the lost cache ......

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Gold Member
Mar 21, 2010
Detector(s) used
XLT , surfmaster PI , HAYS 2Box , VIBRA-TECTOR
This is like Fenns cache, but you actually get clues. So far I have narrowed it down to The Treasure lake area of Clearfield Co. Pa. I think I know what trail it is on, but I am waiting for the next clue.
It is 17# of treasure Gold, silver and jems. It is 22# if you count the 4" PVC sealed container. Frank...

STILL LIFE-0003 wolf.jpg

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great, i have a buddy going to same area wknd of sep 28th, we figed the area out b4
the story clues came, dont forget your orange vest, stay safe luck to ya

great, i have a buddy going to same area wknd of sep 28th, we figed the area out b4
the story clues came, dont forget your orange vest, stay safe luck to ya

I figgured it out before I got the book. It is on Wolfs Run, between 219 and Ttreasure Lake. You can visualize it on the map.
Bow season is open, but rifle doesn't open until the end of Nov. I would not want to be in there during rifle season!
I think the rattlers are still out because of the warm temps. I have seen rattlers up there that are almost 4" in dia.
I figure this is a better shot than Fenn. There are real clues and 17# of gold silver and gems. Maybe I will see you up there. Frank...
STILL LIFE-0003 wolf.jpg

Well, The clues have finally pointed to a target area. The cache is gold and silver coins, some jewelry, some old currency, etc. It is in a 4"X1' piece of PVC plugged on both ends. I think I will take a shot at it this weekend. Any one else taking a shot at ti? Frank...

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I went , I saw, But I did not conquer. The access I picked was shown on a Google aerial, but what it didn't show was that the terrain below the power lines was composed of potholes from 1' to 6' in depth and on a 30 degree slope. After 500 yards I was worn out. I was still over 1/2 mile from Wolf Run. Got to find a more passable access to the Run. Frank...

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Found another road, suggested by another hunter, Yes some are willing to help another hunter but they are few and far between. This road , believe it or not is called the Old Mill Rd. As the Cache is hidden at an old mill site, it looks promising. Perhaps time for another trip up there in Pa. I can't believe you guys aren't looking for this. There are realistic clues and the cache is verified, at least in the thousands.
STILL LIFE-0003 wolf.jpg

I figgured it out before I got the book. It is on Wolfs Run, between 219 and Ttreasure Lake. You can visualize it on the map.
Bow season is open, but rifle doesn't open until the end of Nov. I would not want to be in there during rifle season!
I think the rattlers are still out because of the warm temps. I have seen rattlers up there that are almost 4" in dia.
I figure this is a better shot than Fenn. There are real clues and 17# of gold silver and gems. Maybe I will see you up there. Frank...
View attachment 861913

Rattlers are good eating with bake beans and strong coffee.

Well, The clues have finally pointed to a target area. The cache is gold and silver coins, some jewelry, some old currency, etc. It is in a 4"X1' piece of PVC plugged on both ends. I think I will take a shot at it this weekend. Any one else taking a shot at ti? Frank...

View attachment 863072
Only if it is in Connecticut.

I have faith in you Frankn, I wish that cache was buried a little closer to my area. Good Luck my friend. :icon_thumleft:

This is very cool and interesting. Where do these hidden treasures and subsequent clues come from or where are they published? I love a mystery.

This is very cool and interesting. Where do these hidden treasures and subsequent clues come from or where are they published? I love a mystery.

The cache is a seeded hunt based on the booklet " censored" It is on another Forum site that we can't mention on T net. If I had your E Mail address, I would give you the name. Sorry!
Frank...111-1 profile.jpg

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I am giving serious thought to another trip. The Run is 3 miles long and runs through the woods. I have figured out all the clues except the #cypher. I am not much good at those. 3 that I know of have gone out and looked so far with negative results. We have compared notes and think we are close, but no cookie. Frank...
STILL LIFE-0003 wolf.jpg

Hay, this treasure" chest" is real, although it is a 1' length of 6" capped PVC pipe. Wolf Run is the location and there are many clues, even pictures of the cache and the location. But you know how much info you can get from a picture of the woods. Lol Frank...

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Here's one of the clues. Anyone know binary and good at ciphers? Frank...

01001100011000010110101101100101001000000101001001100101011011100110010100100000 ​ 01110111011000010111001100100000011101000110100001100101001000000110011001101111 ​ 01110010011011010110010101110010001000000110111001100001011011010110010100100000 ​ 01101111011001100010000001010100011100100110010101100001011100110111010101110010 ​ 01100101001000000100110001100001011010110110010100101110001000000101001101100001 ​ 01100010011101010110110001100001001000000101001001101111011000010110010000100000 ​ 01101001011100110010000001101001011011100110010001100101011001010110010000100000 ​ 01010010011101000010000000110010001101010011010100101110001000000100001001101111 ​ 01101111011011100110010100100000010011010110111101110101011011100111010001100001 ​ 01101001011011100010000001101001011100110010000001100001001000000110001001100101 ​ 01100001011101010111010001101001011001100111010101101100001000000111000001101100 ​ 01100001011000110110010100101110001000000100100000101110010000110110100001100001 ​ 01110010011011000110010101110011001000000100001001100101011010010110110000100000 ​ 01101001011100110010000001110100011010000110010100100000011101110110111101101100 ​ 01100110001000000110100101101110001000000111001101101000011001010110010101110000 ​ 00100111011100110010000001100011011011000110111101110100011010000110100101101110 ​ 01100111001000000110001001100101011101110110000101110010011001010010000001101111 ​ 01100110001000000111010001101000011001010010000001110010011001010110010000100000 ​ 01101000011001010111001001110010011010010110111001100111001000000110100101110100 ​00100000011000100110100101110100011001010111001100101110

Would be nice to see the book in order to have context. Anyways the code is pretty easy;

Lake Rene was the former name of Treasure Lake. Sabula Road is indeed Rt 255. Boone Mountain is a beautiful place. H.Charles Beil is the wolf in sheep's clothing beware of the red herring it bites.


Is that the translation or your opinion? Frank...

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That's the translation, why would I give a opinion or mislead? Been treasure hunting for 20 years, spend hours on puzzles..............

Actually believe I was within 500 feet of Fenn's cache. Have to go back..........Know your feelings on Fenn, as if fairy wings held up the earth:)

I have faith in you Frankn, I wish that cache was buried a little closer to my area. Good Luck my friend. :icon_thumleft:

We all have faith in Frankn and wiish that he find all the treasures that he is seeking. Look out for hungry snakes.

I don't see highway 119 near there

and frankn, that cipher is different than the one I downloaded I think

the one at the end of my book isn't digital. it has numerals

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