New Zealand Tattoo Rocks


Jr. Member
Mar 16, 2011
(was going to be a response to another thread but thought this could be better as a new topic, You also wont come across much research done in NZ as its hush hush!!! this could be a first on here if not very rare!).

Shortstack you are correct, New Zealand does hold a lot of history, However archeology here in New Zealand is very secret, as anything that dates pre Maori, is generally destroyed. There is much politics here about our past, and any sites that have been found have either been destroyed, fenced off or hidden away or reclaimed by the Maori to be burried/hidden away for ever. The British museum recently returned a mummified head back to the state here that was of a red hair of European origin again only to be hidden away. The Auckland museum refuses to acknowledge anything pre Maori. We have stone carvings here where recently acid has been poured on them to hide there inscriptions as they were of Celtic origin and not Maori, however i have managed to find 5 pictures which are open to interpretation that are local here . The symbols have been chalk outlined so they can be seen, since this picture was taken they have been defaced. I once did some work for the tourist office here and someone came in one day inquiring about the carvings, there were 2 maori in the office at the time that overheard his inquiry and immediately turned round to give be a stare of disgust, i had to politely mentioned i knew of no such carvings, luckily enough i manage to catch up with him at a local cafe to explain the directions and the reason for having to lie to him. Below is an insert of one of the very few stories outlining the pre Maori colonization. "It should not be about politics, history is history! and should not be denied, despite personal views! Its away to piece together humanities history!?

"The new ā€˜revisedā€™ history of New Zealand

Weā€™ve all seen the documentaries and visual imagery is compelling. Whole new generations grow up with a picture of this land as pristine and pure, uninhabited until Polynesian footprints placed upon our shores. Before this belief continues any longer, we owe it to ourselves, and to the original ancestors of this land, to look at the facts. There were people here before the Polynesian migrations. They left behind multiple clues as outlined in the previous two parts of this series. They also left behind their bones ā€“ and these tell the most tragic tale of all. Far from pure and peaceful, the land now known as New Zealand was an unimaginable hell, awash in the blood of both the original peoples and Maori. Formal burials tell us about the First Peoples, but the bones of the ancient peoples can also be found under layers of charcoal, in the old cooking pits.

Up until the 1970s, that early Maori were cannibals was common knowledge, though its extent and the horrifying effects on all the people of this country could not have been imagined. New Zealandā€™s early history was openly outlined in books available to schools. Suddenly, books were withdrawn, a new ā€˜revisedā€™ history appeared and the original, pre-Maori inhabitants disappeared from public view. This article allows them to speak again.

Maori have always spoken of a race of fair skinned people who preceded them. They called them "Patu-paiarehe" or Turehu, and some still trace a shared lineage. In 1867, a Ngati Whatua Tohunga (historian) stated that the Ngati Whatua came to New Zealand from the Cook Islands nine generations earlier, making landfall at a place called Hatarau (Little Barrier Island). Arriving there they encountered a race of fair haired people with fair skin and green blue eyes, whom they named PAKEHA . They took the women to breed from - the males as slaves and food.

There are Maori who speak of babies stolen long ago by a "fairy people" who hid in the bush, only coming out at night ā€“ an understandable action of people who were being killed and eaten faster than they could breed. It is also highly possible that children taken were born to their own women captured by Maori. In savage post-Maori New Zealand, captives were eaten immediately, kept for breeding or enslaved and subsequently killed for food ā€“ an unpalatable history to inherit, but a fact, nonetheless.

One of the last surviving sub-tribes of the Patu-paiarehe was called the Ngati Hotu, pockets of whom survived into colonial times. Hereā€™s a description of them from Maori oral history: "Generally speaking, Ngati Hotu were of medium height and of light colouring. In the majority of cases they had reddish hair. They were referred to as urukehu. It is said that during the early stages of their occupation of Taupo they did not practice tattooing as later generations did, and were spoken of as te whanau a Rangi (the children of heaven) because of their fair skin. There were two distinct types. One had reddish skin, a round face, small eyes and thick protruding eyebrows. The other was the Turehu. They had white hair and blue green eyes. They were fair-skinned, much smaller in stature, with larger and very handsome features." ( Refer: Tuwharetoa, Chpt.7, pg.115, by rev. John Grace). Note: The cavern dwellings and stone walls of these people can still be seen at Taupo, but are unprotected and under threat from development.

These tall bones and small Turehu bones were found just last month in a cooking pit.

The bones of the first New Zealanders have been found at locations all over the country: A cache of bones was found in the Kaipara District in 2005 when a pig hunterā€™s dog wandered into a cave. Investigations were handed over to Noel Hilliam, retired Curator of the Dargaville Maritime Museum, and his team ofresearchers. The skeletons showed that there were, at least, three distinct physical types of pre-Maori interned there, ranging from the very tall people (around 7 to 8 feet in height - 2.4 metres), to people of normal stature, to the very small pygmy people.

Noel: "The small stature ā€˜Turehu" were a particularly attractive childlike people with very fine features. We know about them because these small people once populated countries like Ireland and traditional stories relate their occupation of the Pacific range from Tahiti to New Caledonia to New Zealand. A specialist who examined some of the skeletons in the cave likened them to a race of people living in Wales 3000 years ago."

The obvious question is: Why has this discovery, which changes our commonly accepted history, not been made public? It has ā€“ an article in the Northern Advocate reported the discovery, including a comment from an Auckland archaeologist, dismissing the antiquity of the bones, which he never viewed. Noel was unable to access facilities to undertake forensic examination of the bones, but by their size and the skull shape alone, they were clearly not Polynesian. Pre-European Maori had a distinct skull, including a ā€˜rockerā€™ jaw, not found in Europeans.

Noel: "A number of years ago around one of the stone cairns near the Waipoua forest, an archaeologist excavated down 2.3 metres, going through two different tephra layers. Carbon datings proved there were people living in this country over five thousand years ago. We have come across a number of caves throughout New Zealand where these peoples were laid to rest. We no longer register these sites, to protect them from destruction, as anything pre-Maori is being buried or destroyed, including their dwellings. In the Waipoua Forest there are hundreds of stone walls, stone dwelling, stone fireplaces and altars - and petroglyhs carved in the stone. A large one that has fallen over had the design of an early ship carved on it.

"This country over the centuries has been visited by many peoples from many different countries - some we know of are the Greeks, Chinese, French, Portuguese and Spanish. The Chinese have an early world map showing New Zealand on it. In a museum in Naples there is a marble statue of ATLAS with a globe on his shoulders, made by the Greeks and modified by the Romans in 150 AD. The Greeks by this time had established the world was round and a time frame round the world of 360 units, which much later in time became latitudes of degrees. The globe is of the heavenly night sky over Athens at that time showing the Tropic of Cancer, the equator, the Tropic of Capricorn, the Antarctic Circle ā€“ and New Zealand. The Polynesian Maori are at least the fourth lot of people to come here."

The Dargaville burial find is far from unique, just more recent. Eden Mill in the Auckland suburb of Onehunga was built in 1843 to grind grain. (see photo) For over a decade in the 1860s it was used to grind up the skeletal remains of countless generations of Patu-paiarehe into fertiliser. Many tens of thousands of skeletons were removed from Auckland burial caves for this purpose and sold to the mill. Maori of the time had no concerns about the fate of these "Tangata Whenua" bones and openly stated to the authorities, ā€˜Do as you wish [with these bones], for these are not our peopleā€™.

Ancient burial methods

One 19th century report from the fiord area of the South Island spoke of humans remains in a limestone cave that were so old that a stalactite had partially encased the petrified remains.

Skeletons of the ancient people have been observed, frequently, since the earliest colonial time, in burial caves or in a sitting (trussed position) in sand dunes, with artefacts beside them. The trussed burial is a typical type of pre-Maori burial. Around Kekerengu in the Kaikoura area of the South Island a large number of these have been found, reportedly with a moa egg with each trussed skeleton, a burial method similar to ancient burials in Costa Rica, where round stone balls accompanied the deceased into the afterlife. One such burial was found on Pigeon Mountain near Howick with a pumice ball found with the deceased.

Some bodies found in caves around the Raglan region were encased in Kauri gum, while in both Raglan and the Waima Range there are dry mummified remains in caves. Another ancient custom practiced by the pre-Maori people was to take the bodies to an open air location where the body tissues could eaten by carrion birds, like the black-backed seagull. The remains would stay there for a year or so in the elements until the relatives returned to gather the bones and stack them neatly into a bundle. These would then be carried to and deposited in a burial cave or rock fissure. Others were placed on a carved wooden tray held by a menacing looking statuette figure the purpose of which was scare anyone who wanted to come and disturb the remains. Several of these were located in the Waima Range around Waimamaku, Hokianga District.

Some burials were in stone hewn coffins, such as a number observed in different locations around the Wanganui River region. (see photo Turehu coffins)

Those found in burial caves often had red hair or other light brown and blond hues. Samples of their braided hair, taken from the Waitakere rock shelters, used to be on display at Auckland War Memorial Museum and were the subject of written commentary by Maori anthropologist, Sir Peter Buck. Our earliest maritime explorers frequently saw the, red headed, freckle-faced Maori or "waka blondes" and large pockets of them survived well into the 20th century as people who had never mixed their blood with colonial era European settlers. These days, when ancient, pre-colonial European Caucasoid skeletons are located, they are handed over to the local iwi and no scientific investigation is permitted.

An example of this happened in1995 on a Manutahi farm in Taranaki. The remains of 12 skeletons in a formal pre-European burial ground were unearthed by contractors doing earthworks. The bones were removed and reinterred, reluctantly, at Manutahi Marae where elders said they should have been left where they were. Michael Taylor, a private archaeologist from Wanganui, was called in by the NZ Historic Places Trust to assess the discovery. He said the burial site "definitely pre-dates European settlement due to the style of burial, state of the bones and the presence of what may have been woven flax. Something like this is a significant discovery because it is an unrecorded formal burial site. Iā€™ve been in archaeology for over 20 years and this is the first time I have seen anything like this."

Since the find, more evidence has filtered through. This tells us that the bones of each skeleton unearthed were in woven bags, but the material was not flax; The burial site was a formally organised location, totally unknown to the local iwi by their own admission. Itā€™s evident that they had no history of burials at this location and in this unique manner; The final burial had occurred in swamp or bog land and was similar to the bog burials of Britain. No photography or forensic analysis of the well preserved skeletal remains and accompanying materials to determine their age, ethnicity or physical anthropology was permitted.

Turehu coffins. These skeletons have recognisable European physiology. They were already very old when found in rugged country, far from any European churchyard and with stone hewn coffins.

A blowup of the picture positively shows a side view of a jaw (mandible) which is not Maori, but European. Maori predominantly have a "rocker jaw" with a continuous downwards curve on the lower border. Further to that, the eye sockets of these people are squarish, the nose openings pyramidal, the faces long and narrow (dolicephalic skull type) and the craniums very round with a high vault.

Ancient people lived and died nearby

South of Port Waikato stretches rugged limestone country ā€“ an area full of caves and the last refuge of a peaceful people who were hunted, and literally, eaten to death. These early New Zealanders were not warlike. They were "easy meat" for the cannibals who came to New Zealand in successive Polynesian migrations, and driven into hiding from their homes along the coast and in the Waikato.

This is one of the skulls in the cache of skeletons featured on the recent 60 Minutesā€™ documentary on Paul Moonā€™s book "This Horrid Practice." The back of the skull, similar to others there but not shown on TV, shows clear evidence of cannibalism. The back of the skull has been smashed off to extract the brain. Caucasoid European bones were at this site, now buried.

The ancient peoples built an extensive network of underground homes

During the 1800s, the Rev Robert Maunsell compiled a vast dossier of information on a tribe of "Tall Ones" who had lived in the area, but it was destroyed when the old Port Waikato mission station burnt down. Much of his information was gathered by word of mouth from old Maori living in the area at the time but more striking evidence was gathered by the Reverend himself on several trips into burial caves, where there were skeletons of people over 2 metres tall. Among them, he reported there were several pieces of pottery. Maori did not make pottery.

Twelve years ago these Tall Ones "spoke from the dust" again during earthworks at Waikaretu. Contractors discovered a cave set into a limestone bluff. Inside were skeletons in stone crypts. By the length of the femurs, the bodies were 7-8ft tall (over 2 metres). Anthropologists from Auckland and Waikato universities were called in, then followed a complete shutdown of the site, with a 75 year moratorium placed upon it. Maurice Tyson of Tuakau, a contractor in the area for 50 years, recalls how this upset the men who had discovered the cave and who could not understand why such a valuable archaeological site should be kept secret. Maurice also speaks of seeing a stone village with walls near the mouth of the Waikaretu Stream. Stone from the village was crushed to use for road metal and nothing now remains.

In Franklin a young Maori man with strikingly blue eyes walks, unaware. Above him, embedded in the clay bank, lie tiny human bones - tangled with small fragments of crayfish shell and charcoal. A larger, digit bone lies with it in the partly exposed cooking pit. Are these pathetic remains Maori or pre-Maori European? As more and more bones surface, they are asking us to listen to their stories, to use the scientific testing now available to prove that long ago, other peoples walked this land. As a nation we need to acknowledge their existence, accept the horrors of New Zealandā€™s cannibal history which decimated pre-Maori and Maori alike - and so move on.

Just to give you an outline of the area, however, where i live there are many stone carvings , odalisques some shown in the pics, ie the turtle looking one and the carved tattoo ones are a stone throw away from myself, Ill try to take some recent photos if i can if there is anything left of therm, However anyone any idea of the inscriptions?

last 5 pics are local


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Hero Member
Apr 7, 2010
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Thank you very much for your post. It seems that governments, religions etc, have suppressed, destroyed and or changed (even invented) most of the ACCEPTED history worldwide. May God Bless the ones who preserve the true history.




Jr. Member
Mar 16, 2011
oddrock said:

Thank you very much for your post. It seems that governments, religions etc, have suppressed, destroyed and or changed (even invented) most of the ACCEPTED history worldwide. May God Bless the ones who preserve the true history.

Thanx, theirs a lot of past history that i may post later if interested,celtic, viking, tall people (7-10ft) and so on. No one has yet deciphered the symbols on the stones, any one here got any ideas? i believe the stone on the right below is an astronomical stone marker map or even a directional map but no idea as to the markers on the left stone?


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Silver Member
May 5, 2009
Yuma Az
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Great bunch of info thanks for sharing it . :icon_thumleft:


Bronze Member
Jul 12, 2004
The Land Of The Free Because Of The Brave!
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for solutions to the jesuit code -email pics to: [email protected]

;[email protected] locations needed! oro bro!
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thanks for the time and research you put in to this article, as one who sees history as the true treasure in our world, I appreciate your posting of this injustice.

My take on the map, I agree that it looks celestial, how ever I do see what looks like trails marked, and I know that in Amerindian petroglyphs they used Spirals to show mountain as well as depressions, these these marks are not spiral but concentric I think they are trying to show the mountains in the vicinity...and the trails are to their burial grounds. Just speculation but worth noting. the other rock I do see some English alphabet letter here and there as well as a number or two...could be one culture overlaid by another, or mix in as the Jesuits did to Amerindian petroglyps.
hope this helps a bit.
in red you see what the mountains might look like at in a perspective and the trails leading to each mountain that may hold burial grounds.

rag spirals marked rangler.jpg



Jr. Member
Mar 16, 2011
Thanx Rangler, My thoughts exactly on the circles representing mountainous areas as we also do have a small mountain here and a number of volcanoes in the area. There is some information of a large stone odalisque that used to be ontop of the mountain that was toppled over to make way for a radio repeater. I also know many of these lost tribes used to live inland as the maori predominated the coastline but when they were flushed out my feeling is they headed towards the coastline as easier access to travel up the country as many of our beaches are long, there have been a number of caves along the beach front holding old mummified bodies and thought maybe these could also be markers to let there dying race know of there possible locations. Many thanks on the info, if there is anymore symbol pros out there i would appreciate your thoughts as it would be good to decipher these before they are lost forever. I will try to take some pics over the next few days of whats left of these marker stones and some of the stones leading up to the mountain, i will also seek the advice of a local Maori elder i know well as he has mentioned stories similar to these in the past, only in the last few weeks have i become deeply interested in this sort of thing, and now have realized there is a pattern in his stories. Would be great if a few on here would help to discover New Zealands long lost past! :)

as for the Niagara it has been found, but apparently not the gold, surprisingly Britain has taken claim of any gold findings so i would be surprised if i hear it has been found at any point!


Silver Member
Jan 22, 2007
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Tesoro Bandido II and DeLeon. also a Detector Pro Headhunter Diver, and a Garrett BFO called The Hunter & a Garrett Ace 250.
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Thank you for this very interesting article. It's sad a h--- that there are supposedly educated people left in the world who try to hide REAL history simply because it doesn't fit their idea of what it should be.
Those spiral / maze figures sure look similar to the ones found in Celtic areas. The Celts and other peoples put a mystic connotation to that shape for some unknown reason. As far as those marks on your stones being un-decoded; that is also how the Olmec language is, too. The "experts" say they don't know for sure what the Olmec picture writings MEAN, but they THINK they are a precursor language of the Mayans. Of course they leave out the Toltecs, but they (scientists) don't really know beans about THEM either. :laughing7: It seems that their guideline is , " if you don't know for sure, make up something to fill in the gaps." LOL
If you make a hobby of searching and FINDING more of those "tattoo stones" and reveal their locations ONLY to the trusted people who are trying to preserve them; you will provide a priceless bit of information to help insure that those Ancient folks are NOT forgotten and they get their rightful place in world history. :thumbsup:


Full Member
Apr 9, 2009
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All Treasure Hunting
Very interesting. You know, just a few days ago I was watching a documentary on NZ and polynesian culture. Up until this point I had no idea of the earlier inhabitants. I'm so glad I read this post. Thanks for the enlightenment. :)



Jr. Member
Mar 16, 2011
Managed to find a couple more hidden pics of stones near our location, presumably some ancient calender. Thanx for the support all, stepping on "Political Hot Rocks here!!!!"


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Jr. Member
Mar 16, 2011
Baja181 said:
Very interesting. You know, just a few days ago I was watching a documentary on NZ and polynesian culture. Up until this point I had no idea of the earlier inhabitants. I'm so glad I read this post. Thanks for the enlightenment. :)
Many thanks, I do have to still emphasis that at this point its only a possibility! Despite all the heavy proof i still have to keep an open mind! Until i have undeniable proof in my hand at this point it is still speculation. However the carvings on the rocks themselves hold heavy proof of a past people. There is also recorded history of the vikings recording there journeys here in the 12-13 century coming across a number of races, im trying to locate that info at the moment, also 14c Chinese maps have already documented these lands. Many of the Moko (face tattoos) are reminiscent of old Egypt especially the female chin moko. It is not unusual for many old tribes of past to take on the habits art of found cultures. A good example is the Anasazi (politically incorrect) peoples of New Mexico (now possibly integrated with the "Hopi" as there buildings are of similar structure). Only recently American anthropologists disputably claimed peoples of the Americas only went back to a period of time, but this documentary (linked below) shows first hand undisputed truth that old european-asian peoples had traveled to the Americas in the last ice age formed by the glacial bridge, When the argued scholars visited this excavation all there arguments were soon quashed> Proving there had been peoples migrating mush earlier than thought, basically re writing the history books. With this now proved it shows peoples from European descent could have easily ventured to these lands in the past, Explain the pyramids of, Asia and Samoa even! The Egyptian hieroglyphics in Australia, even the aborigines mentioning of past civilized races visiting there land. Everyday the history books are re-written, all we have to do is fight for our humanities past as it does not belong politically to one single culture but to humanity as a whole, We here in New Zealand Need to wake up the eyes of the politicians and bring them out of the dark ages! Through the freedom of information act a request was put through to the government about any hidden antiquities, The basic reply was there there were over 105 hidden antiquities and these would be held "Legally" from the public because they are culturally sensitive. Its funny how the architecture of our parliamentary building is of a "beehive" construction similar to those found on the land here and dated back to structures used of the past Celts!We are teaching our children Lies in the classes and we as humanity need to wake up to this, after all once the earth was proven that it wasn't flat, not only did humanity get over it, we progressed! I am certainly not politically motivated nor am i interested in the lies held by known politicians that know of these antiquities. However i am interested to know the TRUTH of Humanities past and for humanities sake . We need to grow up! and start accepting our past before they get mixed with the teachings of myth that have no base!, especially here in New Zealand, as IF it is proven that past civilizations existed here at"the bottom of the world" it would open the door to the REAL truth of ALL our ancestors past!

Enjoy the doco its a goodie! :)


Bronze Member
Apr 16, 2008
Soulie thanks for posting that very interesting article.
The author seems a bit down on the maori..I doubt it was THEM running the fertilizer mill.

The canniblism wonder if NZ was short on resources at the time.

Some of the rocks clearly look like survey points to me, pehaps astronomical related. The "ancients" reallly loved to survey and control the wild magic of nature and creation by laying out lines
Thanks again.

I need to find a very interesting link on NZ and will post it./



Jr. Member
Mar 16, 2011
desertmoons said:
Soulie thanks for posting that very interesting article.
The author seems a bit down on the maori..I doubt it was THEM running the fertilizer mill.

The canniblism wonder if NZ was short on resources at the time.

Some of the rocks clearly look like survey points to me, pehaps astronomical related. The "ancients" reallly loved to survey and control the wild magic of nature and creation by laying out lines
Thanks again.

I need to find a very interesting link on NZ and will post it./

Yes i understand what your saying, however, new zealands past is pretty bloody, Many Maori used to breed there own slaves to take on long journeys for food. A tradition with Maori warriors was when in battle they would take out his opponent and while still alive remove his still beating heart as he lay dying watching his heart being ate. This the warrior believed, by eating his enemies heart he would take on his enemies "Mana", Thats historical fact. Admittedly not all Maori where warrior tribes there were also peaceful tribes, Maori have always fought each other, and that still goes on amongst the tribes to this day. There are also a number of different Maori dialects, its not just the one here! Much of there past is told in song ( thats another story :) ) there great people and very connected with the stars, especially orion and the 7 sisters Pleiades.


Sorry just a break there, think i have had an epiphany!, Wasn't Orion and Pleiades's from Greek mythology?something just dawned on me, i remember seeing a fish on one of those rocks which from my limited understanding was related to the Greek symbol for Pisces, starting to wander if these symbols are ancient Greek mathematical symbols (celestial), some also twig a memory to possible Egyptian hieroglyphs which , please correct me if im wrong! Some of the Greek language derives from, Weren't spirals used by the Greeks? and that symbol that has 2 brackets a circle and 2 brackets ((o))? The Y , The M , ok need to go and research, Have a gut feeling much of the Maori symbols and beliefs are connected to the Greek Mythology (connection starting to happen here!) may have come across them in the past somewhere.... ( wish i had got into this a decade ago, only have 3 days of learning, need a Greek university lecturer! anyone fluent in ancient Greek whose an Einstein at Greek math here? lol



Jr. Member
Mar 16, 2011
desertmoons said:
Soulie thanks for posting that very interesting article.
The author seems a bit down on the maori..I doubt it was THEM running the fertilizer mill.

The canniblism wonder if NZ was short on resources at the time.

Some of the rocks clearly look like survey points to me, pehaps astronomical related. The "ancients" reallly loved to survey and control the wild magic of nature and creation by laying out lines
Thanks again.

I need to find a very interesting link on NZ and will post it./

No it certainly wasnt them running the mill, it was the pakeha (as we are called today) ( pakepakehā- beings resembling people with fair skins-Patu-paiarehe-"fairy folk" - fair-skinned mythical people who lived in the bush on mountains) So as you can see the name has gone from the old Myth Patu-paiarehe to pakepakeha to present day pakeha starting to see the historical patern? funny as Patu-paiarehe are mentioned as mythical however the Maori dictionary quotes Kahukura-a name of several atua and ancestors, including: the atua of the rainbow, the ancestor of the North who learnt the art of netmaking from the patupaiarehe, an atua of war, and the ancestor who returned to Hawaiki on Horouta to bring the kūmara to Aotearoa Funny no mention of mythical in that reference they must have forgot to add that bit in to the dictionary! (from )

As referenced:
For about 12-years during the mid 1860ā€™s-70ā€™s Robertsonā€™s Mill in Onehunga, Auckland ground up tens of thousands of Patu-paiarehe skeletons from the Auckland and Northland burial caves to make fertiliser. Maori leaders had told Governor Bowen at Te Kopuru in 1869, ā€˜Do with them what you wish for these are not our peopleā€™ (Source: Noel Hilliam, former Curator of the Dargaville Maritime Museum).

This statement to Governor Bowen parallels what historian/ anthropologist Edward Tregear heard and wrote:

ā€œThe Maoris used to pay great respect to the bones of their dead, yet here and there may be found among sandhills, etc., human remains uncovered by the wind, and of these no tradition remains, as there would certainly be if the relics were those of ancestors. The natives say, ā€œThese are the bones of strangers.ā€ So also mortuary-caves are found concerning the contents of which the Maoris make the same remark, and regard them with indifferenceā€ (See: The Maori Race, pp. 562-563).Eden Mill was at this time operating as a bone mill used to grind the bones into fertiliser. It was owned by one Robert Robertson whose impious enterprise made use of the Maori dead found in enormous numbers in caves and caverns in the districtā€™ (see: The Changing Face of Mt. Eden, 1989).

Of course, Maori would never condone any disturbance of the remains of their own ancestors, but these were ā€œstrangersā€ who had died long before Maori arrived on New Zealandā€™s shores.
Reference: & Thor/Bes&Taranis.htm <--- has some excellent information including pics and some interpretation of the connection with the chin Moko and ancient egypt


Silver Member
Jan 22, 2007
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Tesoro Bandido II and DeLeon. also a Detector Pro Headhunter Diver, and a Garrett BFO called The Hunter & a Garrett Ace 250.
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All Treasure Hunting
Orion and the Pleiades are well connected to Egyptian history, also. The Great Pyramid and it's two partners form the same shape as the stars in the constellation called Orion's Belt and some of their gods were said to have come here from those stars. I'll bet you've heard of that.
The cannibalism angle is interesting, too. About 15 years or so ago, while living in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, I was doing some research in the state archives and came across a story about some American Indians, living in Northeast Texas / Southeast Oklahoma that were cannibals. They were so LAZY that they would do just enough to "get by" and if they were out roaming around and came upon a traveller (white man or Indian); they'd kill him and cook body parts on a campfire and eat it right away. No other Indian tribes would have anything to do with them. (I wonder why. LOL) I'd never heard of those Indians before in my life. When I found that article about them, it really floored me. The article was in a back issue of the state's historical journal and supposedly that was a very small tribe and were eventually killed off.
Back to the stargazing stuff...........isn't it interesting how people on the opposite sides of the world have strong interests in the SAME star clusters???



Jr. Member
Mar 16, 2011
Shortstack said:
Orion and the Pleiades are well connected to Egyptian history, also. The Great Pyramid and it's two partners form the same shape as the stars in the constellation called Orion's Belt and some of their gods were said to have come here from those stars. I'll bet you've heard of that.
The cannibalism angle is interesting, too. About 15 years or so ago, while living in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, I was doing some research in the state archives and came across a story about some American Indians, living in Northeast Texas / Southeast Oklahoma that were cannibals. They were so LAZY that they would do just enough to "get by" and if they were out roaming around and came upon a traveller (white man or Indian); they'd kill him and cook body parts on a campfire and eat it right away. No other Indian tribes would have anything to do with them. (I wonder why. LOL) I'd never heard of those Indians before in my life. When I found that article about them, it really floored me. The article was in a back issue of the state's historical journal and supposedly that was a very small tribe and were eventually killed off.
Back to the stargazing stuff...........isn't it interesting how people on the opposite sides of the world have strong interests in the SAME star clusters???

Yes i was familiar with a little Egyptian history, i found it strange that it was only in the last decade or so that they connected the pyramids with orions belt. I say this , because as i child i was a bit of a daydreamer and always taking in my surroundings and at night looking up at the stars, When i saw the pyramids for the first time i immediately connected them with the star cluster as orions belt. I didn't really talk about it as a kid (obviously no one of my age would of had a clue what i was on about, they were too busy getting into trouble as kids do) and just thought it was common knowledge, it wasn't until my teens they came out with this big discovery that the pyramids had a connection with orions belt, I remember being shocked of this at the time as i thought it had been common knowledge all this time. However the real eye opener came shortly after when to get a true alignment they had to go back in the star dates to get a perfect alignment, as of this time Egypt archeology put the pyramids about somewhere between 4-5and a half thousand years (contemporary dynasty period), however when the charts were rolled back the alignment was 10,500 years, which is still in debate today with the "oldtimers" so to speak. One big question was about the erosion especially the sphinx, as experts pointed out it was sand and wind erosion, well if you look closely you can clearly see that it is was water erosion, but that didn't fit in the 5 thousand year bracket. However if you look back 10,500 years ago the area was pretty much a tropical paradise! and what really makes it interesting that many don't talk about is that if the star charts are moved back 10,500 years ago the constellation Leo is directly on the horizon opposite the Sphinx with the sun on the equinox. If this is the case then it makes these structures pre dynasty, meaning there was a separate civilization there before the Egyptians we know today that used them as tombs and goes against all Egyptians archaeologists findings. Thats a another story! (there's much information about pre dynasty ideas, ranging from the gold plane ornaments, helicopter hieroglyphs connections to Tesla's findings --also present day "Huchinson effect"-- and Atlantis)...damn forgot the "Baghdad Battery!"



Jr. Member
Mar 16, 2011
rangler said:
thanks for the time and research you put in to this article, as one who sees history as the true treasure in our world, I appreciate your posting of this injustice.

My take on the map, I agree that it looks celestial, how ever I do see what looks like trails marked, and I know that in Amerindian petroglyphs they used Spirals to show mountain as well as depressions, these these marks are not spiral but concentric I think they are trying to show the mountains in the vicinity...and the trails are to their burial grounds. Just speculation but worth noting. the other rock I do see some English alphabet letter here and there as well as a number or two...could be one culture overlaid by another, or mix in as the Jesuits did to Amerindian petroglyps.
hope this helps a bit.
in red you see what the mountains might look like at in a perspective and the trails leading to each mountain that may hold burial grounds.


K ready to be shocked! awesome! have what seems a good match up here Rangler! What you think?
Below Is rough area of carving and line distance to top of mount, Not exact!


  • mount-2.gif
    507.6 KB · Views: 1,104


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Jan 22, 2007
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There certainly is a lot of conflicting ideas and theories about Egypt and the pyramids and the present day Egyptians will argue tooth and nail that there were no other folks involved there and the pyramids were built with human "horsepower" and as burial monuments. That top Egyptologist guy that has complete control of all archeology done in the country, gets down right IRRITATED when anyone disagrees with him on that subject. LOL
I watched that program on T.V. a year or so ago, with the young guy with the floppy brown hat, that was all about the WATER erosion on the Sphinx. He had some very convincing arguments in support of that theory.
You mentioned the helicopter and other items; well, don't forget that large lightbulb that Egyptologists claim is just a metaphor for the Lotus Blossom. LMBFAO.


Bronze Member
Apr 16, 2008
Interesting, I was not aware of such a cannibalistic culture before.

The idea of not caring or revering the bones of another culture is not unique to NZ. The Navajo, a large indigenous group here in the US, had few qualms about excavating Chaco Canyon, the residence of a previous culture, including bones. They would even attend occasional fiestas there.

And today jar tombs are excavated by the thousands and the rare textiles sold, whilst the boes are scattered about, or even made tourist attractions in Peru, particulalry Nazca tombs.

I am not defending what happened, just adding some perspective from this side of the world.

I think at times people carved what they SAW. :wink:
Anyway here is the link I was thinking about... New Zealand Surveyors.htm

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