Want to try Map Dowsing 2


Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
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Northern Nevada
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Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
These are some of my map dowsing rules
I use a pendulum. The swing of the pendulum will tell me the answers to my questions. A swing back and forward is the neutral swing and also a no answer. Swinging right to left is a yes answer. Circling clock wise is for I don’t know. You have to let it swing for a little while as sometime it will turn into a yes or no answer. Circling counter clock wise is a searching sign. A pendulum that jumps up and down is a danger signal.
These are the first set of questions that I ask the map
Is there anything of value
Is there anything of interest to a treasure hunter
Is there any Gold Bars
Is there any Gold Coins
Is there any Gold Nugget
Is there any Gold Ore
Is there any Gold Veins
Is there any Silver Coins
Is there any Silver Bars
Is there any Diamonds
Is there any Gems
Is there any Meteorites
Is there any Natural Caves
Is there any Man Made Caves
This is what I call my Map Dowsing Oath
May I, can I, should I, ESTABLISH, CHANGE OR ADD Dowsing Conditions and Agreements or Programs which will be continually in effect until changed by me. Thank You for allowing me to Dowse this map.
"Primary Program is to be continually in effect until I choose to make changes.
Covering the overall primary controls, limits, agreements and dowsing responses.
The Purpose is to determine amounts, effects, conditions, circumstances, influences, times, measurements, distances, numbers, percentages and other requested areas.
Dowsing Communications to be inter- cooperative and restricted to: the Overall Universal Superconscious, my Superconscious, my Higher Self and their approved Spirit Guides/Guardian Angels, and others of their choice, my Mind Systems, my Subconscious and its related systems. This is to cause me no harm, discomfort or loss of energy, either physically or spirituality.
Influences such as misleading thoughts, imaging, wishes, or any other conditions from any source, physical or non- physical, including my own or other persons, entities or mind systems of any kind, are not to affect me adversely or cause incorrect dowsing answers.
Time as related to dowsing is to be in my time unless other wise requested.
Answers are to be selected from all available knowledge and information sources.
The Method of Answering by the pendulum or any dowsing systems is to be: General, swinging or moving to "yes", "no" or other information, indicating the most appropriate answer for the question asked. Clockwise spin is for searching or other agreed-on systems.
Temporary Changes may be made by me while dowsing, reverting back after use.
Program Changes like adding, deleting or changing may be made by me, but only by using a four step system of my choice. End of program."
"May 1 Dowse on the computer screen. Can 1 dowse on the computer screen , Should I dowse on the computer screen and thank you for allowing me to dowse this map or photo on the computer screen is to become a working part of all my Dowsing Programs, and be continually in effect until I choose to make changes. When used in reference to dowsing questions, the May 1, Can 1, Should 1, is to have the following meaning:
May I is to mean: Do I have appropriate permission?
Can I means: Do I have the ability to successfully dowse in this area and am I ready?
Should I means: Considering all aspects related to this situation would it be appropriate, proper and suitable to dowse in this area?
"Map Dowsing Program is to become part of and work with all my programs or agreements, and to be in effect until I choose to make changes. When using a map or drawing, some type of dowsing device, and with or without an additional pointer or straight edge, the dowsing system is to indicate when the pointer, straight edge or dowsing device is indicating the present map represented location of the object, subject or target specified by the dowser. End of Program., thank you"

I have two programs on my computer that I like to us.
Microsoft Digital Image Standard and Microsoft Digital Image Pro 9
I open one of these programs. I open the file up and move a file into the computer .I how have a map named raj.jeg on the program( This is a real map I received yesterday) I then lighten or darken the Image. I put the cursor in the middle and then ask permission to Dowse the map or photo. After that I start asking the entire map …Is there any thing of value on this map/photo. I ask all the questions on my list and sometimes other questions and write down the yes answers.
I now click insert and pick line. I use two lines to divide the Map/photo in to 4 parts. I then put the cursor in the top left grid and start asking the questions that I received yes answers to. I again note the yes answers and move to the top right grid. I keep doing this until I have completed all four grids.
Now if I have yes answers in more than one grid I will use the message (big blue A) box to put a no in the grids I want to ignore. On this map there are 2 grids of interest . I again use the insert line to divide these grids into fourths…I keep doing this until I am down to a ¼ inch grids for each treasure…
To me it is just a method to eliminate parts of the map where there is nothing of value…Yes…I have been known to miss valuable item. I know I miss them when questioning the entire map but have not found out how get them all
…If there are any questions I would be happy to try and answer them….

My Pendulum is just an old mechanical pencil that I inherited from my Mother..Art


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so art you print out the map, or put your finger on the screen? Or you draw lines on the computer and take it from there while holding your Pendulum ??

~Mr Jody~
so art you print out the map, or put your finger on the screen? Or you draw lines on the computer and take it from there while holding your Pendulum ??

I used to print all the maps but after a while my ink bill was out of site. I read somewhere that this guy was doing his on the computer..I gave it a try and it worked. I use the cursor to mark the grid I am asking questions about. The program I have will put a line on the screen that I can move and adjust and put it where I want. Since I am a physical dowser I don’t want to use my rods for anything that is mental..Art
I used to have two programs to use.. Microsoft Digital Image Standard and Microsoft Digital Image Pro 9…A few weeks ago I had to purchase a new computer…Microsoft has quite making the Standard program so I am using the pro 9 as I have the insulation disks for that one…Art

Here is something that I do and it works. I don't do it all the time though. It depends on what the person agrees to send me first and what they want me to send back to them.
If your client sends you a picture with the gps coords on them, this is a quick way to provide your client gps locations without sending a picture. It's a good example of how technology can assist the dowser.
It's uncomfortable for me to dowse with the computer screen vertical, but there are people who do it. It's also distracting to me to scan the screen using the mouse in your left hand and dowsing tool in the other no matter what position the screen is in. I need to be able to touch the picture or be in close proximity to the picture/map to complete my dowsing procedure. I don't know if any flatscreen monitors can be positioned so they are face up, but I think most laptop screens can be positioned that way.
My laptop screen can be positioned face up or laid flat on a tabletop. I position it so north in the image is aligned with magnetic north where I am doing the dowsing, just as I would do with an actual picture/map.
I use a thin plexiglass sheet that covers the whole area of the laptop screen frame. That gives me a hard, clear surface to touch and mark on with a dry erase marker and it does not lay on the actual screen surface. I use a green marker for gold, blue for silver, ect. From there I just do my dowsing procedure over the screen just as I would over an actual printout, align the cursor under my marker points, get the gps coords and email them to the client. I think you can save the image with the coords on there too if the client wants to see them on the picture but I have not tried to do that yet. This method enables the client to reach a dowsing hit location via gps without having to interpolate between details on a picture and actual ground conditions.
Hope this helps,

Hey Mr Jody…this is where I read about map dowsing on the computer screen…http://www.treasurequestxlt.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=377
Hey Jon…A person has to develop his methods to fit his own style…I also prefer maps with the GPS readings on them…It gives me the freedom to zoom in and out…Some maps I get weak signals but zooming in and out will change the signal strength. …Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Hey Mr Jody…this is where I read about map dowsing on the computer screen…http://www.treasurequestxlt.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=377
Hey Jon…A person has to develop his methods to fit his own style…I also prefer maps with the GPS readings on them…It gives me the freedom to zoom in and out…Some maps I get weak signals but zooming in and out will change the signal strength. …Art

Hi Art,
I agree. This computer screen dowsing gps thing I do eliminates having to print out a picture to dowse.
Helps save time for me if that's all the person wants is coords.

A metallic pendulum attached by a wire will take on the charge of the hand it is being held by. A pendulum held by a nonconductive string will take on the charge of the last hand which held the pendulum. The pendulum when rotating above an object of a similar charge will continue to rotate and eventually swing back and forth perpendicular to the object. This pendulum when rotating above an object of the opposite charge will start to swing back and forth parallel to the object being dowsed. Caution here when dowsing an object you have touched the object will usually take on the charge of the last hand that touched it. This can be demonstrated by dowsing over an object such as a table knife depending on which hand touched the knife last an opposite reaction of the dowsing device will be seen.

I can make a spot on a piece of paper and the charge can be transferred to paper. I also have to be careful when using the computer screen. The pendulum reaction is less when the last hand touching the screen was my left had..Try the experiment with a spoon, paper and the computer screen and see if it would make a difference for you…Art

To Art, Never in the history of dowsing on Treasure net has so much rubbish been posted by a solitary person. Art you are so far from the truth in all your postings it is beyond belief. You have aclaimed yourself as the king of LRLs and also dowsing.
You claim you physically dowse ( not mentally) a phrase you snaffled off dell who was kicked off this forum, not withstanding that physical dowsing is non existant. You claim in one posting that you own two LRLs and in another that you own four LRLs. God help any novice who believes any of your stolen or misguided material.
Following Churchills famous statement." never has so much bull been posted to so many, believed by so few and kept being reposted by the same guy" Max

Thank You Max...My Dad told me that there is always another way to skin a cat…could you please tell us again how many years it has been that you have been unable to Dowse?... Many of us have no problems Dowsing daily..Art

Hey Max...Just recieved this e-mail..
This alert is from the Rice Space Institute issued on Fri Feb 4 19:20:01 GMT 2011

ACE Solar Wind observations warrant condition RED

Trigger Boyle index (kV): 212.120000

This daily dowsing with no problems itself smacks of bull. There is so much material worthwhile digging for underground that a few minutes genuine dowsing would give you enough digging to last a lifetime/
I couldnt care less about your egotistical rantings on Treasure net, every old man has to have a hobby when he physically slows down, but the dangerous fact is that new chums may actually believe you and be suckered into spending hard cash on rubbish hoping to get out of the financial rut they are in.
You are a menace to society art./.. Max

Dear subscriber:

Our system has three kinds of red alerts:

The first and fastest one, when the Boyle Index 10-minute average goes above 200 KV. We send a red alert if the BI is over 200 AND if the previous ten minutes was at least 150kV (that eliminates most data glitches). That means the solar wind is gusting with a southward component, and if it continues, a minor to major storm will occur. However, a single 10 minute value above 200 does not guarantee a major storm - only if it persists for an hour or more.

We also send out a red alert if our predicted Kp index goes above 6. This says that the solar wind has continued to blow and our neural network predicts that the three-hour Kp should be six or better (our Kp prediction has an uncertainly of about .8 step).

At present, our web site only updates hourly, at 38 minutes past the hour. So, for this event, our subscribers got the BI red alert notice long before the web site updated to show it - but it was real. As the Sun recovers from its deep minimum, we will be making updates more frequently - at the ten-minute cadence for the Boyle Index, and 30 minute time steps for the Kp, AE, and Dst predictions.
(It also will send out a red alert for Dst predicted less than -100).

For the present event, there was a gust of southward IMF that lasted just under an hour. There was then a northward recovery but it is heading south again. So, stay tuned - if it continues downward it may be a nice storm!
For realtime plots of the IMF and solar wind speed: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ace/MAG_SWEPAM_2h.html
For realtime plots of our Boyle Index (predicted polar cap potential drop) and derived predicted Kp, Dst, and AE indices:

If you are in northern latitudes and are in the dark (i.e. northern scandinavia), go out and take a look!
For North America, check back in a few hours to see if the IMF is continuing to be favorable.

Best wishes and happy aurora hunting!



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copying and pasting data that you have no idea how they work won't get you out of the hole youve dug and crawled into. Max

copying and pasting data that you have no idea how they work won't get you out of the hole youve dug and crawled into. Max

I know all I need to know about Space weather. When it is in the red my rods work better than when it is in the green. Are we going to wait 6 years to find Treasure ?...Why should we..Our rods work no matter what the Sun is doing..

Art,You still dont know the difference between dowsing and browsing

aussie 1 said:
To Art, Never in the history of dowsing on Treasure net has so much rubbish been posted by a solitary person. Art you are so far from the truth in all your postings it is beyond belief. You have aclaimed yourself as the king of LRLs and also dowsing.
You claim you physically dowse ( not mentally) a phrase you snaffled off dell who was kicked off this forum, not withstanding that physical dowsing is non existant. You claim in one posting that you own two LRLs and in another that you own four LRLs. God help any novice who believes any of your stolen or misguided material.
Following Churchills famous statement." never has so much bull been posted to so many, believed by so few and kept being reposted by the same guy" Max

I'm new to this, so this may seem like a stupid question. Isn't "physical dowsing" done with the steel rods while walking in a field? Just trying to make sure I'm on the same page as everyone else. If I'm wrong, please correct me. Thanks in advance,


Hey Bill….I have tried rods build from almost any thing that I could. I have used many types of metal..I have even used rods made of plastic and wood..I always end up using 3/16 brass rods again..I can dowse with almost any material and I do not know why I prefer the brass…Dowsing works a little different for each of us so there are no set rules or methods…If you want me to prove Dowsing works you are out of luck. I have my own theories that satisfy me….After all I am the only one I have to prove anything to…I use no mental input when using the rods. Map Dowsing is the only thing that is a mental exercise for me….I am not an expert at any thing..I just post my methods so others know Mental Dowsing may not be the answer for them..Art

Hey Bill, you are on the right section of the forum but have the wrong guy, Art is a typaholic who has the craziest ideas about dowsing which will only bring you to grief if you follow his advice. He is applying negative theories to explain away something that he doesn't understand.
There was a guy named dell who used to and probably still does sell fake dowsing LR Ls whom Art teamed up with. This Dell explained away his non working contraptions as physical dowsing instead of mental dowsing allowing him exploit his fake dowsing machines a loop hole to exploit financially.
People actually believed him , however he was eventually thrown off this forum leaving Art on his own peddling his rubbishy ideas on his own.
Dowsing is a mental exercise and none of Arts bull can change fact and turn it into fiction.

Sorry you feel that way..here is what Max’s rods looks like..it will only work when the sunspot activity is real high..that has only happened about 3 times in the last 7 years..art


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