Smyth Creek California Gold Prospecting-Season One


Silver Member
Feb 10, 2013
Deep in the redwoods of the TRUE Northern CA
Detector(s) used
Teknetics Alpha 2000
Primary Interest:
Well, this is the real deal folks. What little prospecting I have been able to do this year has produced a few flakes out of areas that I could not find any flakes at last year. (Thanks Lanny) Feeling better about my abilities but unsatisfied with the amounts, I began a new project on an old known gold producing mine area. I will refer to it as Smyth Creek (pronounce y as i). The site is real but not the name and any pics will be of results with the sluice. Using all Iā€™ve learned here, I was still a little overwhelmed with the place. To keep it simple, manageable and doable, I broke it down to six steps as follows;
1. Research
2. Reconnaissance
3. Access
4. Sample
5. Prospect
6. Mine

Research. A mine was started at Smyth Creek in the late 1800ā€™s. What led to it was a nugget discovery of well over 40 ounces there. The mine closed about 90 years ago. The area is not claimed and the ones nearby are abandoned. On another gold forum, I met up with an ex- local of the area. He (and his friends) pulled good gold and a picker or two out of Smyth Creek several years ago, when sluices were allowed on site.

Reconnaissance. There is a two mile path on the mine side of the creek. I have been on the trail once and it was going up the side of a mountainā€¦higher and higher above the creek. Access to the creek at the end of the trail looked like a knotted rope would need to be used. I plan on going on the one mile trail on the opposite side today for a better view of where the mine is located. This should direct me to a more manageable Access point on the mine side. As a side note, a local prospector here told me that two powerful people with the local LEOā€™s have recently retired/transferred and the new people seem to be content doing their jobs and leaving us alone. Knowing this, I have been shopping around for a large day pack and finally found a good oneā€¦for FREE! :hello2: I think the lady at the thrift store gave it to me so I would stop bothering her about one most every day. :laughing7: The pack is definitely the most important tool I've got since my sluice was completed. Itā€™s going to be great to have something to haul back my samples inā€¦allowing me to use my walking stick and no one will think twice about me grabbing my pack and taking my dog out for a walk at the site.

Thatā€™s where Iā€™m at. If this does not work out, I also have Smyth Creek II in the wings, with the same amount of research already done.

I need you all to let me know if I missed something or have any ideas what you would do. Thanks!

Hard Prospector

Hero Member
Aug 29, 2012
Detector(s) used
SDC2300, Gold Monster, Sierra Gold Trac, GB2, the Falcon......and just as many drywashers
Primary Interest:
Good luck at this new prospect Jeff, if there is any thing else you need maybe I can help.....Rob

Hard Prospector

Hero Member
Aug 29, 2012
Detector(s) used
SDC2300, Gold Monster, Sierra Gold Trac, GB2, the Falcon......and just as many drywashers
Primary Interest:
I have a few things a wet placer miner could use(hand tools) , not to sell but a gift. Spring cleaning for my prospecting shed is about to begin so shoot me a PM with your address again. I just hope that day pack the thrift store lady gave you isn't purple with a large Micky Mouse on back, ha!



Silver Member
Feb 10, 2013
Deep in the redwoods of the TRUE Northern CA
Detector(s) used
Teknetics Alpha 2000
Primary Interest:
Thanks Rob! Always can use equipment, I'll pay the shipping. Let me know what you got when you check you're pm.
LOL! I looked at a lot of those Disney ones...good thing they were too cute...I mean too little.:laughing7:
Off to search the other side. Pics of the pack coming.

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Silver Member
Feb 28, 2013
Golden Valley Arid-Zona
Detector(s) used
Fisher / Gold Bug AND the MK-VII eyeballs
Primary Interest:
I can see Jeff hiking down the trail now. His trusty dog leading the way and his "Mighty Morphing Power Rangers" backpack mounted between his shoulders....... I know... I'm bad.

It looks to me like you've got a good handle on things so far Grasshopper. The only thing I would add to your list is a good dose of patience. Don't be a Texas Micky and expect the gold to jump into your pan. Your most valuable tool is located right between your ears! Use it but don't be afraid to tell yourself "I just don't know"! (I did a LOT of that last year!) There's a lot of folks right here on T-Net that are willing to help so don't be afraid to ask for it.


Bronze Member
Dec 9, 2013
N. California
Detector(s) used
Bazooka Prospector-Sniper-Supermini Thanks Todd & Chris, Goldhog Multisluice Thanks Doc, My Land Matters Thanks Claydiggins, 6 Senses
Primary Interest:
Jeff stay safe rappelling down that knotted rope with all that gear strapped to you and hopefully the place is lousy with gold........


Bronze Member
May 6, 2012
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
There are a lot of "knotted rope" claims around. Some more dangerous than others. one I spent time at, was just 30 yards or so, the rope was just used to help haul back up. Be cautious, and show us some pics of access, when you decide the best way.



Silver Member
Feb 10, 2013
Deep in the redwoods of the TRUE Northern CA
Detector(s) used
Teknetics Alpha 2000
Primary Interest:
Before we left yesterday, I busted out everything I thought I would need at the site just in case I stumbled in to the access portion of my plan. You ol timers kinda scared me off the backpack brigade with tales of 80 pounds and four foot long packs. This day pack weighs in at 10 pounds out the door and I LOVE it!:love10:




Not shown but going in soon is a mini flashlite, mini first aid kit and a headlamp.

Coming up...Recon: continued...what we found on trail #2



Silver Member
Feb 10, 2013
Deep in the redwoods of the TRUE Northern CA
Detector(s) used
Teknetics Alpha 2000
Primary Interest:
Recon: Trail #2

Well we got off to a late start so I knew it was going as usual. Totally my fault for sure as I got so into packing the pack. I really had no intention of using the equipment in the area we were going to but I did want to know how I would do packing it in on a trail. Since I could not remember the last time I had done would be a great test. And to be honest, it took me about a 1/2 mile to get into a stride. ( A walking stick is like wearing a seat belt btw...if you haven't tried it yet, I dare ya:thumbsup:).

The path was easy to moderate. Narrow with a makeup of clay, roots, rock, wet decaying leaf matter with a steep slant below. We soon found a mine that was fenced off by F&G and signed accordingly. Karen threw a rock in and it took a few seconds to hit water. The second one we found was downhill and open with no fence. Also found some equipment used while hydra sluicing. On the way back we spotted the only single trail off the main trail. It headed down to the creek, but it was starting to get dark and we continued on. What I didn't see is the other side of the creek for 99% of the time. If it wasn't early spring, I wouldn't have even got that! Ah well.

It was a good shake down run for me and we all got some exercise. Saw some nice scenery, had the entire area to ourselves the whole time, dogs had a blast with waterfalls all along the way.

Next time it's back to Trail 1 and find that access!

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Army of 1

Hero Member
Jun 22, 2013
Dundee Northern Australia
Detector(s) used
Whites MXT Pro , Tesora Bandito 2 , Minelab GPX 4000
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Exciting stuff , good luck with your project Jeff , hope it pays off big time ..cheers Mick


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2007
Southern California
Detector(s) used
XLT, GMT, 6000D Coinmaster
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hi Jeff, understanding your abilities is important so you do not over extend yourself, I think you've done just fine. Hiking down hill for 2.5 hours with an 85 pound pack is Not for everyone and at times I have second thoughts about doing it. Getting back out is just as strenuous and more time consuming. Sounds to me like you will have a good time, I'm guessing that the weather is pleasant right now. Be sure to watch it as you are hiking around as it is still early spring and anything could literally blow in.

Enjoy and be fruitful..................63bkpkr


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2007
Southern California
Detector(s) used
XLT, GMT, 6000D Coinmaster
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hi There Jeff,
Yes I've been keeping quiet about it to keep from getting in trouble/having problems - loose lips sink ships and all. I've only just seen the spot but it could have good possibilities. The next time I go out I will add a bit more weight to my gear and take the camera. I will see if I can get a tightly cropped photo of the spot so I do not give too much away..........................63bkpkr/herb



Silver Member
Feb 10, 2013
Deep in the redwoods of the TRUE Northern CA
Detector(s) used
Teknetics Alpha 2000
Primary Interest:
Access continued

Well it was last Monday afternoon when Karen and I got back to Trail 1 on Smyth Creek. The water levels were very low and the forecast was calling for 10 days of rain coming. The level surprised me a bit till Karen got to play Capt. Obvious and reminded me there is no (NO) snow reserve. That was a double ended blow because we put up with a really chilly winter which still hasn't let up.

Anyways, we went a half mile up before we found evidence of a campfire and took a look around. What looked like a run off was a trail to the creek. But what a muther. 20 to 25 degree incline, 12 inches wide, steep drop to the right with hairpins every 60 feet. Walking sticks and great care was definitely required. It wasn't long before my chocolate Lab broke trail and took a short cut straight to the creek. I wasn't far behind him and wow...I was thrilled to be standing there...finally I know it can be done. Then I looked around and quickly became saddened. Trash everywhere and deep holes had been dug in the usual places. I mean seriously, the trash was around (not even in) the holes that were left open. Individual gummy bear wrappers all over. An empty box of glazed donuts, cellophane, a beer get the picture. Since we have had no rain for 2 weeks, ALL of this was recent and just disgusting. THIS is one of the many things that damage the heck out of us. Nobody can complain when you don't leave a trace you were there. Then this dude comes along and "us" miners all suck! Sorry, I know I'm preaching to the choir but as Hoser would say "sic sic sic".

Well, of course I sampled all the bottoms of all the holes and found little to none. The good news was that I know the overburden is 2 feet or less in most of the area. I tried working my own new spots and came up with about the same results. BTW, this was the first time I seriously used my Garrett Super Sluice pan and I LOVE it! You can dump a shovel full in it (through a half inch classifier) and sample quickly. It sure makes more sense than packing 2 1/2 gallons of goldless mud UP a steep trail.

I began looking around upstream and found a bed rock wall...about 25 long and 10 feet high. I quickly got to cleaning out some cracks and quess what? Half way down I found a small intact pine cone. So yes, these have been worked as well and recently. I kept at it and when I finally found some un-worked area, I started finding some color. I stopped panning and emptied all I could get out...about a quart classified.

On the hike back, I reviewed what I learned. The good news is there is access and enough gold to keep at least one jerk coming back for more. Soil composition is clay but this clay easily cleaned up in a couple of pans. I now know that more trails exist farther up from this point and that's where I'll be headed next time. Guess it makes sense that since this was the first and closest trail to the creek...naturally that one will get hit hard and often. I can now cross Access off the list. I'm going to map the creek and trails as I find them and just keep prospecting.

Yesterday I panned out my take and got a few flakes and saw some slivers. I'll get more :thumbsup:

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Bronze Member
Dec 9, 2013
N. California
Detector(s) used
Bazooka Prospector-Sniper-Supermini Thanks Todd & Chris, Goldhog Multisluice Thanks Doc, My Land Matters Thanks Claydiggins, 6 Senses
Primary Interest:
Jeff what type of and how much material is on top of the clay layer? did you sample right at the contact point?



Silver Member
Feb 10, 2013
Deep in the redwoods of the TRUE Northern CA
Detector(s) used
Teknetics Alpha 2000
Primary Interest:
Jeff what type of and how much material is on top of the clay layer? did you sample right at the contact point?

The makeup on this side of the creek is soil mixed with clay and MUCH easier to work with. In fact, the area is known for two different environments coming together at this creek. The other side is pretty much all clay (the kind you can pan for 15 minutes and still not see the bottom.) It looks like creamy p-nut butter.

From the high water mark is clay, cobble, roots, boulders, rocks, sand and then creek. Didn't really see a line of any distinct layers. When the creek floods (and from what I saw it floods hard) it moves a lot of material...about 2 feet worth of ever changing overburden mixed with logs. I was moving rocks when I could, sampling downstream behind the ones I couldn't move and getting next to nothing for color. The better spots were (of course) on the other side and the water level was a little too high/fast to explore. While I was at "the wall" getting some color, there was a mini slide that happened just a few feet down from where I was. I didn't see it but the sound did make the hair on my neck stand up.:o

I know the gold (and mine) is upstream from where I was so I'll be focusing on that next trip.

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Full Member
Jul 14, 2014
Nor Cal
Detector(s) used
Bgt prospector/miner, Ggt nugget, gold cube, goldnsand hand pump Black magic miller table, blue bowl, garret pan
Primary Interest:
I used your clues to figure out the creek your going to lol but your secret is safe with me as i also prospect there and yes the trash pisses me off everytime i go there i run into some tweaker/hippie people parked on the side of the trail looking like deer in headlights

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