Long Range Locators Work!

Don't forget that was written by rabidly-biased skeptics. Most likely they tried to use an L-rod and failed. Those pompous types would never admit they are at fault. So the big cop-out is to blame the equipment. But the manufacturer many times has the misleading and downright false advertising. If the rod has a swivel handle or pivoting antenna it is going to take a long time to learn, and most people never do. In most cases the rod is not the problem, it's learning to quiet the mind so your conscious mind doesn't control things. But just because a rod looks nice does not mean it is built right. You get scammers who don't know what they are doing. And worse yet thsat one guy is now selling a $500 add-on to fix the rod problems. Scam upon scam. I watched a video the guy says his rod is Light years ahead. That guy does not understand how to build a rod.

The energies are subtle. And to make matters worse there are people claiming it's easy and you don't need any meditation skills. Human nature especially those with gold fever always are going to take the easy way out---and fail.

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I've been using long range locators for years. I have two of them. They are different brands, but both work the same. One is a big one and the other is a small one. The big one has a pretty good range. The small one has a range of about a mile. The small one has a circuit for finding buried objects that have false signals. You are supposed to flip a switch and it will come round to the true signal line.

I will say this about whether they work. I can get signals no problem. The rods will open and close according to whether I am on a signal. Finding anything that has been buried for a long time, however, is not easy. Despite the tuning circuit on the small machine, it doesn't find targets that have been buried for a while very well. It will find naturally occurring ore veins and ore bodies without false signals. It won't find things like buried treasure, unless the treasure hasn't been buried for long.

There is no mistaking crossing a signal line. The rods cross on their own. They also open on their own when I am not on a signal line. When the machine is turned on it emits a signal that will cause the rods to open. They will open without me having to make them open. They will stay open indefinitely. The rods cross when I am standing with my heels on a signal line. The rods cross for a period of time when I cross a signal line. This is called a 'lock time.' After the lock time is over, the rods will open again. They will remain unlocked for a while as well, then close again. When they close again, they will close for that same amount of lock time as before. They will repeat this all day.

You know what, you do have to be compatible with the device for it to work! I heard about those people in Iraq trying to use it to detect bombs. You can't just hand these things over to anybody and expect them to work. I have never run across anybody else they will work for besides myself and the guy who sold my dad the first machine years ago. It did not work for my dad. It did work for me. I became the operator in our operation. It made my dad sad that he couldn't run the rods. Nothing he ever tried made the rods work either. He wasn't dehydrated. He didn't need to gain some weight. He didn't need to spend time with it. It just worked for me, and not for him. If it doesn't work for you, don't buy it. It never will.

As for testing whether the thing works, I have tried all sorts of things. You can hide gold under an upside down paper cup, among a bunch of cups, and I can find it. It has to be in a place where I can go behind the row of cups, so that I can tell if there are signals coming from behind them. Once I know there aren't, I only have to walk in front of the row of cups and see which one has a signal. Like I said, it only has trouble narrowing down on buried objects. And those have to be buried for a while. What happens with buried stuff is that the earth that surrounds the object seems to get charged up somehow. I have dug dirt up from around buried objects and tested it for a lock. It will lock just like the thing you are looking for should lock. The dirt doesn't have any gold in it, but it will lock. It will do this for days, maybe weeks. Finally, it will stop doing that, but it has to be away from the buried thing that has caused that for a while. You can see how this might cause problems out in the field. You do get some of this behavior around ore, but it isn't the distraction there as it is when trying to find treasure. The worst thing then is that you can't use your device to see if a pan will have color in it. You will have to pan it to see. But it doesn't seem to blur the edge of ore bodies.

As long as I am giving away the store, there is another thing I can tell people. You can have multiple devices working at once, virtually. You don't have to buy a second device to do this. You only need a wad of aluminum foil and a brass rod. You don't really need the brass rod, but it helps to keep the foil in place. The ball of foil will act like a second generator. It will send a signal out from the ball that is tuned to the same frequency the machine is tuned to. Near as I can figure, the signal reflects off of the uneven crumpled surface of the foil and that's how it is sent out from the foil in imitation of the machine.

Also, the rods crossing and uncrossing is probably due to whether I am in a positive or negative signal environment. I think the positive signal results in open rods and the negative signal results in crossed rods. When the rods are open they are effectively averse to pointing at each other. When they are closed they are completing a circuit. So, when they are open they are phobic and when they are closed they are philic. It is probably just electromagnetism. The signal lines are most likely some version of light that isn't visible, but can be traced out with the rod technique.

L-rod ineptness is caused by lack of meditation ability. You might think this is some new revelation, but Christopher Hills wrote much about it forty-some years ago. Obviously the biggest impediment for L-rod use. And yes, the skeptics make excuses, maybe even more so.

There is a science to running the rods. I know how to make the rods open and close by will. You do it with your heart. You can also do it with your hands, like people who look for subtle energy do. You bring your hands close together and, provided you can run the rods, you can feel the point where the polarity is about to reverse. You push past that, and the signal switches to a lock. You can also unlock a signal by pulling, sort of, in the same situation. It took me a long time to figure this out.

I don't think, however, that a person should seek to operate their device using this type of manipulation. I mean, it would only give you a false positive. I do use my device this way, but not for prospecting. I like to do all sorts of experiments with the machine. I set it up in configurations that are not for prospecting. They are for these science experiments I do where I try to figure out things about the world. When I do that, being able to set a signal rather than use one from nature is important.

Boogey, proofs are for mathematicians and distillers. I'm not asking for proof. Just for one single person to demonstrate to me a working LRL. So far, everyone who has tried, has failed.

I think that's a question that should be directed toward the folks who make them. But you would only get an earful of alibis. Micron gold and the like. In any case, it's a lot like asking "Why aren't psychics real?" Because they're fakers. There's really no other answer.
Psychics are real, so are seers. Is there a way to distinguish the frauds from truthers?

True. LRLs do "work", but not necessary for you and usually not according to specifications.....

As someone who's studied physics my entire adult life, I'll say there is simply no mechanism for any LRL to function as claimed. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion based on their supposed personal experience or hearsay, but those opinions do not change the facts. The physics these devices would require to actually work does not exist.

LRLs are complete nonsense and have been proven as such many times by simple reverse engineering. You won't even find anyone with a serious scientific background to test one. It would be like asking them to test whether a Toyota Prius could fly, they'd just shake their head an walk away.

But Toyota Prius can fly! The flight could be described as free fall with longituginal momentum.

Good afternoon to all participants! Maybe there are photos or drawings of how the swivel frame itself is fixed in the TFR-2 inside. Interested in the location of the coil in the handle and the number of turns, what kind of wire it is made.

Good afternoon to all participants! Maybe there are photos or drawings of how the swivel frame itself is fixed in the TFR-2 inside. Interested in the location of the coil in the handle and the number of turns, what kind of wire it is made.
Darke is the guy to talk to.

Thank you! But judging by the profile, Dark was on the forum in 2019.
Send him a private message. Or do a search for his company Darke Machina machine shop. The schematic is supposed to be on his website or his facebook page. I don't have facebook so I guess you will have to look for yourself. I saw some photos somewhere, just search.

Send him a private message. Or do a search for his company Darke Machina machine shop. The schematic is supposed to be on his website or his facebook page. I don't have facebook so I guess you will have to look for yourself. I saw some photos somewhere, just search.
Thank you! But judging by the profile, Dark was on the forum in 2019.
You might be right—I read somewhere he had stage three kidney disease just before Covid hit. Doesn’t sound good. Hope for the best for him

You might be right—I read somewhere he had stage three kidney disease just before Covid hit. Doesn’t sound good. Hope for the best for him
I don’t know what is there and how, but Dark’s forum is active.

Justaman, аз притежавам над 30 LRLs и ги тества всички, плюс някои. Всеки един от тях е шега, така че бих бил любопитен за това кой LRL вярвате, че наистина работи.
Купих го.

(Link deleted for rule violation, no nonsupporting vendors links)

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Galin, they are a scam, the only treasure they find is the money in your wallet when someone falls for their scam and buys one.

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