Need feeback on garrett"infinium ls" water detector


Hero Member
🥇 Charter Member
Sep 5, 2011
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south texas
Detector(s) used
,f-5,simplex 2.68: simplex + 2.78
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
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Good machine, recently discontinued?

I second Terry's response and add the Tesoro Sand Shark. Both are very deep but being PI's they lack good disc.

A friend of mine uses the Infinium LS as his primary machine and likes it very much. He says that after you get some hours in, you'll be able to discriminate with it to a certain degree. unlike most other PI machines.

....He says that after you get some hours in, you'll be able to discriminate with it to a certain degree. unlike most other PI machines.

You could make that claim with ANY pulse induction machine. After 1,000-hours plus on the Sand Shark, I have a very good idea from the signal what I might be hearing. Bottom line though, it is still an educated guess. As I said, the Infinium is a good machine, but it's not a magic PI.

I have been treasure hunting since 1985 and I have published many articles in Western and Eastern Treasures Magazine. I can not tell you about or give you advice on detectors I have not used extensively and I would suggest that you do not take advice from others who have not spent a significant amount of time with a detector and who pass information from "what they have heard". I have used the Infinium for almost 10 years and with great success. My wife sports an 18 thousand dollar diamond ring on her finger that I found with the Infinium. (Yes I tried to find the owner and I put the find in the Tampa Newspaper for 30 days with no success in finding the owner). I have not posted on this forum for a while but it is not because I have not been active. I took a lengthy reprieve from electronic media to get back to my roots and clear my head.

About the Infinium. It is a great machine, but as stated, it is being discontinued. The Infinium is not your average run of the mill PI. I have found that most people don't like the PI for several reasons. They cannot master the discrimination, (which is completely different than non PI machines), they prefer a machine with lots of options on tuning and lots of knobs for doing so, they prefer machines with significant variations of audible tones for discrimination and in many cases, they prefer a lower cost machine. There is absolutely nothing wrong with those choices. The fact is that if you buy a quality machine, Minelab, Garrett, Tesoro, Whites, etc. and there are others, and you use that machine and learn that machine for all it's worth, you will become proficient with it and you will become a successful hunter if you do your research, learn proper technique and learn quality places to hunt.

I have spent my entire adult life as a law enforcement officer and you can see these same comparisons in firearms and with people who are always searching for the best handgun, rifle, etc., The fact of the matter is, you can own a 24K Gold Plated Glock with the highest dollar grips, laser sights, and magazine capacity that will allow you to shoot till the cows come home and if you can't draw, aim and hit a target with that amazing gun under extreme pressure, a street thug with a .22 caliber Saturday Night Special who knows how to shoot can take you down in an instant during a gun battle. Same with detectors. I am not saying that your question is not a good one and that the answers you are getting are not also o.k. but I am saying that if you have never owned an Infinium and used it for a period of time, you cannot properly comment on its abilities or lack there of. I would suggest that if you really want to experience the Infinium, you should either borrow one for an extended period of time and learn it inside and out or buy a good used one on EBAY, Craigslist, or Amazon and give it a try. If you don't like it, you can always resale it for close to what you paid and even if you lose 100 bucks, you can consider that rent for the time you have it.

Here is what I can tell you about my use of it. It is pretty much a simple machine to use. It has basically two dual tone patterns, one for gold and one for other non ferrous metals. One ID tone is a door bell type sound, (ding-dong), and the other is the reverse of a door bell sound, (dong-ding). It is that simple. You also learn to listen for faint chirps and sounds that may indicate a distant object. This is common on any machine and any experienced hunter will tell you that these faint sounds, when learned, can lead to some pretty impressive finds.

The Infinium is built like a tank. It also has the ability to operate with multiple coils that you can interchange on the spot. I have 4 different coils and can change them on the beach in an instant. One complaint that you will hear often about a PI machine is that they are too deep at times. This would seem to be a good thing but you can actually hit a target regularly that you cannot possibly reach in the surf with a sand scoop. The targets are so deep that your hole eventually becomes a collapsing mess that you can never get past to get to the target. You can also do that with the other detectors but the PI machines seem to do that more often in my opinion.

All this being said, I would encourage you to get an Infinium, keep it for a season, learn it inside out and see what happens. Or you can get any other machine that is comparable, non PI or PI and do the same. I will guarantee you that if you put the time in to learn any good quality machine, you will be successful if you also take time to learn technique and learn how to research quality locations. (I have seen many high dollar machines in the hands of a person who has no clue how to use it and has very poor technique and they may as well be at home on the sofa swinging that detector.)

I hope you find you a good machine, PI or not. I hope you get a good quality machine, take the time to learn it and take the time to perfect your technique and research methods. If you do those things and put in the time in the surf and on the beaches, you will find as much or more than anyone on this forum. It is just the way treasure hunting is, land or sea. Good relic hunters do their homework and learn their equipment. Good coin shooters do the same. Good prospectors do the same and so on.

Take care and good luck.

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