It is real. It is a cache site that was used to hold bars until they could be transported to ships. There is a LOT of gold bars in there! It does point to at least 4 other locations also. Every square inch of the map holds a mathematical equasion. My wierd cousin Norman was born a natural mathematical savant. I had him over one weekend, and gave him all of the fire hot cheetos and Dr. Pepper he could consume. He worked it out in a few hours, but he said there are no coordinates that take you directly to it. He submitted that when anyone went there for the first time, they were given another map to the general location, then the LUE map that we know of today, was used to locate the mine shaft. He showed me where, on the map, that the mine shaft is probably located. He said there are two major "structures" that the most important coordinates point to, and that they point to each other. These coordinates are found in at least three other locations on the map, that lead to the mine shaft, from these "structures". From these two "structures," the mine shaft sits closer to one than the other, but that is a simple matter to figure it out he said, demonstrating how dumb I am. "So where is the bigger map? He asked me. I told him some guy named Karl must have had it, but didn't include it in his book! He said then it was no wonder he put just one map in his book, because no one will ever be able to find the general location without it, and he thought Karl probably doesn't have it or he wouldn't have even put one map in his book. I told him Karl had passed, he then said "Good luck with that! You got anymore Cheetos?"