Out of curiosity, what can you see and where?

There maybe a religious artifact behind the wall. It is made of clay
Trea net.webp

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There maybe a religious artifact behind the wall. It is made of clay
View attachment 1614508

Firstly thank you for checking it out, its interesting to get your results. In the layer where you indicated which is about the 3-4 ft mark I found several markers so I don't doubt there may be something there. But I located the object I'm digging for in an area at the bottom of the hole. I used the same methods you have in your equipment list to locate it but I think the LRL I used is probably much stronger than yours. The frequencies that made lines were 5,250 hz, 222 hz, 673 hz and 12,700 hz. So gold and diamonds. I'm also able to dowse this by satellite image. I'm beginning to think that you really need to be personally attuned to the site before you're able to get totally accurate results by dowsing a photo of the location because this object was also confirmed using other types of technology, yet you don't seem to be getting any reading on it. You don't get any signal at all from the area at the bottom?

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Yep you be dead center,for gold and silver, very old metal, (Spanish Metal) don't give up you be digging dead on.

Gotta ask... was that hole dug based on an LRL locate? How deep is it?

Gotta ask... was that hole dug based on an LRL locate? How deep is it?

Yes an LRL was used to locate but other, more proven types of tech was used to make sure. The hole is approaching 27 ft depth.

Can you share what other tech was used?

No debate, just curious.

i Too am curious what other tech/indications made you dig a 30 foot deep hole?

No debate, just curious.

i Too am curious what other tech/indications made you dig a 30 foot deep hole?

Ok, before I answer I just wanna say I already know the various arguments against some of this technology. No matter what you say you're not going to convince me I shouldn't believe in this target. But I guess I'll share this info because you asked me and maybe it will help someone else find their mother load.

Step 1: I held two copper L-rods out in front of me and said "Point in the direction of the nearest buried gold treasure." Now, no matter what you choose to believe, the rods responded before I even finished my sentence and rotated in my hands at the same exact speed to point in a specific direction, in unison. All the while I'm putting forth great effort to hold my hands steady, so as not to influence the tilt or movement of the rods at all. When I walked in that direction, eventually the rods crossed. Even though I was quite sure it was not me that had made the rods respond in such a decisive way, this still wasn't enough to convince me to start digging.

Step 2: I brought an MFD (Molecular Frequency Discrimination) type of LRL detector to the area and set the frequency to a known gold frequency (5,250 hz). I placed the frequency generator several yards away from the target I had located and after about 30 seconds or so began walking in a circle around the FG with my L-rods held out in front of me. Once again, the rods crossed at a point that was perfectly in between the FG and my target. I walked away from the FG and tried walking over the same area between the FG and my target several times at different distances from the FG. The rods continued to cross on the same invisible line until I passed my target. This certainly added to my confidence in the target, but still was not enough to motivate me in to physical labor.

Step 3: I invited a guy who owns this ( Conrad X-3 Ultra Plus | Conrad Detectors ) to the site, to see if the device would produce any kind of visual image. This device is basically a Turkish copy of the OKM Rover C2. But the unique thing about it is they integrated a strong frequency generator, basically the detector has this ( Rayfinder gold detector long range locator - GDI-DETECTORS.COM ) built in to it, which the OKM Rover C2 does not have. This ended up being a very interesting day for a number of reasons. Number one, the owner of the device admitted to having absolutely zero dowsing ability. He would not even take my plain old copper L-rods and try it because he didn't want to be embarrassed. However, when holding the L-rods connected to the "amplifier box" that comes with the device, the L-rods are in fact very responsive for him. Now something to remember is that I did not share with him the location of the target I had identified. But sure enough, when he activated his FG, it produced a signal line to the exact same location. This of course was a major boost to the confidence I had in my target.

Step 4: After confirming the target with his FG. He did a scan of the identified target area. I believe the term for the technology the device uses to produce the visual image is "magnetometer". After scanning the target location we uploaded the scan in to the visualization software and saw that over area of the identified target the scan went from blues/greens (normal dirt) to a very dark red that formed a rectangular object. The dark red color code in the software is indicative of a dense metal object. Obviously this increased my confidence in the target even more. It was enough to begin digging. But after digging down to about 9 ft and still not finding any metal objects, doubt started to fill my mind.

Step 5: I invited another person to the site who owns a White's TM 808. Up until that point, all of the technology I had used to confirm the target had not yet reached what I would consider to be "tried and true" technology. But I figured, how can anyone doubt the White's TM 808? This is old school tech... Its easy to find true stories about people hitting the mother load with the White's. Sure enough, the White's detected a metal object directly over the target area and no where else in the surrounding area. This really served as a 100% confirmation to my mind. What are the odds that the White's is picking up a metal object only directly over my target location and no where else in the area if there is nothing there? This happening after all the other methods of locating and identifying the target, the odds must be astronomical.

But of course, there still exists a very small chance that its a false target. The goal is to dig to 40 ft before giving up.

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There's a lot not to like here. The TM808 was probably detecting some mineralization pocket near the surface--it won't detect more than a few feet, probably less. That sure is dangerous wild goose chase. Even if there is a target there, when you get down more than a few feet, the signal comes to the surface at an angle, so check it again after digging and from different angles. Also good idea to use some kind of weight filter. Most targets are not that deep. Don't know if you can, but maybe try to scan the walls with the rods. Hope you have forced ventilation.

Thanks for sharing the details. Like you I'm not interested in a debate, but I will offer my observations, take 'em or leave 'em.

Step 1: Dowsing. It's a guesser's probability game. Water dowsing is usually successful, because water aquifers are mostly everywhere. Hard to guess wrong. Treasure dowsing almost always fails, because buried treasure is something you just can't guess. Prospecting is an exception, where a half-decent prospector can successfully dowse for gold through experience & intuition.

Step 2: Dowsing, again. Most LRLs are just dowsing devices, nothing more. The electronics (frequency generators, etc) don't actually do anything. They're just for looks.

Step 3: Dowsing, Part 3. Regardless of what Mr. Owner believes, the Rayfinder is a dowsing device. Again, the electronics are for show. The fact that he honed in to the same spot isn't too surprising if you were present during the activities.

Step 4: This was mildly interesting. If the Conrad is similar to the Rover, then it's almost certainly a magnetometer. Mags only locate iron, not gold or silver. They can, however, react to high or low concentrate pockets of mineralization, including a void. Depending on the quality of the design, they can also produce false-positives. I know nothing about the Conrad unit.

Step 5: More interesting. There are two TM808's; one with Cave Mode and one without. I'd need to know which mode was being used. In any case, the '808 has a predictable detection range, something like 12-15' on a car. If you've dug 15' and no car, then most likely the '808 wasn't really detecting metal. Could be mineralization.

I'm impressed with the hole you've dug, especially in the attention to safety it shows. While you think the location is based on reliable detection results, I'd call it flimsy at best. Steps 1-3 are meaningless, and knowing how easy it is to get bad mag and '808 results I would probably only trust surveys I did myself.

I'm 99.96% certain that when you get to 40' you're gonna hit... dirt. I base the odds on the general success of dowsing, as well as the general success of Philippine treasure hunters. Heck, even your query in a dowsing forum produced underwhelming results; not a whole lotta confidence amongst the dowsers here that you have anything other than a deep hole. I would, however, strongly suggest you check Art's dowse; you'll find nothing, and I suspect you already know that you'll find nothing.

But I gotta hand it to you, unlike most dowsers you actually went out and dug a hole. That also impresses me, because most dowsers are satisified to say "I found a big pot of gold" knowing that, if they never dig a hole, they are never proven wrong. I hope you return with updates.

Even if there is a target there, when you get down more than a few feet, the signal comes to the surface at an angle, so check it again after digging and from different angles.
Yes there is a signal at the suface at a 45 degree angle. Looks like he is going straight down. The strongest signal will be right above them target....Art

Be very careful now. I checked the map again. I get a hint of a tunnel but nothing poaitive

I have only done a few maps in over a year. My mine is not up to speed yet.....Art

st7, how deep are you now?

st7, how deep are you now?

Site 1 which is the one you see in the photo there is still the same depth, about 26.5 ft. The hole is very badly contaminated with an aggressive form of staph bacteria. I have scars all over my body already from skin infections over the past year. Now the bottom of the hole has become infested with roaches also. I'm taking measures to get all that under control enough to keep digging. Today I filled the hole with water all the way up to the 10 ft level and poured a whole bottle of chlorine powder along with a full bottle of bleach in there. I'm going to let it sit like that for a couple days, then pump the water out and cover the walls with tarp all the way down to the bottom. The problem is the water drips down and hits the rocks protruding from the wall, then splashes all over me. I think the tarp will stop that. The water is very badly contaminated somehow.

Site 2 is the one you saw in that video previously. That hole is still 79 feet deep. The ventilation system stopped working. It was just an old ventilation fan bolted to the bottom of a plastic drum in the first place. I think it probably overheated and finally died, so they're looking for a replacement. They can't work at all without ventilation because at about the 60 ft level until now they've encountered a very strange chemical like smell that causes the respiratory system to seize up and heart rate to increase rapidly. I'm not at that site all the time, my purpose there is locator and adviser.

Carl, I think you're wrong about the results from my White's on that deeper site. I spoke to someone at the factory there in Oregon a couple days ago. If properly ground balanced, when the meter rapidly increases to 100 over a certain area like that and then immediately falls to 0 when you leave the target area and that is accompanied by a definite rise in sound, that really can be considered a true target. Over in the Metal Detecting forum you guys talk to me like im an idiot. I already know about that story of the guy digging the 60 ft hole because he detected that mineralization. Guaranteed that guy didn't know how to use the device correctly. Number one I didn't locate that target using the White's from the surface. The White's is only now just entering the picture on the 79 ft hole. I'm using it to check the bottom because the diggers were getting discouraged. Number two, the detector doesn't get a signal like that anywhere else in the bottom of that hole, only over the perimeter of the target location. It's worth pursuing a little further in my opinion. We're treasure hunters, nothing is ever certain right? Maybe you'd like to take my story and joke about it with your friends over lunch, that's fine.

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