Gold test


Aug 7, 2004
The gold test kit is an inexpensive test to find your treasure.? You can checkyour ore zone on site, do a test in about 30 minutes and determine accurately if there is gold present.? AND for about $1 a test. and the total cost for a kit that will do apprx 20 to 40 tests is $40.? I have been using it and have been so impressed I started a company to sell it to others.? Jee I sound like the Remington Shaver Guy,? You can do several tests in an area to determine how large the ore zone is and as you learn the color intensity you can reasonably determine if you have a highgrade or lowgrade find.? Certainly further testing is advised, but now you don't have to do expensive AA or Fire assays and you know your results in a few minutes rather than have to wait for weeks.? I know a lot of "weekenders"? or hunters, hikers, or small time prospectors that would love to determine if gold is present and be able to do it about 30 minutes.? Gold is where you find it and I know for a fact that in AZ, NV and UT, MT, and ID where I have done a lot of prospecting I am finding that just plain looking "dirt" has turned out to high grade gold and a lot of it.? I don't know how many high grade ore zones I walked over because it didn't look like anything and I had no? way to test if there was gold present.? Now I can grab a pinch of "dirt" and a couple of chemicals and if I get color I have gold.?This is done right on site and in a couple of minutes. This is a fact, a few weeks ago a friend just brought in some rock from UT that everybody had walked over to get to the mining area,? he wanted to see if his "rock pile" contained gold,? he said there were thousands of tons of the stuff in an area that nobody was interested in because it just looked like common rock, like everything else in the area,? but because he saw that the area seemed to have been more volcanic he thought it had gold.? We did our quick color test and sure enough our test said gold, so just to confirm we sent it out for a fire assay and the results came back .76 oz/ton, which is super good ore, and a lot of it,? he just found his gold mine.? Our color test indicates more gold then what the fire assay indicated so we leached some and then fired a button and the results with a gold bead are showing closer to 3 oz per ton.? Our sample was not real accurate as we did not "split" a ton but it sure looks good for him and it confirms out test.? Anyway if you want more info on the test kit just answer here or contact me at: [email protected]. we do have a web page started but it is just a "rough draft" up and will need corrections but you are certainly welcome to go look,? just go to: ?Thanks, Ken

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