Lake Combie mercury removal project crosses another hurdle

Well, here we go again !! the Combie reservoir is about ten miles downstream of Rollins Lake reservoir, which puts rollins much closer to the old hydraulic diggings at the Polar mine site and Gold Run diggings, etc. Therefore logic would suggest the mud accumulating in Rollins is WAY more contaminated with mercury. So, how come no published EIR for rollins - are they just trying to sneak this by ?

I feel like i'm walking thru mollassas on this - any suggestions?

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Fullpan, it doesn't say what they are going to do with the sediment removed, although the dirt will be dumped upstream for Hansen Bros. to deal with. And you can betcha they will extract the gold! No mention of mercury extraction. I don't know if they need an EIR.

But here we have NID involved again. Hmmmmm!

bedrock - the Bear river watershed is listed by the CALEPA as a 303(d) impaired river due to mercury. That's why the Combie and many other reservoirs are prohibited from
from maintenance dredging to maintain water storage since at least 2005.

Here is something to consider for the gold cube owners in Nevada/Placer County area. Other threads about buying gravel company sands have shown that
there is gold in those sands. My interest would be to ask whether any mercury is recovered also, as the plant selling this "unwashed sand" is in the mercury
contaminated watershed of greenhorn creek, which flows into Rollins and Combie reservoirs:

Rock Masonry - Hansen Bros. Enterprises

Scroll down to "sand" category and chose "unwashed sand/ pond silt" for prices.

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A lot of Murky politics going on here and nobody is standing up against it, sad...........................63bkpkr

Do I have this right? The plan is to dry scoop the gravel. Process it on site using a triple deck or something like it. Transport the gravel and sand to an offsite holding area to stockpile for future sale. Leaving the sediment, silt, organic plant matter, and aquatic bio waste otherwise known as mud, on site. Where it will remain on site stagnant behind the reservoirs dam. In the south they call this a swamp!

What is gravel and sand to a water system- it is nature's filter correct? So if you remove the filter what happens to the water system - it gets clogged up with excess sedimentation and siltation. Now it's been a few years but let's think back to dredging.

In dredging we process or wash the sediment and silt from the gravel. The sluice returns the gravel and sand back to the river where the newly created voids in the sand and gravel go back to work filtering. The waste sediment and silt get flushed down and out of the water system.

Where'd we go wrong? Don't believe it's all about the money? Look into other gravel skimming operations around the state, it's quite interesting. If it's your water system you seem to support it. Anywhere else it's a travesty and an affront to nature. Hypocrisy has no boundaries or statue of limitations.

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I guess it comes down to an attempt to make a distinction between "scooping dry gravel" and dredging. I tried to get the 303(d) requirements/regs but got lost
in left field again, lol. Will try again when I'm more focused. Either way, its disturbing merc. sediments.

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Knowing and willfully selling, buying, and spreading Mercury from one end of the state's road system to the other! Hmmm. Is that a class action lawsuit I smell brewing.
People of the state of Ca vs. The state of California, the Sierra fund, center for biological diversity, nevada irrigation district, granite construction, pegasus engineering, friends of this and that, conservancy of what's happening now, fill in the blank Watch, and any other eco terrorist group we can find.
Gotta plant that seed.....
.......and we all live happily ever after!

LOL! That's to funny. My eyes and brain are whacked out. I'm letting section 303(d) lead me where it may. DTSC - interesting, RCRA- eh, not sure maybe. Should probably head to bed big day tomorrow.

Its not about removing mercury or reservoir deepening. Its all about the GOLD!

Good sources tell me that upper Rollins is absolutely loaded with gold! Its natures natural gold trap!
The same can be said about Scotts Flat reservoir, Combie, Englebright, Folsom, on and on.

The gold bearing river during flood will dump a lot of gold where the river enters the reservoir into a delta, accesible during low water.

Aw, Jeez! I let the cat out of the bag! Omerta!

NUTRITION: Eating fish in pregnancy can help babies? IQ | Healthy Living

I'm digging for the actual study.

From the article:

A recent study of 5-year-old children found that those whose mothers ate the most fish while pregnant performed best on verbal IQ tests. Published in the Journal of Nutrition, that study was done in the Republic of Seychelles, a cluster of islands near Madagascar, where the women eat three times more fish than Americans.
The study results indicated that perhaps the omega-3 fats in fish counteracted mercury.

I did not want to start a new thread, so am posting it here. This is the Sierra Fund using its influence to ban small-scale dredging, THEN admitting they want to
sell gold, mercury, etc. when they learn how to mine for it - amazing and diabolical !!

E3 Gold Initiative | The Sierra Fund

Here is something to consider for the gold cube owners in Nevada/Placer County area. Other threads about buying gravel company sands have shown that
there is gold in those sands. My interest would be to ask whether any mercury is recovered also, as the plant selling this "unwashed sand" is in the mercury
contaminated watershed of greenhorn creek, which flows into Rollins and Combie reservoirs:

Rock Masonry - Hansen Bros. Enterprises

Scroll down to "sand" category and chose "unwashed sand/ pond silt" for prices.

At $3 per ton for the unwashed sand I would get a few tons & run it. I would run some of their other stuff too!

If we put sierra fund E-3 on our dredges can we get paid to Ethically Enhance our Enviroment too? Or is it just o.k. for them to do it at taxpayer expense?

If we put sierra fund E-3 on our dredges can we get paid to Ethically Enhance our Enviroment too? Or is it just o.k. for them to do it at taxpayer expense?

Actually tj - there is a non-profit in Ore. that is doing that now. They are dredgers, who are positioning themselves to be "remediation specialists" - I think
their plan is sound. They are new so still in early stages of organizing.

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