Their have been at least 5 shrines I am aware of. Most were near a mines entrance, and contained a cross or a statue.Some had verticle cut canopy rocks above the shrines.If you find holes that have been drilled along the top curve of a possible shrine, ,it probably was one.The shrines were usually built between large rocks or a cave. When leaveing a mine area for a peroid of time the shrines were dismantled and hidden.Some had fair sized rooms about 15ft into the shrine tunnel. The miners would use a row of heated rocks at the entrance at night to keep snakes out. Slots were dug under these rocks to hide treasure. Another treasure hideing place was usually below the shrines floor under a nitch in the caves wall used as a knelling candle religous prayer shrine.Spain law required these shrines to be within about 200 varas of the working mines entrance. Large and small mineing operations had these shrines.