Blak bart
Platinum Member
i wanted to get in the water but the weather had other instead it was into the mangrove bush.
got some silver dimes and a handful of wheats.

Also got some great maritime relics.

I was super happy with the mini bronze double block pulley!!

got a wheat penny that had been shot by a 22. Also had a shotgun headstamp that had also been shot by a 22 round....BOOM !!

Ended up with a half dozen plated pieces of silverware...5 forks a spoon and a knife handle.
plenty of bullets and shells also.
plenty of other miscellaneous finds also. Nothing mind blowing but a nice steady day of digging !! Wooo hooo !! Got to admit that seeing those ships dividers on the banner board really got me motivated...thanks FloridaSon....and happy hunting everyone !!
Got to take a picture of some funky looking plate thingy...might be some kind of art deco ashtray or something its soaking !!

Also got some great maritime relics.

Ended up with a half dozen plated pieces of silverware...5 forks a spoon and a knife handle.

Got to take a picture of some funky looking plate thingy...might be some kind of art deco ashtray or something its soaking !!