Not knowing what setting you are using on the CTX i had to try your test myself. Space between the two center nails5 1/2 inches with quarter dead center.
My settings are
Tone profile-Combined
Seperation-Ferrous coin
Ferrous line set at 24
Everything rejected below the 24 line.
Last co bin set at 36
Had no problem hitting the quarter with ever sweep using the 11 in coil.
Could you provide your setting on theCTX.
You know i likethe Deus also and i will never say that the CTX is as fast as it is but the test you showed is not a accurate repesentation of the CTX.
I believe you will hear a quarter with the CTX and other machines if you move the nails 5 1/2 inches apart. In my test, the block of wood I removed was 3" wide. Moving the nails farther apart makes a huge difference on the iron masking effect.
What also makes a difference is the size of your nails. With very thin/smaller nails, the quarter will read through the iron.
The whole purpose of the test was to see if the Deus's claims were true. I have known for a long time about the phenomena of not being able to hear good targets below iron so I set the nails wide enough apart to the point where the other machines could not hear the quarter. Once I got to this point, I tested the Deus and their claims were true! They have some serious processing speed!
In the video, when testing the Deus with the iron volume on, I was only swinging between the nails but when I turned the iron volume off, I was swinging beyond the nails and was still able to hear the quarter "chirp" regardless of the swing speed. Start watching at the 2:40 point in the video and you'll see I slowed the CTX down. The quarter was about 4" away from the coil and the screen was wide open (to hear everything), Deep was OFF, Fast ON, Ferrous-Coin.
Regarding your comment "the test you showed is not a accurate representation of the CTX" ; The good thing about these sort of tests is that they are very repeatable. I encourage what you have done by doing the test yourself but I think when you try the test again with the nails closer as in my video, you will see the CTX simply does not have the processing speed of the Deus.
Different machines (like the CTX) have advantages over the Deus in other areas, but regarding hearing good targets below iron, the Deus works.