Where are you from? Where are you searcing? Which token are you looking for?



Hi Everyone,
Things have seemed to slow up on the board a bit so I figured we could have some fun.
I thought I would open up a place where we could tell:
Where are you from?
Are you searching for just your state or others as well?
What token you are looking for--if looking for a specific one?
If you found a token, would you share your "secrets" with anyone from another state so they could find one too??
And, last but not least...if you find a token...will you keep the jewel or take the cash?[/list]

I'm in Arizona.?
I'm looking for the token that is in Arizona (if one exists).?
Of course, the spider would be nice to find...but I would settle for any of them!? I'm at the point that I'd be happy just finding a token--just to know that I figured out the "puzzle"!?
Since I don't plan on searching outside Arizona, I would definitely share my "secrets" with someone from another state.
I would be very tempted to keep the jewel (although the cash would be nice!).


Jr. Member
Mar 5, 2005
Channahon Illinois
noxoc said:
Hi Everyone,
Things have seemed to slow up on the board a bit so I figured we could have some fun.
I thought I would open up a place where we could tell:
Where are you from?
Are you searching for just your state or others as well?
What token you are looking for--if looking for a specific one?
If you found a token, would you share your "secrets" with anyone from another state so they could find one too??
And, last but not least...if you find a token...will you keep the jewel or take the cash?[/list]

I'm in Arizona.?
I'm looking for the token that is in Arizona (if one exists).?
Of course, the spider would be nice to find...but I would settle for any of them!? I'm at the point that I'd be happy just finding a token--just to know that I figured out the "puzzle"!?
Since I don't plan on searching outside Arizona, I would definitely share my "secrets" with someone from another state.
I would be very tempted to keep the jewel (although the cash would be nice!).

Thanks for lightening the mood and bringing this down to a personal level. :)

I am from Illinois, about 40 mins. south of Chicago.
I'm not sure I'm looking for a token. I just think I'm addicted to puzzles! :D
Okay, seriously, which ever one I can find first.
Absolutely! I'd share my secrets. I am TERRIBLE at keeping secrets! I could not imagine being Michael Stadther at this point!
If I found the Spider, I would be very tempted to auction it. There would be so many beneficial things my family could do with a large amount of money. I am, however, a sentimentalist, and would keep any of the others. I thought it would be awesome to keep the token, actually, since at this point, it is what we are all seeking!



Hero Member
Feb 21, 2005
St. Louis
Noxoc, i think this is a great idea . something fun to get away from the text in a way .

I'm in ?St. Louis , county, Mo. ?For personal reasons i would like to find the ladybug and would travel for it . any token i can drive to within a day and could take the time off to go get it i would . If i knew something that could help another on this forum i would also help them out. There would be no sense in me withholding information that i would not use . I also think the next best thing to find a token would be the knowing that what i have found actually led to a token and it would be nice to know if someone on this forum i have gotten a chance to know would find one .

To everyone on this forum i'm rooting for us all . I think we have a good bunch of brains in this outfit and am glad i've gotten ?to know all of you . ?carol


Hero Member
Feb 21, 2005
St. Louis
Salkns , after reading your post i would agree with you . i would also auction the soider and keep any others for reasons you stated . i would like to add that i would TRAVEL for the spider . If i ever got lucky enough to know it's hiding spot.


My Brain Hurts

hello all,
good idea with the personal thread. like everyone else (i assume) im seaching for all of them since it is so hard to distinguish the difference between the clues.We(my brother and I)live in NY ,Rochester to be precise and i think MS has accomplished his goal of bringing people together since my brother and I are quite different people but the book has reminded us of the ways we are the same.we have laughed until we fell on the ground trying to figure out this stuff.I hope everyone else is having similar experiences.(sorry to sound meloncholy..enjoy your search everyone



Hi all,
My name is Tracie and I live in Northern Colorado. Realistically, I guess I am only looking for the token that is near me. I bought this book when I heard about it on the radio because I too, LOVE puzzles. I first became addicted to a silly book called 'The Eleventh Hour' anybody here read this before? This is a lot like that book only that one was solvable.LOL
If I were to find a token by my own findings, I would sing it out loud for all to hear.


Jr. Member
Mar 18, 2005
Great idea! I'm in Virginia - just west of Richmond. I would travel to MD, NC or SC if I had a good enough clue - I know enough people in those states to at least have a place to stay overnight, if need be. I think my clues are leading to the firefly, but I would be THRILLED to find anything. If I found a token, I'd be happy to share how I did it. Susan (ZUSE)


Jr. Member
Feb 11, 2005
I live in Dallas.

I believe Tracie said she thought there was a correlation to the locations of all of the jewels in addition to the fact they are all in knotholes. I tend to agree with her.

I am testing my theory this week, looking for the ladybug token (I think) as it seemed the most definitive and is I believe in a fun place to visit I have never been to before. If I find something, I will apply my theory toward finding one or two of the more valuable tokens and then will share my approach with the gang on A Treasure's Net to find the rest.

By the way, Tracie and Zuse are both within a few miles of where I think two other tokens are located so wish me well as you may get to jump on one soon if my theory is not a dead end after all.





Thanks for the encouraging words that you feel there is a token near me. I belive that also but it still seems far away. You knoe kind of like looking for a needle in a haystack? Hope that your hunt went well.



Mar 2, 2005
Waterford, Michigan
Hi I'm from Michigan and I think my clues are leading me to the beetle token. I went hunting with my sis-in-law in March but the weather was a hindrance. I am going back April 20th.



Good luck remember to look in EVERY nook and cranny. Don't leave one spot unnoticed to your trained eye that has never seen what you are trying to find.LOL



I liked NOXOC's idea so here goes:

I am a high school student in NE Ohio, 45 mins. E of Cleveland.
I'm looking for token(s) in the Midwest (hopefully Ohio).
I really don't care which one I find, but the Spider would really be cool.
I would be glad to share my ideas for tokens outside the Midwest, and i hope others would do the same for me.
I would probably take the jewel, and later probably sell/auction it for my college tuition.

Good Luck and Happy Hunting,



Hi All:

I am a Grandma and I live in Northern California.? I was in college textbook publishing for fifteen years; then relocated from the Bay Area to California Gold Country.? I had a few part-time jobs here that were not very rewarding and ended up retiring so I could babysit my grandkids (3-year old McKayla & 10-month old Riley), who live with us right now.? I saw the article in PEOPLE magazine and immediately went and bought the book.? Before publishing, as a stay-at-home Mom, I always had puzzle books around (crosswords, cryptograms, etc.).? I like to anagram and will try to help anyone who needs it.? I am pretty good at cryptos, but have so far not been able to find anything that "fits."? When I was a young Mom, our local newspaper ran a treasure hunt that I have never forgotten.?

I have already shared possible locations with some people on this forum.? One person has actually been on a hunt.? No token, but some promising results.? I would love to redeem a token because it would be nice to have the money to help buy my daughter and grandchildren a house, but breaking through the brick wall would be rewarding as well.

Thanks for starting this thread.? If I find possible locations that match up with the people here, I will definitely share and I hope you will do likewise.? I would like a share of the credit and whatever monetary value the token finder felt fair.? If anyone gives me a location that leads to a token, I will share credit & $$.? I think the jewels will prove to be more valuable than what's listed in the back of the book because of how this book has caught on.



Mar 10, 2005
Great idea!
I'm in Angleton, Texas about an hour south of Houston, near the gulf.

I haven't found any clues that would lead me to any specific place to look yet. If fact, I haven't even looked at my book in weeks. I enjoy reading the
forum and contributing bits of info that might help. Too lazy to put forth the work needed to break any codes, but it would be great if
something I contributed helped someone.



I am in Tampa. I am not searching anywere except in the book and on this website. I guess I am looking for the spider because at least on forum says they say it is likely in Florida, and I don't want to travel outside this state. However, I will be in San Antino, TX, and in Biloxi, MS, in May in case someone has a lead they would like me to look for.



Feb 7, 2005
hello fellow hunters
i am sassy form INdiana
i am close to cincinnati ohio and northern kentucky as well.
i love the hunt and the many friends ive made.
i am after the grasshopper he is the one i want
however i really just want the first one even if it is the lady bug
(i can turn her into millions(the first token that is) ) and i will fly/drive however far i have to ---in order to retrieve it.
however i will not even start the car until the box talks.....then (when the box talks)my friend no debate a token will be in hand
love you all good luck to all
once i find a token then i will decide for sure but right now my thoughts are keep the token its worth more than any of the jewels i mean how much would people pay to find the next token?????



Where are you from?
Are you searching for just your state or others as well?
What token you are looking for--if looking for a specific one?
If you found a token, would you share your "secrets" with anyone from another state so they could find one too?
And, last but not least...if you find a token...will you keep the jewel or take the cash?

I am from Wisconsin
If I find enough clues, I'm sure my Mom and I would drive out to other states
I'm looking for all of them
I might share my secrets
I'll take the cash for college ;D


az locked

My details:

From Arizona
Trying as hard as I can to make some of the clues fit my state
There is one page that I feel is a straight forward representation of AZ, and I found an arrow on it which I assume points to the location of the token. The problem is that Arizona is kind of big and the arrow could be point to anthing really.



az locked said:
My details:

From Arizona
Trying as hard as I can to make some of the clues fit my state
There is one page that I feel is a straight forward representation of AZ, and I found an arrow on it which I assume points to the location of the token.? The problem is that Arizona is kind of big and the arrow could be point to anthing really.

i feel the same about california, i just hope the arrow i found isn't the one you found.

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