photographic evidence of 200 years of jesuits in Aust.


Jr. Member
May 24, 2007
You may find it hard to sink in the fact that the Spanish Jesuits were in Australia before Cookie by several hundred years , however I have been taking photos and investigating along our shores in port philip bay for 20 years.
Grafted pointer branches pointing downwards to hidden tunnels leading to caves crammed with goodies at the settlement site Sorrento , Port Phillip Bay . Not only are the indicators grafted onto ancient gum trees , they are west Australian trees to boot.

It has taken me several decades to learn at least a good percentage of their lingo which is identical to Spanish Jesuit markers across the USA and the Pacific. They used a descriptive miming as a code. As an example a large heart means gold or treasure near by. A small hand sized heart means you are right on it. A hand sized pick head replica.means dig in here. I once wrote a book (e book) on the subject of evidence in Australia and at 300 odd pages and I had barely scratched the surface.
The local abos threatened me and all gov. depts ignored me.
So here we go and see how many locals I can make believers. About that book, It has about 300 or more photos comparing identical Jesuit markers in the USA, and Sorrento and Brighton etc Victoria. It is not for sale as it is a pain with purchasers constantly heckling me for further vital info on sites which I cannot give as dowsing is possible only for several months in the 11 year solar cycles. I will keep popping photos on this thread as I have so many I dont know which to post first. Max

Enclosed photo is of a Petroglyph ( rock writing) which is situated at the entrance to the preserved settlement site at Sorrento .
It is true blue Spanish Jesuit and is only one of hundreds of Jesuit indicators of blocked up cave entrances and gridded treasure caches commencing within feet of this marker. Will commence interpreting this rock with its many messages and nearby caches probably tommorrow.



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Jr. Member
Mar 22, 2006
I am quite interested in what you have to say, concerning Spanish Jesuits in Australia before Cook. I would like to know more about why and how you have come to this conclusion.

Would it be OK if i received a copy of your ebook, so as to get up to speed on all the symbols you have discovered in Australia.

Thank you



Jr. Member
May 24, 2007
Matt as an experienced dowser which was essential for looking underground. 25 years ago when I started dowsing , some days I would have brilliant reception underground and other times poor reception and for months in a row nothing.
Dowsing involves thinking of a target and thinking downwards. If the target is there in one form or another and the reception is good, the radar form of mental reception can be quite uncanny.
I was water dowsing on King Island in Bass Straight 1987 and passing through the heads into Port Phillip Bay via plane I got an incredible reception via my dowsing rods of The Coast line from the heads to Frankston. The stuff is everywhere along the cliff lined coastline.
A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then and the e-book has been sent to every official in AUSTRALIA.
If i got an answer, all officials carefully knocked me back , probably thinking of the greenie votes.
In the past 10 years of trying to get officials interested, i have ammassed a collection of knock back mail.

I invented a new type of dowsing rod which is countless times stronger, in Dec. 2003.. I had just finished an underground exploration lasting eight years, learning a lot of the Jesuit sign language in a Jesuit transit labrynth of tunnels at Portsea.and having to pay for offsiders at $ 25 per hour for assistance dragging back. I wasnt feeling crash hot as Nodular Melanoma was getting the best of me. I am 78.
In january 2004 we had a lot of solar flares for which I rely on dowsing power and I had a ball. Oversized cigar type silver boxes filled with pearls every 3 and a quarter paces at a depth of 10 feet , usually with bushes planted over them and on the top end of gulleys. Post hole shaped deposits of gold every 10 feet and in batches of threes with the centre deposit having some type of indicator and the outsde two caches obtained by pacing and compass, preferably on the edges of old aboriginal trails winding up from the cliffs .
In June 2004 Earth experienced its last solar storm and I havn't looked underground since. Finishing my e-book via memory of what I had seen in the 6 months of dowsing I expanded my knowlege since.
My e-book is a waste of time purchasing just now as it is written by a dowser and even if you can dowse, conditions are not fine for dowsing maybe for several more years and you cannot confirm half of my findings without a dowsing rod in your hands, which you can learn like any tool, if you abide strictly by the rules when atmospheric conditions are okay. Use google to get onto NOAA to understand about flares.
13 months ago my cancer flared up and tried to get me, but by studying mature aloe vera plants and applying basic chemistry to discover and extract the medicinal properties Ive nearly beaten the cancer and am looking forward to spring here and gunna get me a swag, solo if neccessary
I have at least several dozen caches I have looked down on many times to take my pick from. There are a lot of questions unanswered in the book, even with 300 odd pics of indicators in it.

Regards Max


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Jr. Member
Mar 22, 2006
Knowing the terrain of Portsea area, I can understand why you were worn out, that is some very rugged coastline, I would presume that's why they built Fort Napean in that location, for its inhospitably and desolateness.
My uncle and aunt live at Safety Beach, so I have had plenty of "adventures" in your neck of the woods.

I have always been fascinated by OOP (Out Of Place) artifacts, and how out of place can you get with Jesuit gold and silver in Australia.

I would very much like to know more on the subject, if you were willing to tell me, I'm not interested in the treasure just the knowledge of who you have come to find all this out.



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Sep 4, 2004
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hetty said:
Matt as an experienced dowser which was essential for looking underground. 25 years ago when I started dowsing , some days I would have brilliant reception underground and other times poor reception and for months in a row nothing.
Dowsing involves thinking of a target and thinking downwards. If the target is there in one form or another and the reception is good, the radar form of mental reception can be quite uncanny.
I was water dowsing on King Island in Bass Straight 1987 and passing through the heads into Port Phillip Bay via plane I got an incredible reception via my dowsing rods of The Coast line from the heads to Frankston. The stuff is everywhere along the cliff lined coastline.
A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then and the e-book has been sent to every official in AUSTRALIA.
If i got an answer, all officials carefully knocked me back , probably thinking of the greenie votes.
In the past 10 years of trying to get officials interested, i have ammassed a collection of knock back mail.

I invented a new type of dowsing rod which is countless times stronger, in Dec. 2003.. I had just finished an underground exploration lasting eight years, learning a lot of the Jesuit sign language in a Jesuit transit labrynth of tunnels at Portsea.and having to pay for offsiders at $ 25 per hour for assistance dragging back. I wasnt feeling crash hot as Nodular Melanoma was getting the best of me. I am 78.
In january 2004 we had a lot of solar flares for which I rely on dowsing power and I had a ball. Oversized cigar type silver boxes filled with pearls every 3 and a quarter paces at a depth of 10 feet , usually with bushes planted over them and on the top end of gulleys. Post hole shaped deposits of gold every 10 feet and in batches of threes with the centre deposit having some type of indicator and the outsde two caches obtained by pacing and compass, preferably on the edges of old aboriginal trails winding up from the cliffs .
In June 2004 Earth experienced its last solar storm and I havn't looked underground since. Finishing my e-book via memory of what I had seen in the 6 months of dowsing I expanded my knowlege since.
My e-book is a waste of time purchasing just now as it is written by a dowser and even if you can dowse, conditions are not fine for dowsing maybe for several more years and you cannot confirm half of my findings without a dowsing rod in your hands, which you can learn like any tool, if you abide strictly by the rules when atmospheric conditions are okay. Use google to get onto NOAA to understand about flares.
13 months ago my cancer flared up and tried to get me, but by studying mature aloe vera plants and applying basic chemistry to discover and extract the medicinal properties Ive nearly beaten the cancer and am looking forward to spring here and gunna get me a swag, solo if neccessary
I have at least several dozen caches I have looked down on many times to take my pick from. There are a lot of questions unanswered in the book, even with 300 odd pics of indicators in it.

Regards Max

So many knock backs, I can tell you why? this has nothing to do with dowsing or politics.Fact.Most of the coast line with in Port Philip bay and near by areas which include the shore line are far different to what appear to be there today.200 years ago the bay was full of tidal flats and sea water swamps that went inland for a distance. man -made water breaks and other structures have changed the whole appearance of the Bay.Most of your so called trees and rocks where put there by the local councils.Check the records .Public Records of Victoria North Melbourne.Mit be an idea to check out which way caves are formed in the area too.Most cave entrances on the Australian southern coast are found inland and the water runs back to the sea.Most of the sites which you talk of are historically listed for other reasons.They are no go too all treasure hunters of any type.I too over the years have asked for info from local government and private organisations.Always had to wait months to get replies and have always found them willing to help.Knock backs many but theres always plenty of other True Legends left unsolved.Your lack of research is your biggest set back in my opinion.Research is very thing and method is only the means.

tinpan HH


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Jul 28, 2005
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hetty said:
In january 2004 we had a lot of solar flares for which I rely on dowsing power and I had a ball. Oversized cigar type silver boxes filled with pearls every 3 and a quarter paces at a depth of 10 feet , usually with bushes planted over them and on the top end of gulleys. Post hole shaped deposits of gold every 10 feet and in batches of threes with the centre deposit having some type of indicator and the outsde two caches obtained by pacing and compass, preferably on the edges of old aboriginal trails winding up from the cliffs .
C'mon! Someone ask him how many of these he dug up!!!!



All makes for very interesting reading. I've heard something about hidden caves on the Peninsula but never gave it much thought. I'm more interested in hidden gold mining sites and settlements in Victoria that have been lost a long time, or are undocumented. Found some interesting mining relics over hte years where I swear no man has ever set foot. If you saw the terrain, you's see why: steep, dark gullies in mountianous regions. But as was siad in a prior post, it takes a lot of research and foot slogging to check out and find hidden areas.


Bronze Member
Jul 27, 2008
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All Treasure Hunting
Thanks for the photos aussie1, hope your wife is much better now, It,s very hard to see any markings on the rocks
you may have to chalk over them so we can see them.
Hope you are well clear of any of the fires.
Cheers Ossy
PS pozo means well or hole in ground,


Bronze Member
Jul 27, 2008
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Thank you Max, very interesting! do you know if the Jesuits had areas around Queensland?
the reason I ask, their is a possibility that a ship wrecked on stradbroke Island.


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Jul 28, 2005
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aussie 1 said:
Firstly af1733, dont you think that some of your critisism is unjustified. I'd accept an apology from you but I doubt if it would be forthcoming. You have spent thousands of posts and many years critisising others, and I doubt if you could break the habit. It takes all types to make up a forum. I will have to make up a file to insert pics in. will be back. Max
Criticism? I don't see where I've made a critical remark. I was curious to see if anyone had asked for photographs of the treasures you've said you found. Honestly, if you know right where they all are, have you recovered any of them?


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Jan 21, 2005
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HOLA amigos,

This WAS going to just be a "tag" post so I could easily follow this fascinating discussion, but I do have a little to contribute.

Australia may be "officially" discovered by Captain Cook in 1770, but the Dutch had been there much earlier, as early as 1606 <Willem Janszoon in the ship Duyfken,visited the Gulf of Carpentaria, Cape York Peninsula (Queensland) >

Dutch map showing Australian coastline (western) dating to 1644

This may SEEM to be un-related, but we know today that the Dutch were on excellent terms with the Jesuits, in fact they were suspected of having a secret agreement with the Jesuits to betray Spanish America into the hands of the Dutch which helped lead to their expulsion from Spanish domains. I would suspect that Jesuits coming to Australia were doing so with Dutch assistance and connivance.

Please do continue amigos, this is pretty interesting!


Bronze Member
Jul 27, 2008
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All Treasure Hunting
Hola Oroblanco, Que pasa, Torres was months earlier that the Duyfken in 1606 he also sailed with
Quiros who named Australia, have a look at my earlier log on the discovery of Australia.
Very interesting! we just need to recover one of the lost ships and the history on Australia will be rewritten.
also check out hoping to go their in winter due to the snakes.
Cheers, Ossy

jeff of pa

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Oroblanco said:
HOLA amigos,

This WAS going to just be a "tag" post so I could easily follow this fascinating discussion, but I do have a little to contribute.

Australia may be "officially" discovered by Captain Cook in 1770, but the Dutch had been there much earlier, as early as 1606 <Willem Janszoon in the ship Duyfken,visited the Gulf of Carpentaria, Cape York Peninsula (Queensland) >

Dutch map showing Australian coastline (western) dating to 1644

This may SEEM to be un-related, but we know today that the Dutch were on excellent terms with the Jesuits, in fact they were suspected of having a secret agreement with the Jesuits to betray Spanish America into the hands of the Dutch which helped lead to their expulsion from Spanish domains. I would suspect that Jesuits coming to Australia were doing so with Dutch assistance and connivance.

Please do continue amigos, this is pretty interesting!

In order to make this thread a Width that could be read I Had to
Decrease the Size of this Map Way Down.



Bronze Member
Jul 27, 2008
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All Treasure Hunting
SWR when were the Jesuits expelled and were they mainly from Mexico area? could explain why they
ended up on the east coast of Australia?
Cheers, Ossy

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