


I remember the day they showed the Columbine shootings on the news, i was mortified! i thought 'why are they (news) showing this?! Now its gonna happen again!" and sure enough it did! Several times after that as a matter of fact. And i knew it was gonna happen! The media can be a good thing but it can also be deadly. Maybe its because im so observant with the world. I have no idea, but i knew it was a horrible mistake to show that on t.v. and it would cause death for others, and it did!

Priminitions or what ever you want to call it? Its not fun, i wished i didnt have it. Its caused alot of stress in my life, now when i have one, i try to stop thinking about what ever it is, turn off the thought so to speak and put it in Gods hands.

Some one else said, on this forum, that every time someone popped in their mind, they would always recieve a phone call. Me, if someone pops in my mind i usually see them the same day.

Its very real, i believe we all have the ability, most just dont pay attention to it. I have no idea why i became so focused on it, maybe it was because i wanted to understand life so much better.

Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
Re: Priminitions

:coffee2: :thumbsup: STARBUCKS! YEP, Trish; PREMONITIONS are NOT fun... especially, of the "unsettling/upsetting" kind. :( I try to find a POSITIVE "outcome" to "balance" it... HARD to do, sometimes. 8) (SUNNY out...).


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Jan 22, 2007
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Re: Priminitions

I've learned the hard way to pay attention to "that little voice" that tells you when you're about to screwup. I don't know whether to call it precognition, premonition, or just what. Sometimes, I know exactly what someone is about to say, before they say it. Usually, within less than a minute before they speak.

Trish, don't be nervous or afraid of your ability. Relax and "play with it." Test yourself. Please don't start thinking that you only predict bad stuff. You'll do it all, you're simply believing it's the bad stuff because those are what sticks in your mind.



your right shortstack, and its not always bad things, after i posted this this morning, i went to town, and then i worried the whole time i was gone about what i had said, so when i got home i 'modified' my post, took some stuff off, and your right too about the bad stuff sticking in my mind. Once i started talking about the columbine situation other bad things just started flowing, but i removed them.

Yes i've learned to play with it, i've gotten better at turning it off too. But you think about Psychics, they have to live a miserable life seeing all those horrible things, i feel sorry for them, maybe they have learned to turn it off too. I cant imagine how they must live everyday if they havent learned the ability to 'turn it off.'

(notice i corrected my spelling, prem o nition.) :wink:

Yes i do the finishing of someones sentences too. When hubby a i started dating, the very first date we had i could read his mind, and i told him, he said "oh thats not good!" lol...(got himself in trouble a couple of times :-\)

Starbucks does sound good Rebel!


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Jan 22, 2007
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Re: Priminitions

I'm glad you're investigating your gift and not becoming afraid of it. Do you ever watch John Edwards Cross Country on the WE channel. He comes on Saturday nights; usually a couple of episodes. There'll be a replay of the previous program and a "new" one. He's the guy who made a believer of me because I've seen him disagree gently with audience members concerning what he's telling them. Then, they find out he was correct.

He's described how he learned to "turnoff" when he's not giving a reading. He has a website at I fully believe this guy is the real deal.



Re: Priminitions

oh yea! I watch him when i know he's on. Hes pretty amazing!
Psychic investigators is another one of my favorites. Would watch it everyday if i could.

If i'd used my brain along time ago i would be a Criminal Profiler right now. Thats one of the regrets i have in my life.
Some may say a Profiler has nothing to do with premonitions, but it does, i think you have to be a little bit Psychic too for that job, OR a very very observant person.


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Jan 22, 2007
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Re: Priminitions

~Trish~ said:
oh yea! I watch him when i know he's on. Hes pretty amazing!
Psychic investigators is another one of my favorites. Would watch it everyday if i could.

If i'd used my brain along time ago i would be a Criminal Profiler right now. Thats one of the regrets i have in my life.Some may say a Profiler has nothing to do with premonitions, but it does, i think you have to be a little bit Psychic too for that job, OR a very very observant person.

Why would it be too late to do that? Yep, I watch the Physic Investigators, too. Good program and as I mentioned in the last post, John Edwards is on every Saturday night on WE channel on Dishnet. If you check his website, it should have his program schedule for specific dates and time. Last night, he was answering some questions from audience members and said that when he first realized that he had that gift, he went to his local library, sat on the floor and read every book in the Occult section---numerology, taro cards, etc. Have you done much reading and research on physic phenomenon? Later on, he joined what he described as a Physic Workshop, and gave readings to whoever came up to the table where he was seated. He forced himself to practice and improve.

Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
Re: Premonitions

;D :coffee2: :thumbsup: Trish, your "gift" could be used in "Law Enforcement"; I knew TWO Psychic Investigators in Charlottesville, Va. back in the early 80's; Noreen R. & John O. As former administrator of a MAX prison in Va. I ALWAYS encouraged the Watch Commander & Security to "follow" their gut-feeling(s), and listen to that "small voice" as "premonition". It is NOW known as LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVES (LES), instead of PSYCHIC INVESTIGATORS, etc. LES has a more "cop" sense to it. You can ALSO "Google"
BLUE SENSE for more "X-Files" type stories from LAW ENFORCEMENT. HH :wink: :coffee2: :tongue3:
:thumbsup: STARBUCKS! :thumbsup:



Why would it be too late to do that?
Cuz i'll be 47 years old in 2 weeks. My world is all about grandbabies now.

Trish, your "gift" could be used in "Law Enforcement
Remind me to tell you two the story of the little girl i was looking for that went missing at the age of 2 back in 1983. She would be 27 years old today
I took her parents to Waco and sat them down infront of the U.S Marshall, a Sheriff, and an Investigator.
The look on their faces were priceless when they started out telling mom and dad what they had found out during their investigation, mom and dad looked at them and said "we already know all of this! If it werent for Trish we wouldnt know anything!" U.S Marshal wanted to know how i knew all that, well most of it wasnt premonition, some was, it was just good investigative work, lol, but i'd make a heck of a Detective! Gotta go to work, but i'll tell you more about it later tonight when i get home.


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Jan 22, 2007
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~Trish~ said:
Why would it be too late to do that?
Cuz i'll be 47 years old in 2 weeks. My world is all about grandbabies now.

Too old ??? Too old ??? TOO OLD ??? TOO OLD ??? :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: Puuleeeeese!!!! 47 years is not old. Repeat after me,47 years is not old.

I am a 61 year old Greatgrandpa and I'm not old. My Grandpa always said that you're only as old as you feel and he always felt 18. He crossed over at about 93 years. Did you ever watch a program titled The Rescue Mediums? I'm not sure if it came on SciFi Channel or TLC. It was about 2 British matrons traveling around to help spirits cross over to the other side and stop haunting homes. There were some very interesting episodes and situations. One that stands out in my mind was when they went to a home that was connected to a home or school for orphans and the school master had stayed around in spirit to help and protect the children who had died and were afraid to leave the familiar place. When the 2 mediums helped the kids to cross over into the light, the school master stayed behind until all of the kids had crossed before he stepped over. The 2 ladies were so touched, they had tears in their eyes. Very good program.
If you'll notice, none of the lady mediums are kindergardeners. If you are really interested in doing this type work, do it! I think that would be a most excellent example for your grandkids. ;D :thumbsup:

Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
;D AGREE; 57 here... ;D NO kids/grandkids. Folks born after 1982 are known as INDIGO KIDS. who are NOW having their own INDIGO KIDS ("Google" it...). We are "in" for "exciting times"! ;D


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Aug 20, 2007
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Divine Intuition ;D

Why not take it a step further and say, um, certain people vibrate on a specific "spiritual plane"...maybe it's linked to DNA or a certain sumpin', sumpin' their born with, or experience early in life, I dunno...but, until someone absolutely, positively defines it with 100% accuracy, we must think outside the proverbial box and share/exchange our experiences, research and energy.

Since everything is energy, I'll start there with my own observations/learnings/research:

Anyone familiar with the chakra system? Because that's the anchor of my observation. see, we have certain energy points or centers in the body, they are connected to specific glands (so please disregard "heart chakra" thoughts:) 7 major energy centers with the first located in the gonads, part of the physical plane/passions (think anger and murder here, animal instincts, serial killers, etc). This chakra is red.
Now, let's move up to orange, the spleen, also part of the physical plane, the passions, one of the first chakras where your inner child resides, chakra #2.
One up from that is yellow, psychic self, the adrenals; higher inner child, memory, emotions, the Sub-Conscious.
Next is green, the thymus, lower part of the mental plane; concrete thinking, knowledge, chakra numbah 4.
Then there's blue, abstract thinking, philosophy...inner peace is found here in the land of the thyroid.

The next couplah chakras you'll experience after you surrender to your own God-will, the "I Am" where bliss and joy reside. Pineal gland=joy and the pituitary gland is bliss.

Now, with ALL that in mind...where do you think you vibrate? If you believe in Jesus, do you feel he vibrated at a low yellow energy? Or, was his vibe so high, or up, that he was beyond or 'above' the physical prediction phase?


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Rebel - KGC said:
;D AGREE; 57 here... ;D NO kids/grandkids. Folks born after 1982 are known as INDIGO KIDS. who are NOW having their own INDIGO KIDS ("Google" it...). We are "in" for "exciting times"! ;D

I will have to Google that one Rebel...
But i will tell you, im not looking forward to the 'exciting times.'

47 years is not old.

I keep telling myself that after i get off work everyday and my old body is so stiff i can barely get out of the car! lol
(sign of old age :wink:)

Vibes? You said leave out the 'heart chakra' (which would have been my first answer) so the answer to your question
If you believe in Jesus, do you feel he vibrated at a low yellow energy?
The answer to that would be 'no.'

For me it would be
Or, was his vibe so high, or up, that he was beyond or 'above' the physical prediction phase

Girlfriend? Where'd you learn all this stuff? :icon_scratch: Thats way over my head! lol


Bronze Member
Aug 20, 2007
Northern Indiana
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hey trish:)

When I said leave out the "heart chakra" I meant that technically it's not the heart but a gland that that particular energy point in the body. Same thing goes for the "throat" chakra.

I've been studying this for years and have extremely fortunate to have had some excellent teachers from time to time. I've interviewed and meditated with Baba Bramachari, traveled to Jerusalem w/ an 82 yr. old healer, dowsed with a Catholic priest (also involved in Sacred Geometry), and studied w/ a psychic from Camp Chersterfield, just to name a few. It's been a fun ride and I'm curious as to what the universe has in store for me in way of another teacher.

The chakras are fun to study as they're a barometer of one's current vibration level and that's also connected to your aura. Kicky stuff I tell ya! If you have any questions, please ask and hopefully I'll have an answer for ya, or can point you in a particular direction for further info.



very interesting vibes....hummmm wonder what kinda vibe/aura i have? Obviously not a good one. Does that have anything to do with the luck in ones life?
Gonna have to google the Chakra along with the indigo children, You and Rebel are throw'n stuff at me that i have never heard of, but its interesting. Im all about learning something new!


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Aug 20, 2007
Northern Indiana
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Oh the aura color we are never in the same frame of mind 24/7. Sometimes it can change in minutes. Do a search on how to see your aura, takes a little practice but it's a fun exercise.

Ahhh, one's luck is due to the Law of Attraction, your thoughts create your luck, happy, sad, etc... It's the old adage, you are what you think. Your emotions are your guidance system.


Hero Member
Feb 22, 2008
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Trish and Vibes, to let you know where I stand on the subject. I starting into it in about the year 1957. The people our age, who are into this stuff are usually called star children. The next step in the progression are the indigo children. Called that B/C their aura is indego. There is a reference to them in my book. before a women researcher coined the term indego i had called them the children of tomorrow because they will replace us here on earth just as we replaced the cave man. Do either of you have a mark on your foreheads? Vibes, do you know who the Lion of Judah is? We three may be connected more then you realize.


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Bronze Member
Aug 20, 2007
Northern Indiana
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hi jimb:) I wondered when you'd chime in on this one!

The Lion of Judah...your question isn't clear, unless you're referring to the Messiah? And that is also open to interpretation. I have found a reference to chakras in the Bible but NOT in the Old Testament.

I interview an astrologer for the station's site, and one chat we discussed finding indicators in a natal chart of Indigo traits. I had permission to use 2 different pre-teens, a male and female that their parents claim are Indigo (claim being the operative word),. anyway if you're interested in the segemnt let me know and I'll shoot ya a link via PM.

always good to see ya!

and yes, I do have a mark on my forehead. But not a "birth" mark

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