Hoser John

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by Hoser John on Tue May 01, 2012 1:52 pm
Subject: "FORUMS INFILTRATED PROOF YET AGAIN" First topic | Next topic

Hoser John Tue May-01-12 01:50 PM
Member since May 06th 1995
4248 posts


holy crap they sent an army!
Tue May 01, 2012 12:38 am

Remember how I said the forums have eyes and ears! It only took a couple weeks from my first post in years and the tribe contacted the FS! They said that this man is dredging! The Piss firs came to me with copies of this forum and my posts! I told them that fishermen and dredgers were the 2 biggest liers! Biggest fish/nugget etc! frkn crazy! On the compliance, everything a okay and legal! To the TRIBE, we are not dredging! WE are mining our claim by pick and shovel ! We will mine our claim within the guidelines of federal law. If you have a complaint on (me)dredging go to the state not the feds! The feds have no role in dredging or tunneling! God, do I have to help you mining haters on law again! WTF! You know back a few years a karuk was dredging 1/4 mile from us and cussing his tribe cause he was working and not milking! Just so you know

THE WALLS HAVE EARS AND DO NOT NEVER NO WAY N LL TRUST ANYONE NEW---or pay the price with your freedom,pocketbook and equipment---err on the side a caution as lean,mean,small,quiet rule the day and nobody here dredges anyway John
Assistant Administrator
Posts: 2368Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:16 pmLocation: Redding,California

I believe you are correct and some have already dropped out of posting. What a shame some simple folk can't just be left alone to enjoy a hobby or keeping their family with a roof over their heads, food on the table and clothes on their backs. Could just be that big government, consider that the same things as big industry just the same thing as all the corrupt folks out there, wants all the taxpayers away from it so they can do what they want with it. If Agenda 21 has its way we will not be allowed out of the city and will never know what "They" are doing in the wilds. Disgusting what is happening to America and for sure some of the blame has to be taken on by "we the people", IMHO that is.............63bkpkr


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HUMMMMM? i wonder if the ranger thats writeing the citation would consider this before he wote the citation? as it has been, they usually dont care about the law,and make things up or make up their own version of what the law ment!


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There has been half a dozen on tv man--Wild Justice as just 1 example--geez just cause you don't know wtf a going on don't mean squat---I've been to 100's of auctions by CDFG/FS/BLM for over 30 years selling confiscated/stolen equipment and went to enough trial to make me sick for gods sake--hahahaha John

Sad fact!!! They make the laws, they change the laws and they break the laws with immunity.:icon_scratch::BangHead:???...
Did I mention they do this on our dime.
Elections have consequences. Bad Ones.
John,,, Give them H____!


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The sad fact is most rangers have become badge heavy in there duties and we can do nothing about them but complain then nothing still happens to them. The government is trying to send us into a third world economy by banning all metal detecting , dredging and mining. It is our rights by the 1872 mining law that is not suppose to be changed by the government but they find there way around everything. I have know for a long time these forums have been watched. So if you find something of VALUE keep it quiet, I know that would be hard for anyone. HH everyone..

Where you at in Alabama TAKODA maybe we can do some prospecting sometime.

I figured they would be at some point. Maybe I broke my leg to keep me outta trouble haha. Hopefully these laws get straightened out so by the time 2020 when I retire rolls around I can get back in the water in cali . Although not likely with all the corrupt BS in this state.

Boy it must be nice to have a job that allows you to bully people and then sit on your fat ass and stalk internet forums looking for prospectors.
What human trash.

Totally agree but you left out the enormous benefits and pensions they stack up while attacking our rights. Barney Fife Lives.

Boy it must be nice to have a job that allows you to bully people and then sit on your fat ass and stalk internet forums looking for prospectors.
What human trash.

hahahaha,heck i dont need a job to do that! but you are absolutly correct! i really dislike these kinds of weak/yellow/spinless people that hide behind their computor and S/S and sit back and laugh about it!ive quit clubs and certain websites because of it.i dont have time in my life for that kind of abuse from anyone!

Dang I have over 30 years in law enforcement and now I am retired to spend my enormous pension. If my wife hadn't worked for and retired from a small railroad so she could draw her enormous pension to go with mine, we would be on food stamps. I don't know of any retired LE who sit on their fat ass and draw an enormous pension. The only ones who draw that kind of money are the politicians, not the every day enforcement officer who probably has to work part time jobs to supplement his LE income just to provide a living wage for his family and afford a few extras for his kids, such as a college degree. Me? I'm 68 and still helping the kids pay on some of their college loans. So,plese don't lummp all LE into one group,rather take a look at the politicians. The average retired State legislator makes almost 10 times what my retirement check is and they only have to work at it for 10 years or less to "earn" it. Monty

inaddition to this, everyone needs to be aware of people you dont know sending you PMs from the gold sites,essssspecially if they want you to open one of their attachments. ive been burnt before and it aint gonna happen again! no face book or any of that stuff.and im not calling anyone i dont know( or ask for) to call any long distance phone number,thats out of the blue!!!! theres to many wacoenviromentalists/gubermint people pokeing around these sites wanting to stire some c**p up and im not accepting it! sorry if i hurt your feelings, but it costs to much to repair computors to play that game!

inaddition to this, everyone needs to be aware of people you dont know sending you PMs from the gold sites,essssspecially if they want you to open one of their attachments. ive been burnt before and it aint gonna happen again! no face book or any of that stuff.and im not calling anyone i dont know( or ask for) to call any long distance phone number,thats out of the blue!!!! theres to many wacoenviromentalists/gubermint people pokeing around these sites wanting to stire some c**p up and im not accepting it! sorry if i hurt your feelings, but it costs to much to repair computors to play that game!


Snakes are where you find them.:icon_scratch:

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