Gypsys Ghost Town Hunt 9/10 pics added

Gypsy Heart

Gold Member
Nov 29, 2005
Gypsy's Ghost Town Hunt 9/10 pics added

Tomorrow I end a journey that has taken me ten years to accomplish. Next week I hope to post my finds and the rest of the story. ........................

You could hear it long before you saw it. The gentle rushing of cool water rambling lazily over the rocks of the Jump River. Traveling down the rutted, dusty lane, surrounded by towering pines, oaks and cedar, the air was pungent with the warm rich smell of ancient woods. This road has remained the same for over 150 years. Spiraling slivers of sunlight peeked through the dense undergrowth, allowing fleeting glimpses of the moss-covered floor of the forest. Dark shadows beckoned you deeper. Shifting the Jeep to a crawl, I allowed myself to travel back in time and experience how the early settlers felt, as they took this same road to their new homes for the very first time.

Fourteen ox driven carts, 56 people, including women and small children had just arrived from Eastern NY. The journey had taken over five months, and it was now midsummer. Tired and dirty, but full of hope they marveled at the vastness of the Wisconsin Northwood’s. These pioneers were to become landowners. At 1 cent an acre, the government had promised all settlers that the Northern acreage could become theirs if they established homesteads. Banding together, these brave young men and women, babies and grandparents had journeyed North West to fulfill their dreams. The young men, tall handsome Swedes and Norwegians had already called claims to their land, as they had passed them. Following the Indian trails that ran along the river, each family positioned themselves on high ground, with the water close by.

The Cummings, Vannedges, Millers, Kubes, Fricks ,Andersons to name a few would within a short time have the land cleared, log homes and barns built and a town began. A bustling settlement, with feed and grain mill, a sawmill, general store, several homes, livery ,a coopers and school. A river mill town that provided unity and life to the families and those that would soon follow. Soon this small community would boast two hundred people. A town with hopes…… that would eventually fade into the forest floor as the railroads took over in the 1900’s and the river towns became a graveyard of dreams. The birth and death of a town within a fifty-year span. If you listen, you can hear the wailing of a faraway train whistle, sending its mournful death cry over the hills and echoing its haunting sound throughout the treetops.

Within these overgrown woods, are the remnants of that town. As long as I can remember, stories were told of the mighty loggers who cleared the Wisconsin forests, turning them to rich farm ground and making the way for the huge dairy farms. This road will end the search.

Last fall, I was able to pinpoint the town’s location. There are few existing records. The children and grandchildren of these settlers are long buried and the remaining families, now in their 70 ands 80’s vaguely remember the stories they were told. For many years I was led to believe, this was just a way station, not really a town. But things didn’t add up, the more I sought, the more I found. Bits and pieces of information gathered from old pictures, journals, school records, books and maps.
The one remaining building is the brick school. Burned twice, this was the heart of the community. It has now stood steadily since the 1880’s. The Cummings brothers donated land for the building of the school within the first year of settlement. Education was important and first little log school housed not only their children, but became the community center, as it served as a church, dances were held here, as well as weddings and funerals. Children were brought to school by boat, sled and wagons.

The first winter was hard, but the Indians tribes provided the settlers with food, venison and friendship. These friendships turned to family as many of the young men took Indian brides. The Indians had a huge Camp 15 miles to the East of the settlement and trading of goods was a common occurance in the small village. Each spring, the tribe would make their way through the little town, trading furs and hides ,dried herbs, copper tools and other staples for the items they needed. These Indians had traveled down from Eau Claire and brought items to the small village that the white people needed.

The Cummings brothers cleared over 300 acres of pines the within three years. New York Timber barons purchased the great white pines and a sawmill was established on the Jump. Within that time a settlement sprang up, with the next closest being Ogema, 20 miles as the crow flies.

As you breath in the glory of this place, you can see why and how a family could make a good life here. The woods are thick, the water plentiful and the ground, dark and rich. Abundant wild game and fish are evident still.

My job has just begun. It is my plan to grid and hunt this land over the next five days. I have sought permission from several out of state land-owners and will be camping here, while documenting everything I find. A book for the State Historical Society as well as the County will be published by fall. I had previously surveyed this spot and have found rock foundations and cellar holes on both sides of the river. A farm owner, descendant from the first Cummings, will meet with me to show where he buried several other foundations fifty years ago. I will be canoeing two miles up river to photograph several settlers and a trappers log cabins. I have found several bottle dumps along the river in a short period and the remains show dates of 1850’s, some as old as 1830’s. My first find, deep into the woods, was a rusted cast iron cook stove, a tombstone marking the demise of a forgotten time and place.

Research …is like a homesteaders quilt…you save every scrap ,no matter how tiny , but as you begin to put the pieces together ,you end up with a beautiful story of someones life.

I cannot let the dreams and hopes of these first settlers fade into oblivion. They need to be honored as important people of our history. They might not have been famous or world known. They didn’t become Generals or Presidents. The small items I hope to find ,wont lead to anything of historical exclamation. But these are my people ….and yours…..Our brave and fearless ancestors who paved the way across the States for each of us. Lets step back into time and glimpse into their hearts and souls.

Day One: ……………… be continued


Bronze Member
Dec 3, 2004
Long Island New York
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Re: Gyspy's Ghost Town Hunt

That was GREAT, good luck to you Gypsy, happy hunting. post as much as you can. I'm sure all of your hard work will pay off!!


j.d. in the usa

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Re: Gyspy's Ghost Town Hunt

Gypsy that is AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!! great job! I'm gonna be sitting on the edge of my seat until youm post the rest!!!!!!!!!!! The knowledge you have about this town is treasure itself!!!! hh jd

The Seeker

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Nov 21, 2005
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Re: Gyspy's Ghost Town Hunt

With all that said! Your gonna prove to us all that not only are you superb at researching and finding information on a number of subjects related to items, Relics and a number of outstanding finds that have been posted here on Treasure Net ..You will have one of the best Detecting weekends that you will most likely remember and never forget through out your many years of Metal Detecting! With the information you have obtained on this Ghost Town you should have no problem finding plenty of nice finds . Coins , Relics and even items that may tell a little story about the town itself! So you go and have one heck of a time and I wish you the best of luck always!!! Stay safe! I'm looking forward to your return and the story you bring with you.................. ;) ;) ;)

Mona Lisa

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Re: Gyspy's Ghost Town Hunt

Beautifully written, Gypsy. What an adventure you and your girls will have.

I can't wait to see what you dig up! :)

River Rat

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Re: Gyspy's Ghost Town Hunt

Well written, Gypsy. Your long, hard research will pay off. Wishing you & the girls the best & be safe. Take plenty of pics.

HH ;)


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Nov 13, 2005
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Re: Gyspy's Ghost Town Hunt

WOW Gypsy you are on to a great adventure as well as for the readers. I hope the weather cooperates with you. This is going to be one great post. I can tell your heart is in it. ;) Can't wait for Day two. Burdie


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Dec 6, 2005
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Re: Gyspy's Ghost Town Hunt

Nice job Gypsy, I hope the search is fruitful for you. :)


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Jul 15, 2004
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Re: Gyspy's Ghost Town Hunt

I'm envious and jealous! I wanna go! ;D ;D Good luck Gypsy.I wish you all the best.Be safe.


Gold Member
May 25, 2005
Re: Gyspy's Ghost Town Hunt

Well done, dear Heart! Looking forward to more of your Gypsy magic!


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Re: Gyspy's Ghost Town Hunt

PBK big man on campus now..... 8)


Gold Member
Oct 4, 2004
Re: Gyspy's Ghost Town Hunt

What a great way to enrich you and your family's lives as well as the State and local historical societies. They may not have been famous or well known but they and many others like them made up an important part of our history for their strengths and abilities to overcome the many hardships. Best of luck and thanks for sharing this piece of history which otherwise would lie forgotten and passed by the wayside.



Re: Gyspy's Ghost Town Hunt

The time has finally arrived. Wish you the utmost success. Looking forward to your posts of your adventure. Enjoy!! HH



Re: Gyspy's Ghost Town Hunt


We are waiting!

And, I know you are whats the delay.


Silver Member
Dec 6, 2005
Eugene, Oregon
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Re: Gyspy's Ghost Town Hunt

She'll probably be writing for awhile, from the sounds of things..... think she done hit the nail on the head. ;)


Bronze Member
Mar 14, 2005
Orlando, FL
Re: Gyspy's Ghost Town Hunt

What a great story Gypsy! I wish, I wish, I wish I could have done something like that! Hope your finds are many. I can't wait to read the rest of the story.


Gypsy Heart

Gypsy Heart

Gold Member
Nov 29, 2005
Re: Gyspy's Ghost Town Hunt /Update with some Pics

My camera died on me so I had to load pics off a borrowed are at end....This gets a little wont bore everyone with the entire journal....I have to return in two weeks ,because I have about five more cellar holes to dig out.....More pics this week.

Day One:
Unbelievable weather.100 degrees and not a breeze in sight. It’s like a sauna, even under these huge pines. The grass is chest high and the undergrowth is immense. There are not only briars and brambles, but also lots of lowdown rotting timber. This is going to be a real trick to hunt. The Camper is left parked on a logging road, nestled between several stumps. Not quite level, but with the help of jacks, I at least wont be rolling out of bed. The screen tent porch that attaches is a real problem, but we finally manage to connect it when after several attempts I hoist Mariah onto the roof to guide the vinyl strip into place. Had I known what was to take place later, I wouldn’t have bothered.
We are anxious to hunt and decide to scan the area for foundations first. Its hard walking and we are basically crawling through the briars. I leave the detector and tools, except for hatchet and digging knife until I can find a site. After an hour, we finally stumble down a bank to the river and as I lay at the bottom, with two small daughters piled on top of me laughing their heads off, we spot old cans and broken bottles. Yes! We attack the pile like badgers and skim the rusted cans off. Pieces of broken bottles, pottery and dishes emerge. Knowing that a foundation has to be close by I leave the girls to dig and I climb back up to peer through the tangled brush to see where the largest trees are. I spot several gigantic oaks and head that way. Within moments I am seeing a cellar hole. This will become the pattern for the next four days. Find cellar hole, see collapsed logs and chimney, dig under it, find cast iron cook stove or potbelly stove, and dig under it. Find old iron beds, dig under it...... I will spend an enormous amount of time and energy removing debris from the holes so I can search. I do believe I have died and gone to Heaven.
I have no idea what time it is, except the sun is way to the west. . We have found four cellar holes and cleared two. The girls had found another dumpsite and have stacked broken bottles and pottery along the bank. I am guessing we aren’t going to find many whole bottles as these dump sites are along the flood plane and I am sure as they fill with water, the freezing winters have then broken them. Tired, sore filthy and hungry we make our way back to camp. We come back with one amber bottle Cherry Heering with Peter F Herring Denmark, Copenhagen on the bottom. It looks like its from about 1890-1900 and I am just happy to have one full bottle.
It’s too hot to build a campfire, so we make hotdogs on the Coleman stove and drink water. The sun is setting and with it the woods comes alive with hoots and howls. Somewhere down the river a coyote sends up a lonesome wail. A group of wild turkeys are spotted up the road and they venture closer, probally amazed to see humans in this spot. The girls and I make for the river and take a much-needed bath. We startle a doe and two fawns, which scamper away. The girls are making so much noise its hard to believe there would be any wildlife in the vicinity with the racket they make. We rinse out our dirty jeans and t-shirts that are caked with mud and lay them on the banks to dry overnight. Its dark by time we make our way back to the camper and the lantern throws eerie shadows. Once inside, the camper is snug and tight and the girls are already planning tomorrows digs. Its plain hot, even with all the windows open the heat is stifling. There is something so peaceful about sleeping in the middle of a forest. The night sounds of crickets and small nocturnal animals scurrying about are calming. The rippling water is just lulling me to sleep. That is until the bigger animals start their prowl. I wasn’t sure if it was a bear grunting or a buck snorting, but it rattled me enough to get up and double check the door. With a shotgun at my feet, I fell into a much-needed coma. The next thing I felt and heard was a huge bang. Was someone was throwing rocks on my roof and then lighting fireworks off? What the heck. For the second time today, I had two small daughters piled on top of me. A terrible lightening storm had blown up and the thunder was deafening. As the wind picked up, our small camper swayed back and forth. Pulling the girls closer, I pondered on how smashed we would be once a pine came down on the camper. Since there wasn’t much we could do about it, I told the girls to pretend we were in a big storm at sea and asked the Father to hold us safely in His arms for the rest of the night. The girls immediately fell asleep, while I stayed awake to write in the journals and map the area we had hunted. About five am the storm finally passed, and I stepped into the attached tent porch into three inches of water. Flooded to the max. After surveying the area, I was surprised to see several large branches down, one just inch from my jeep. We were really lucky not to have any on the camper.

Day Two
I plan on getting an early start and pack water and sandwiches for another day in the forest. Its barely 6,when I hear the rumble of an ATV coming down the road. As it nears, I see it is Mr.JC ,a descendant of one of the very first settlers in this area. JC is 73 yrs old and ready to help me locate old foundations. I had had several conversations with him over the years and had asked him to join me on this hunt for a day. I was a little worried about his age, until a couple of hours later when he was telling me to "Keep up" Haha.And this after him having both hips replaced. He was in his glory and entertained me with numerous stories from his childhood. His grandparents, William and Lucy were among those first settlers and he is a wealth of knowledge. We found a stone foundation and I was getting numerous iron hits. I started digging and barely had stuck my knife in the ground, when I hit metal. A pair of iron blacksmith tongs. Within minutes, I was digging out axe heads, 18 inch forged spikes, a 2''x12'' sleigh bolt, one logging tong and then the other side. I had hit the iron lottery. JC really helped with this part, as he was able to identify every piece I pulled from the ground. Then I began pulling up buggy parts; hubs, wheels, rein holders, the steps and springs, by the time I finished I think I have enough parts to put it back together. I even dug the gas lamp that hung from the hook. JC by this time was hooked on metal detecting and wanted to buy mine from me. He kept laughing, calling me a badger and said I wore him out just watching me dig. Since this is the first time I had ever had someone hunt with me outside of the girls, I was happy that I had him along. I really enjoyed his company and learned alot from him. As the day went on, he began telling me of other places that I should hunt. Old trapper cabins and people who had died in the thirties and left buried money that no one could find. Hmmmmm....Mr JC was rapidly becoming my new best friend!
In the mean time, the girls had found another hole and found a stash of old silverware and broken pottery. Thick stone wear crocks and plates, broken, but mostly marked Redwing. Each time they pulled a broken dish out you would hear one of them exclaim...Awwww that’s too bad...
We hunted the entire day and hauled as much as we could back to the camper in five gallon buckets. If you think I was dirty and sore the first day, triple that for this one. Plus the lack of sleep from the storm wasn’t helping. After our goodbyes to JC and a promise to meet him on day four, we took our river bath again and ate a light supper. The girls played checkers and talked about their finds over candlelight as I write in the journal. Cheyenne just said 'Mom...isn’t this the best vacation we ever had”.
Day Three
It stormed again last night and the thunder kept us awake, but again no damage. Everything is soaked and steaming as temps hit 80 by 7. I observe the growing pile of iron next to the camper and wonder what the heck I will take and have to leave. I can’t carry it all home. Today we are canoeing up river to hit a couple of trapper cabins. The water is low enough that should I tip, I can walk out! After about a half mile, I see several large pines next to the bank. As I bring the canoe to shore, bottles and rusty cans poke out of the bank. This is a sandy area and I can see a partial stone foundation at the top of the bank near the pines. These are stacked stones and as I climb up I know I have the sawmill! This is where I want to cry. I have finally come full circle with my research and this is the missing piece I needed to prove this settlement did indeed exist. My very first hit was about six inches deep. Hacking through roots, I finally hit hard iron. My gloves are just about in shreds after two days of digging. Then I pulled it out. A broad axe. I wonder just how far the echo of my scream carried through those woods! From old maps I have, this was the perfect place to build the mill. The water route has now shifted a bit and the mill is standing about 75 feet from the river. Digging into this rich black earth, I realize I am actually standing on old sawdust mounds and hope they wont cave in. I continue to dig and find more forged bolts, handles, a rusted potbelly stove with a hand dicer tool still in the oven, wooden handle in tact! Axes, plow bits, harness buckles, a iron skate, 8 inch square nails, spikes, horse shoes and every what not imaginable. After a half day of digging I have had enough. The temps have risen and we are blacker than the soil. The deer flies are biting and hard.... more rain coming. I decide to canoe up to the old cabin and search around it while I still have daylight. The girls are tired and sleep in the bottom of the canoe. I find the remnants of the cabin with no problem. I knew that there had been people living there until the 1930's. The owner has kept it up as best as he can and the original vertical cedar logs have stood well against the elements.


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Gypsy Heart

Gypsy Heart

Gold Member
Nov 29, 2005
Re: Gyspy's Ghost Town Hunt

More to come


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