Half is Yours if You can Help Me find this Mine

So I've been struggling for quite a few years now looking and finding quite a bit and I believe have come down to the very spot or canyon where the mine is but I don't have the technology of deep detectors or the man power it would take to excavate, I'm getting too old for this but what I got, I give it all I can. I need Serious Help from the Experts. I want to find this, it would be a Goodie. They didn't go to all of this trouble to hide a worthless mine or what is inside of it. This is on a Legal Placer Mining Claim and My remaining partners of it will not help me, so I'm putting it out here for Help from the Experts that Specialize in Finding These. The Entire Claim and it's immediate outside borders have all kinds of Old Spanish Rock Monuments and I have narrowed it down to this TURTLE that has No Legs, No Tail, just a Head, the Head is still there but is Detachable and has EYES. I followed the Direction of the Head and where the Eyes were Looking and found in the Next Canyon Over another SIGN, A SUN SIGN, like the one that is on the front of one of Kenworthy's Books. Here's some Pic's...View attachment 1815586View attachment 1815592View attachment 1815599View attachment 1815604View attachment 1815605View attachment 1815606View attachment 1815607View attachment 1815608View attachment 1815609View attachment 1815610View attachment 1815611View attachment 1815612

Happy Trails:

Have you found it yet? The small Turtle Head would be the small treasure within 100 feet. The min. depth of 5 foot 9 inches, if not in a small manmade Rock Cave. They may have placed a rock over the Treasure before back filling. The big Turtle Head the small one fits in, means Below is the hidden Mine or Large treasure. They were hoping if some one found the small one, and they would leave happy and not look for the Large. My guess is they hid a Treasure in an existing Mine and one or more small ones to lure seekers away from the large one. What I just said happened at many sites. But every one I know about had small caches hidden within 100 feet. Hope this helps.


Happy Trails:

Have you found it yet? The small Turtle Head would be the small treasure within 100 feet. The min. depth of 5 foot 9 inches, if not in a small manmade Rock Cave. They may have placed a rock over the Treasure before back filling. The big Turtle Head the small one fits in, means Below is the hidden Mine or Large treasure. They were hoping if some one found the small one, and they would leave happy and not look for the Large. My guess is they hid a Treasure in an existing Mine and one or more small ones to lure seekers away from the large one.

Call me skeptical, but there are a couple of questions I have to ask. One, is the "min. depth of 5 foot 9 inches" the depth it was originally buried at, or the depth it is at now with the soil that has accumulated over it since it was buried? In either case, 5' 9" sounds unusually precise as a depth for treasure to be buried. If I'm burying treasure I'm digging until the little voice in my head says, "Good enough", and I'm not going to bother measuring it. Second, what is the point of hiding a small treasure to "lure seekers away" from a large treasure? For starters, the only way this makes sense is if the people who hid the treasure made it known that there was treasure buried in the area. If they didn't, then in essence we are talking about a blank slate, and anyone looking for treasure for whatever reason is just as likely to stumble on the big treasure as the small treasure. I could buy into the idea if you said they split up the overall treasure and hid it in several places so that it couldn't be found in one chunk. But a complicated scheme that involves creating several hiding spots and a fair amount of engineering sounds like what they do in Indiana Jones movies. I'm hiding my treasure as quickly as possible and then getting the hell out of Dodge before anyone sees me.

I have a book "Hunting lost mines by Helicopter" By Earle Stanley Gardner If you was close to me (Canton Ohio area) I would let you borrow it. Maybe you can get a copy at a library

Is the tree window is that a branch growing making a window, or is the tree grown that way? Have you looked through the tree window from both sides to see what area it would direct you to look at?
Harley Man with your If I were President? TRUMP has done most of that and you would be welcome as my neighbor, we could get "Them" in the crossfire. lol I am thinking of helping this Paso Robles Man find that X

So I've been struggling for quite a few years now looking and finding quite a bit and I believe have come down to the very spot or canyon where the mine is but I don't have the technology of deep detectors or the man power it would take to excavate, I'm getting too old for this but what I got, I give it all I can. I need Serious Help from the Experts. I want to find this, it would be a Goodie. They didn't go to all of this trouble to hide a worthless mine or what is inside of it. This is on a Legal Placer Mining Claim and My remaining partners of it will not help me, so I'm putting it out here for Help from the Experts that Specialize in Finding These. The Entire Claim and it's immediate outside borders have all kinds of Old Spanish Rock Monuments and I have narrowed it down to this TURTLE that has No Legs, No Tail, just a Head, the Head is still there but is Detachable and has EYES. I followed the Direction of the Head and where the Eyes were Looking and found in the Next Canyon Over another SIGN, A SUN SIGN, like the one that is on the front of one of Kenworthy's Books. Here's some Pic's...View attachment 1815586View attachment 1815592View attachment 1815599View attachment 1815604View attachment 1815605View attachment 1815606View attachment 1815607View attachment 1815608View attachment 1815609View attachment 1815610View attachment 1815611View attachment 1815612
OH BUT they did go to great DEPTHS to hide old mine shafts that were worthless. reason being a lot of old mines were very dangerous for many reasons, Some such as deadly gasses . Cave ins , Deadly creatures are just a few

Red Paint !!! ???? It's GRANITE FOR GOD'S SAKE'S.....hee,hee .....I don't know where you got that idea at.....We've had the claim since 2011, it's a corporate claim of 160 acres.....Serious replies can contact me here for more Info, but this claim has produced mostly flour gold since the late 1870's. Documented in the San Luis Tribune News Paper of 1897, Alexander Stewart was the Supervisor for the La Panza Mining Company which employed 25 workers (where our claim is) and had a series of sluices and hydraulic mining, built a wing dam (which is still there) and pulled out for the year of 1897 a little over 800 ounces of gold. It is also Documented in the in the early part of the 1880's Book "History of San Luis Obispo County of California, Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of it's Prominent Men and Pioneers, OAKLAND, CAL. By Thompson and West, 1883 by MYRON ANGEL of whom was a Eminent History Scholar and FOUNDER of California Polytechnic COLLEGE, of which died on June 27th, 1911 at the age of 83. He is also amongst of many other things, a AUTHOR of IN THE BANCROFT LIBRARIES. Out of this Big Boo of 408 Pages, he has a Chapter in it of the MINES OF SAN LUIS OBISPO and on Pages 248, 249, 250 he writes and Reports of the Gold Mines of La Panza and Specificly has Our Claim Location in it. There is documented evidence Histories of the Spanish from San Luis Obispo Mission and San Miguel Mission as well as the De La Guerra Families of Santa Barbara mining in this country in the early 1800's. Anybody here on treasurenet that has read any of my posts (of which are many) should already know that I have backup information before I start shooting my mouth off and I am totally Honest. Darrell
This is my very first post. I just sort of reluctantly joined this site as a member. I was an anonymous student for years. I also, like sandy1 learned a lot from personal experience, boots on the ground. I am also very patient and not motivated by riches of the material sort. I have come to this site to enrich others lives at my own risk. I have wanted to be a participating member for many years but also have enjoyed myself staying in the shadows. I first came to this site trying to discover what is was that I had found. Now I know. A lot of work, so difficult and time consuming and also expensive. It would be nice to have a team, but I do not think there are many like myself, without greed and the love of money. Most people have already spent all the money they could have ever found in their minds. The knowledge that I am learning is worth more than money to me. Anyhow, I know that I could help you, like actually in person. For example, that sign is not what you think it is. It is a glyph. To me, it warns of a death trap. Although, I do not wish to say what I think it is here in public. I will let someone else figure that out. I am a lot more sensitive than my favorite teacher, and have not ever participated in any public forum or social media. PM me for the answer, if you wish. Or just squint your eyes a bit more and take a few big steps backwards. Then it becomes plain as day. Not sun.

This is my very first post. I just sort of reluctantly joined this site as a member. I was an anonymous student for years. I also, like sandy1 learned a lot from personal experience, boots on the ground. I am also very patient and not motivated by riches of the material sort. I have come to this site to enrich others lives at my own risk. I have wanted to be a participating member for many years but also have enjoyed myself staying in the shadows. I first came to this site trying to discover what is was that I had found. Now I know. A lot of work, so difficult and time consuming and also expensive. It would be nice to have a team, but I do not think there are many like myself, without greed and the love of money. Most people have already spent all the money they could have ever found in their minds. The knowledge that I am learning is worth more than money to me. Anyhow, I know that I could help you, like actually in person. For example, that sign is not what you think it is. It is a glyph. To me, it warns of a death trap. Although, I do not wish to say what I think it is here in public. I will let someone else figure that out. I am a lot more sensitive than my favorite teacher, and have not ever participated in any public forum or social media. PM me for the answer, if you wish. Or just squint your eyes a bit more and take a few big steps backwards. Then it becomes plain as day. Not sun.
I also see a pointer as well., but the important thing here is the indication of a death trap. I may very well be able to pinpoint multiple dig sites given a bit of time on the land. It takes lots of time and unlearning to see all or most of the signs. What I am having trouble with myself is being able to afford the excavation and the delay imposed by unimaginable ingenuity that the makers of these sites had. In my personal experiences, finding them is not the hard part. It's getting to them.... unscathed.

Call me skeptical, but there are a couple of questions I have to ask. One, is the "min. depth of 5 foot 9 inches" the depth it was originally buried at, or the depth it is at now with the soil that has accumulated over it since it was buried? In either case, 5' 9" sounds unusually precise as a depth for treasure to be buried. If I'm burying treasure I'm digging until the little voice in my head says, "Good enough", and I'm not going to bother measuring it. Second, what is the point of hiding a small treasure to "lure seekers away" from a large treasure? For starters, the only way this makes sense is if the people who hid the treasure made it known that there was treasure buried in the area. If they didn't, then in essence we are talking about a blank slate, and anyone looking for treasure for whatever reason is just as likely to stumble on the big treasure as the small treasure. I could buy into the idea if you said they split up the overall treasure and hid it in several places so that it couldn't be found in one chunk. But a complicated scheme that involves creating several hiding spots and a fair amount of engineering sounds like what they do in Indiana Jones movies. I'm hiding my treasure as quickly as possible and then getting the hell out of Dodge before anyone sees me.
I was also thinking very similar as far as thinking, why would these groups of people be trying to be secretive, but stay in one area for so long to bury many in one location. Until I had attained what I believe to be the answer. I found a stone map that showed multiple deposits connected through underground passages. I.e. mines... I'm kind of thankful that I do not watch to much TV or movies. Because I may be thinking a lot more critically and not believing in what I have found, which means I would not be having the experiences that I am. But also wouldn't even be here on this forum right now either. Also wouldn't have found anything, either. Last IJ movie I seen was when I was a kid, bout the time I saw Goonies. Which by the way is one of my most favorite movies of all times.

I'm kind of thankful that I do not watch to much TV or movies. Because I may be thinking a lot more critically and not believing in what I have found, which means I would not be having the experiences that I am. But also wouldn't even be here on this forum right now either. Also wouldn't have found anything, either.
I actually think it a good thing to think critically about these things. This forum has decades of posts where people saw a sign or symbol in something and just knew there was treasure near by. I think the quintessential example of this was the guy who dug a 60'+ shaft below his house--but couldn't give us any information because he feared for the safety of his family and himself. If he locked down the KGC treasure he thought was there we would have definitely got an "I told you so" ear full.

So I tend to look at this from two perspectives of "if I..." As in...If I buried a treasure, it wouldn't be in the form of an "X marks the spot" treasure map with signs and clues to lead me back to it. And second, if I find a treasure it's most likely because I stumbled on to it by accident, or by luck if I'm metal detecting. Chances are real slim that I'm going to find treasure by way of a pirate map or looking at carvings on a tree. Most pirate treasures are most likely at the bottom of the ocean--or at least a 300 year old rum bottle. Spanish traps are all tripped, or degraded and useless after 400 years. And any tree carvings that actually do point to treasure were carved less than 100 years ago. Anything older than that and the tree was most likely a sapling or otherwise un-noteworthy tree when it was supposedly carved. That said, I'm sure there is plenty of buried/hidden treasure out there. It's just buried in an unmarked treasure grave, with very few clues, if any to lead anyone to it. Chances are you will have better luck finding treasure if you search around or in old houses that belonged to weird people.

Oh how exciting! I've only seen this kind of thing on the tube, but can't wait till the day I actually get to see these things. I am excited for you! Hope you find the one that will be able to help :)

Hey HappyTrails55, any luck? I'm new here and just read this thread. I live in California, near San Luis Obispo County and loved your story. Just curious as to if you were successful.

So I've been struggling for quite a few years now looking and finding quite a bit and I believe have come down to the very spot or canyon where the mine is but I don't have the technology of deep detectors or the man power it would take to excavate, I'm getting too old for this but what I got, I give it all I can. I need Serious Help from the Experts. I want to find this, it would be a Goodie. They didn't go to all of this trouble to hide a worthless mine or what is inside of it. This is on a Legal Placer Mining Claim and My remaining partners of it will not help me, so I'm putting it out here for Help from the Experts that Specialize in Finding These. The Entire Claim and it's immediate outside borders have all kinds of Old Spanish Rock Monuments and I have narrowed it down to this TURTLE that has No Legs, No Tail, just a Head, the Head is still there but is Detachable and has EYES. I followed the Direction of the Head and where the Eyes were Looking and found in the Next Canyon Over another SIGN, A SUN SIGN, like the one that is on the front of one of Kenworthy's Books. Here's some Pic's...View attachment 1815586View attachment 1815592View attachment 1815599View attachment 1815604View attachment 1815605View attachment 1815606View attachment 1815607View attachment 1815608View attachment 1815609View attachment 1815610View attachment 1815611View attachment 1815612
If you send me a google earth picture that will cover about a six mile square area, in each picture, I will take a look at it for you. When you do, put the turtle location on the edge of the page, and make a picture to the top, the bottom, and the right or left of the turtle to Indicate where the turtle is, so we have a starting point.

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