is next? Still time to get into the top ten members!
Ps. Eva my puppy is first mascot.
PPs. Barb alias Squiggy's cat is the second mascot.

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