The Heart .. a key to better dowsing?


Dec 6, 2013
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Chihuahua (mx)
Detector(s) used
Gemini 3
Primary Interest:
Cache Hunting
This dowser mentions the heart:

He mention, chakras hands connect with chakra heart
He say "you will no longer need use witness" :headbang:
.. sorry, videos are in spanish :alien:

What about "wish of the heart" ?
Maybe, first clean the heart (wish, feeling, emotion) .. how?

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Ancient people taught heart wisdom, they say Solomon was the wisest among them (his saying "for out of it are the issues of life").

Yes ancient people know, some people also mentioned "the heart wish"
.. maybe focus/open the heart is enough

Many factors contribute to dowsing results, including maintaining your physical and mental health.

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I found an interesting article, a Jewish Rabbi's perspective on water divining along with all forms of dowsing.

Rabbi Robert dos Santos Teixeira

"A Seer of Israel, like seers of other faith communities, uses his or her non-physical or inner senses, which every human being possesses, to provide information for the benefit of others, Jews and non-Jews alike....

What is divination? For mystics, including Jewish mystics, every single thing that exists contains a spark of the Divine, which means, of course, everything is Divine and everything is alive! The Divine is constantly communicating, with us, with all of life, with Itself.
Every form of divination started out as an attempt (on the part of those already using their inner senses) to decode Divine communication, and it gradually evolved into a mode of communication or a language. A particular form of divination is a language, in which the Divine together with practitioners of divination or diviners converse. Divining, then, is conversing. Some diviners are adept at one, some at several, forms of divination or languages.
What is licit and illicit divination?"

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red_desert, too many methods of Divination .. i did not read all the article

About dowsing, i agree one have to interpret, in some way, the "comunication" that takes place
.. for me when one practice dowsing the body receives a energy flow (hands)

I checked the Pre-New Age (before the New Age) publications, such as Zondervan 1967 Dictionary containing Jewish history. I found in it a picture of a replica "Urim and Thummim" from the days of Aaron high priest. Amazing how much it resembles a pendulum, even connected by a double chain with a flat rectangle shape mounted gemstone on each end, carved with only one symbol each. The purpose or it's use was to get yes/no answers when wearing the breastplate of 12 stones which covered the heart area of the priest for oracles (answered questions).

I tried searching images on Google, you just can't find a real photo of it. I keep finding them with the Hebrew words instead which people are selling, don't come even close. The name of the divining tool in English is "Lights and Perfection".

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In ancient Jewish history, the Breastplate had 12 stones on the outside (represented the 12 tribes) the Urim and Thummim kept inside the Breastplate. Urim and Thummim had a stone on one end for yes answers, another stone the opposite end for no answers.


Mode of Consultation. The oracle was consulted in the following manner: The high priest donned his eight garments, and the person for whom he sought an answer stood facing him, while he himself turned toward God (i.e., the Shekinah). It was necessary that the question should be brief and that it should be pronounced, but not aloud; while the answer was a repetition of the query, either in the affirmative or in the negative. Only one question might be asked at a time; if more than one were put, the first alone received a reply. The answer was given by the letters of the names of the tribes which were engraved upon the high priest's breastplate (Yoma 73a, b; Yer. Yoma 44c; Sifre.....If the question was not distinctly worded, the reply might be misunderstood, as in.....18 et seq. (Sheb. 35b; Yoma 73b). A decision by the oracle might be demanded only by the king, or by the chief of the highest court, or by a prominent man within the community, such as a general of the army, and it might be sought only for the common weal (Yoma 7, end, 73a: "one anointed for war"; Targ. pseudo-Jonathan to.... "in case of need"). According to Targ. pseudo-Jonathan.....the breastplate was used to proclaim victory in battle. It was necessary that the high priest who questioned the oracle should be a man......"

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Joseph Smith, the first Prophet and President of the LDS Church, of which I am a member of, had and used the URIM AND THUMMIM to translate the Golden Plates he received, into what we know today as the "Book Of Mormon." In his testimony, which is in the front pages of the Book, he describes them in some detail and explains how and what they were used for. His translations were later verified by a Professor of ancient languages who said they were accurate. You can read a short article about them here: Urim and Thummim (Latter Day Saints) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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Some of that came up in the search results along with a photo might be his Mormon Urim and Thummim. I really need to make an illustration of the ancient Jewish type you see a replica photo of in older publications which pre-date the New Age movement. It basically is very close in appearance to the style pendulum with the knob on one end of a chain and pointed plummet the other end. The Jewish version doesn't have a pointed end, but rather flat rectangular set in a mounting like jewelry.

However, according to one seminary textbook written about the time of the 1967 Zondervan Dictionary, the Latter Temple period the Urim and Thummim wasn't used to select a high priest anymore, but instead "casting lots" as they deviated in some ways from what had been in the days of Aaron high priest. So, casting lots is not a Urim and Thummim. Lots were supposed to be cast, either drawing out stones from a bag or similar method.

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Some of that came up in the search results along with a photo might be his Mormon Urim and Thummim. I really need to make an illustration of the ancient Jewish type you see a replica photo of in older publications which pre-date the New Age movement. It basically is very close in appearance to the style pendulum with the knob on one end of a chain and pointed plummet the other end. The Jewish version doesn't have a pointed end, but rather flat rectangular set in a mounting like jewelry.

However, according to one seminary textbook written about the time of the 1967 Zondervan Dictionary, the Latter Temple period the Urim and Thummim wasn't used to select a high priest anymore, but instead "casting lots" as they deviated in some ways from what had been in the days of Aaron high priest. So, casting lots is not a Urim and Thummim. Lots were supposed to be cast, either drawing out stones from a bag or similar method.

The picture of the Urim and Thummim (UT) at Wikipedia is an artists rendition only. No photo of the (UT) Joseph Smith had exists. All that exists is the text description he and his mother give of it.

The picture of the Urim and Thummim (UT) at Wikipedia is an artists rendition only. No photo of the (UT) Joseph Smith had exists. All that exists is the text description he and his mother give of it.
Ok, from the photo I've found it is hard to tell, if it was a chain or some kind of braided string...... but the length is the same as most knob (on opposite end) pendulums you see today. The carved symbol on both stones is clearly visible and can be put on them in the illustration I'm wanting to make (soon as get the time).

Ok, from the photo I've found it is hard to tell, if it was a chain or some kind of braided string...... but the length is the same as most knob (on opposite end) pendulums you see today. The carved symbol on both stones is clearly visible and can be put on them in the illustration I'm wanting to make (soon as get the time).

Red: Actually, if you are trying to use this for finding things, the Liahona was what was used to find directions from point A to unknown Point B, not the UT. You can read about the Liahona by clicking on the word in that same article under artist picture or in this post.

Oh I was just trying to get a good understanding of how the original UT should look. The photo published in !967 of a replica isn't in color, but taking a closer look now, it appears to be a string woven or braided round like a rope with a dark stone pendant one end, a clear white stone pendant the other end. The stones are set in metal much the same as a pendant is on a necklace. It is a light colored metal used, probably silver. I'm making a detailed sketch of this UT.

Oh I was just trying to get a good understanding of how the original UT should look. The photo published in !967 of a replica isn't in color, but taking a closer look now, it appears to be a string woven or braided round like a rope with a dark stone pendant one end, a clear white stone pendant the other end. The stones are set in metal much the same as a pendant is on a necklace. It is a light colored metal used, probably silver. I'm making a detailed sketch of this UT.

All I know about the UT and Liahona is what I have read in the Joseph Smith story and the information in the Book of Mormon. The information is there, but it is not something we study on a regular basis. The only times we do is when we reference events of his life etc. He never used the Liahona but he did use the UT to translate an ancient Reformed Egyptian language into English. After he had been translating for some time he started retaining things. If he kept seeing a character, lets say a "V" and it meant "boat", he started remembering what it meant and could read / translate it into English as "boat" the next time without using the UT.

Typical of his day and time, many people left school at a very early age and grade to work on the farms or what ever, and he did too.

I hope that after you put a UT together, you will publish it here in this form. I am anxious to see what you come up with as it is truly an instrument of antiquity.

After you have a UT together, what are you going to do with it?

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The sketch is being done of each pendant, then the the woven string. After scanning it will put the pendants and rope string together as a whole image, in my computer. I noticed the texture of the string is engraved on the silver border around the stone.

There is an illustrated textbook on the furniture of the Tabernacle, reprinted in 1900s from the original book published in the UK about 3 centuries ago. It doesn't have an artist depiction of the UT or Breastplate, but has all the alters, cups, tools, gold incense alter with gold 7 lamp stand. Gold, silver, brass, hard wood overlain with gold was used. Everything made to be used in the Tabernacle, looked as if it was meant for royalty. You know the real UT is going to also be fit for a king.

I think the photo is correct because professional theologians put the publication together. Don't have any plans for making a UT, I have 7 gemstone pendulums already and know how to find directions with them.

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The sketch is being done of each pendant, then the the woven string. After scanning it will put the pendants and rope string together as a whole image, in my computer. I noticed the texture of the string is engraved on the silver border around the stone.

There is an illustrated textbook on the furniture of the Tabernacle, reprinted in 1900s from the original book published in the UK about 3 centuries ago. It doesn't have an artist depiction of the UT or Breastplate, but has all the alters, cups, tools, gold incense alter with gold 7 lamp stand. Gold, silver, brass, hard wood overlain with gold was used. Everything made to be used in the Tabernacle, looked as if it was meant for royalty. You know the real UT is going to also be fit for a king.

I think the photo is correct because professional theologians put the publication together. Don't have any plans for making a UT, I have 7 gemstone pendulums already and know how to find directions with them.

Sounds interesting. Somehow I got the impression you were going to make a UT.

No, from researching the UT so far, it seems to be more like 2 pendulums in one. There were different theories started in mid 1900s, about how it was used. The most absurd theory, some thought the priest rolled the UT in his hand like a pair of dice, then interpreting how it landed. Seeing now that the UT was made like fine jewelry, doesn't seem possible they would have tossed it on the ground or the Breastplate. Especially, since the question process was repeated several times.

Another theory, the stone on the Breastplate would light up when either stone of the UT came near it, giving an answer to the question. Even if the stones did light up, you can't bend your neck far enough to see good what is happening under the chin. Try putting a hand over your heart and looking down, the nose would get in the way of a UT. It is possible the UT could swing toward a stone on the Breastplate and the priest see what stone

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Good luck red_desert with that artifact :icon_thumright:

About the "heart wish" i think its there!!

Rene Mey cures people with the hands,
he puts his hands over the heart and gives you a pulse,
feels like an electric pulse :thumbsup:
.. people said he is a fraud because many dont heal :dontknow:
.. i wonder, people really want to heal? what they wish in their heart??

So, how delete the "heart wish" :icon_scratch:

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