looking for one of the copies of Pedro Nevarez treasure maps


Sr. Member
Feb 8, 2006
Detector(s) used
Polygragh and if needed sodium P
Clayton I sent you another email this evening , hope it helps out
I have been pounding my head against the wall all day long as I had a lot of notes and a map someplace about him ??? ??? ???
I haven't even hit fifty yet and I am losing it ??? ??? ;) :D

treasure minder

Jr. Member
Mar 18, 2006
Hey youse wiseguys

he he

go to PINE SPRING in Rucker Canyon of the Organ Mountains

There is a large boulder there
before the boulder is a Pine coming out of the bank
of the wash horizonally
then makes a 90 degree turn straight up

sit there and look a little north east towrds
Granit peak

head that way

up there, follow the monuments

sooner or later
you will find a site in that area

remove stones
uncover a flat stone door
used to be a chain around the niches carved in the edge of that door

the chain went inside the cave and was wrapped
around a beam stuck in a hole on the floor and in the ceiling

was 330 bars inside there in 1972
a few were removed and hidden elsewhere.

Then, go to the tules at the south base of Soledad peak
look south
you will see a deep wash

walk up there a few hundred yards

above is a set boulder
find the small dry waterfall
there is the covered spring of Navaraz

From that point, look north back to the road

you will be looking up Dorcey Canyon

stay out of there
thats mine

anyway, there is a bluff at the end of the west ridge of Dorcey

Go down there
Beneath some trees
and behind a boulder with small rocks set
on top
you will find the sencil painting of the turtel
and the 12 dots that denote
each rod is 15 1/2 feet
go in the direction indicated which is east
by that increment.

at the base of the bluff
you will see where the rock has been cut away
that is the top most part of the cave entrance

Now, walk east on the road
look north at the ridge that ends at Soledad Peak

You will see a Yellow patch on stone
go to it

Behind that yellow patch that stands out brightly
is another cache.

Up in the saddle of the ridge behind it
is found some big boulders
as Pedro states
look close for the signs on these

In that area
can be found more treasure

Standing at that point
survey the land to the southeast across canyon

look for stones on top of Boulders
use bi-nocs

up there near that covered spring
on top of a boulder
will be found small rocks laid out as Turtels
pulling carts
the small rocks are square that make the carts

a way of say several carts were brought there
the contents dumped in a vault
and buried up.

Right under that boulder
is the Locale of the treasure from those carts.

Now, walk back to Issachs cabin
the one in the middle of Soledad
it is the one that still has a roof on it
and two doors facing up North Canyon.

To the east of this cabin on the south wall of the wash can be seen a turtle rock

go south, seek more monuments from that one
watch for the carvings low on some boulders

you are headed up Beasley Canyon at this point.

A Spanish sword was removed from a cave there
and breast plate and helmet

In that cave, check the walls for plastered over stone wall
behind that false wall
more stuffs.

Return to Soledad
Head west

Before Chiminy Rock, walk North
Study the very old trees

Watch for carvings on a few of them

Note that near one
is a stack of small rocks
your home at that point.

Go back east now

Turn North up North Canyon where the
delapitated cabin sits in the mouth of the canyon

STOP, stand at the east end of that cabin

you will see close to the base of the sloping ridge
a hugh Boulder with a 4 ft, stone monument on top of it

go to it
look for any marks
no matter how faint the carvings are

another site with more in it.

Head Back now to the tulie
there the wash runs north again
go down the wash
find the pools carved into the bedrock to catch the placer

go up there
seek a cave the door of which is covered

in that area
is a hugh boulder
beneath it, is a spiral staicase in a perfectly round tunnel going straight down

beware, not too safe going down.

Now, head norht after that
there is a boulder, hard to find, beneath is a tunnel heading north
There is a stone wall blocking any further
you will find my dads attempt to break through that wall

watch for water trap behind that wall
but, this is the 11th year of drought here
so most likely no water behind it

good luck


treasure minder

Jr. Member
Mar 18, 2006
This Canyon has two passes ( Soledad Canyon )

One where the sun rises ( East end, where Soledad Peak is )

and one where the sun sets ( west end,, where chiminy Rock stands like a thumb)

Get it?

Climb the greater mountain
He means PEAK, ( Soledad Peak )

Get it ?

The Lesser Peak, is the Ice Cream Cone shaped peak to
the east of Soledad Peak
Get it ?

In Between the two
are the monument stones set up

dozens of them.
One, is clearly seen from the tulies
pointing west and a bit north.

Get it

Here read the letter ,,, it says
These signs are on the right as you
enter the canyon and NOT VERY FAR INSIDE THE CANYON.
coming into Soledad from the eastside

Now, Before you enter from the east
about a mile before the Beasley trading post
on the northside of the road
you will find a rectangular shaped stone corral

hugh one
thats the Pony Pen

where they kept the beast of burden.

coming along the road going west
again on the north side of the road
and near the wash
you will find a square flat boulder about two feet
high and about 8 feet long
on the southside of that boulder is a horseshoe
carved in it pointing toe down

dig away,,, do not let the military catch you.

Dig on the opposit side from the horseshoe

beneath is a vault.

many mule loads of silver there
unless the military already snagged it.

Now, go to dripping springs
head up ice canyon

at the turn in the wash where it heads east
Look up at the bluff

do you see the kneeling Nun?

she is looking down on a hugh deposit

both sides of the canyon
will be found a cave at the bottom of each bluff

turn around head back to the parking lot

go up Filmore Canyon

just past the waterfall
look towards the Modoc mine
on the slop coming at you
see that hugh boulder with the pointer rock

go up canyon now
look south
see another hugh boulder with a rock on top ?
Up above that to the south
is Padre La Rues two room cave

keep going up Filmore
find a hugh boulder at the entrance
to the Narrows
there is a conical shaped stone sticking up on it
thats the hat rock

dig like a twinkie crazed badger under it
bars were removed from ther
but more are further below

Go back to La Rues cave
look out the small window hole down into the canyon
everything he hid
can be seen from that window.

he liked to keep watch on his goods.


treasure minder

Jr. Member
Mar 18, 2006

Now that you are done with that portion

go to the east side out of Soledad Canyon
from there, walk north

eventually after crossing sever 30 feet deep washes
you will see globe spring
there is a hugh round boulder setting
ontop of a flat hardrock patio of sorts
a cave entrance to a tunnel behind it
stay out
nothing in there

stay on the nrthside of the wash and walk into glendale canyon
you will see a small hill at the mouth of the canyon
the sand of the wash is rich in placer

go past the small hill
to the right on the north ridge
not high up
is a hugh boulder the size of a suburban
a hugh dead tree lays over it
with a bee hive in a knot hole

go behind it
some rocks are thrown up at the base of a stone bluff
an old rotted beam is covered in them

remove the debry
there a small cave is buried up


precious to some people type metal

Cross canyon back to the west side of the small hill
look for 3 trees planted in a triangle

in the center of the trees

Up the ridge is Granit peak
there can be found by careful search
what is refered to as MUCHO DENIERO CAVE
(Much money cave)

again a false wall in the cave and must be broken into

Go now to the small hill and climb to the top

see the stones set up as ramparts ?
to protect the entrance of the canyon from attack?

Note that there is a stone set over an entrance into a verticle shaft up ther
Doc Noss style entrance.

No, he was never here in this one.

While up there, look at the ridges on both sides of the canyon
somewhere up there on one of them
can be found two of three canon
one fell off and is at the base of the bluff
the wooden cart it was on rotted apart, and the canon
rolled off the bluff.

Leave Glendale Canyon
walk Norht again untill
you reach the mouth of Johnson Canyon

See the Kidney Shaped stacked stone walls?
there again we have the pony pen corral

walk into the canyon
Look for a Boulder set up on four smaller stomes

thats a square boulder

go passed that and stay on the southside of the main wash

Find a Boulder with small rocks on top set as
though a pointer

count the rocks there on top
that how many mules were used to carry the bags of goods in there to be buried

There is a Chiminy on the left of the canyon,,, hugh thumb like stone wall
Walk to the base of it
walk the wash watching for human bones

above the wash on the left a bit will be found a carved trench in
the bedrock to deflect the water away from a vault beneath
a big flat square boulder.

Enough Gold for ten men
for ten lifetimes each.

That is Aztec Gold
Icons and statues
as well as trinkets.

Go now down to the spring which is right now dry
Look around in the dirt
and there is Aztec pottry shards still there to be recovered.

More Aztec stuffs is in the area
But, why bother
the hole has more then anyone man would ever need .

Get out of there now
and drive through San Augustine pass to Aguirre springs

Look up Indian Hollow
the hollow is on the northside of the sugarloaf peak

Walk up into the hollow

A cave in the bank of the wash is there somewher ,,, hard to describe directions
to it in type

it is very low in the bank and mostly covered
be careful
the guy who entered it in the 30's was bitten by a rattle snake

inside the cave he found another flat boulder
with a cross carved on top of it

the boulder sets over the hole cat vetically
into the bedrock
can't say whats there
might be a tomb
might be treasure
might be a mine.

don't know
can't say


treasure minder

Jr. Member
Mar 18, 2006
Hey,,, i missed your reply roadquest

I'm fine
about to get back home to Washington right now

thought i'd turn this treasure stuffs over to the public

i don't care for it

Military stole enough
time for the citizens to get a chance at it.

Good luck with it

I have more directions

i'll do that later maybe.



Sr. Member
Feb 8, 2006
Detector(s) used
Polygragh and if needed sodium P
Rog' I think you know where I took this Pic


  • organ1.jpg
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Sr. Member
Feb 8, 2006
Detector(s) used
Polygragh and if needed sodium P
Yet every time they tried to explore the cave, a strange fear and feeling of dread would overtake the whole party, and they would always turn back.” They were sent to a psychic who told them of a man who would lead them into the tunnel without fear. “With this man as their guide they were able to penetrate further into the tunnel…” Deep inside … “the remains of ancient structures and walls made out of well dressed rock were found. They then discovered at this place a spiral staircase built out of cut stones that down, down, down, down into the earth.

“After some discussion, it was decided that their guide should descent the stairs …

He did so, following the staircase into the deep bowels of the earth. After some tome, he came to a large room with more cut stone. A gigantic rock-cut throne, big enough for a giant, or two people sitting together, was in the middle of the room.

“Artifacts were on the walls, though (he didn’t) know what they were. The man returned up the staircase and reported what he discovered. The others tried to convince him to return to the room and bring some of the artifacts back up, but he refused. The team then left the tunnel, and today the entrance is still a secret.” ;)


Sr. Member
Feb 8, 2006
Detector(s) used
Polygragh and if needed sodium P
Chandler wrote, “In 1937 a half-Indian podiatrist named Doc Noss discovered a cache of Apache gold on what is now the White Sands Missile Range … Much of the treasure was in the form of hundreds of stacked gold bars, plus other artifacts, such as swords, goblets, crowns, statues and other things … Doc Noss was shot and killed by his partner Charlie Ryan in March of 1949 … Noss was known to have taken at least 88 bars of gold out of the hidden tunnels inside the mountain.”

“Because of an article published in the November, 1968 issue of True Treasure magazine there was renewed interest in the fabulous treasure, and a prospector named Harvey Snow was approached by three ranchers who lived in the area west of the Victorio Peak site. Snow had spent 25 years exploring the entire White Sands area, and the ranchers felt that Snow could lead them into the treasure area, bypassing the Army patrols that guarded the missile range.”
Because of a story told Snow many years before by a cowboy who had followed Doc Noss to a hidden tunnel, he believed that the treasure was not at Victorio Peak, but on another peak, Hard Scrabble Peak which was also on government property.

As Mr. Childress tell us; “Snow’s incredible story is then related by Mr. Chandler; “On the second day I found the cave with the sloping steps. I went down the steps; down and down. I don’t know how far. I estimated maybe thirteen hundred or fourteen hundred steps. The bottom step, the last one was rounded at the bottom so that when you stepped on it, it would roll. It was tied to a bow and arrow with rawhide, but the rawhide had rotted a long time ago. I got in there.”

“”I figured I would come back for that and went on. I next came to a big room. Here there were a bunch of side tunnels running north and south. They were all natural, nothing man made. Here where they intersected, they made a big W. I did not go down these tunnels, I stayed with the stream going west … At the far end of the main room I found some things I cannot tell you about…””

“Snow’s story is fascinating and virtually unbelievable to most people. He walked 14 miles in an underground tunnel. The 1400 steps or so that he walked down to the subterranean river must have been a good 800 or 900 feet below the entrance. The tunnel was crossed at least in one spot by another tunnel running at a right angle to the one he was following.

Now do you get it???
Loys of Smiles


Silver Member
Apr 19, 2003
New Mexico
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You've been generous with your online information and your on-foot time - thanks. Sorry to hear you're leaving NM - good luck. S.


Gold Member
Jan 2, 2006
Arizona Vagrant
Detector(s) used
Minelab SD2200D (Modded)/ Whites GMT 24k / Fisher FX-3 / Fisher Gold Bug II / Fisher Gemini / Schiebel MIMID / Falcon MD-20
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hey RQ,

I'll throw you a little tease! Are you talking about something like this one from 1823? Don Jose Miguel de Narvaes? This map is saved in a weird format. I can save chunks of it in .jpeg. Just tell what area you need, and I'll email it to you.



  • Narvaes Map 1823.jpg
    Narvaes Map 1823.jpg
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  • Narvaes 1.jpg
    Narvaes 1.jpg
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Gold Member
Jan 2, 2006
Arizona Vagrant
Detector(s) used
Minelab SD2200D (Modded)/ Whites GMT 24k / Fisher FX-3 / Fisher Gold Bug II / Fisher Gemini / Schiebel MIMID / Falcon MD-20
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Sorry. Wrong Narvaes. You want his GGGrandaddy(?)!



Chris Whewell


Is there somewhere on the internet I can see what King Solomon's Strikemark looks like ?




Sr. Member
Feb 8, 2006
Detector(s) used
Polygragh and if needed sodium P
Solomons Seal or Strikemark


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Jr. Member
May 16, 2014
New Mexico
Primary Interest:
Have any of you guys had any progress? I've been looking into Ben Brown who thought he found it back in the 20s. Searched his possible site 20 years on and off then the trail peters out. Im local to the area if anyone wants to get together on this

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