Gold Member
So I do a walk by at the reject tray, no luck.... 5 minutes later, I see a guy standing there, with the door wide open, oh snap! Here we go...
"Excuse me sir?" I iniate the friendliness with my curiosity..."any good rejects?"
So basically he explains to me that there is a trap chute, calls it a crap chute, where 90% of the rejects go into a bin, the other 10% goes into the reject tray.
I believe him too, cuz sitting there was a half gallon sized plastic bucket, packed with half dollars, among a butt load of who knows what. Goes on to say that Canadians, Caribbean, and Euro coins are sent to a facility in D.C. For metal recycling.
There is software inside that only accepts clean, American coins, but there are updates coming...
Asks me if I'm a coin collector..... ummmm... yeah.
So am I he says...
Says he's got THOUSANDS of silver coins, 4 gold coins and 2 wedding bands....
I'm about to faint, or throw up......all I can do is think if this guy needs a helper.
So, inside the open door, there were hundreds of coins on the floor, I am drooling.
So my TreasureNet memory leads me to the Coinstar legality thread from a couple months ago, I ask the guy if I could take a picture of the guts of the machine, knowing I wasn't gonna score Jack from him. He steps to the side, closes the door, and then....
He says to me....
Wait for it.....
"Sir, for my safety and the security of my Company's property, I have to ask you to walk away, nice talking to you"
Guys, I ain't gonna lie, looking at the inside of the Coinstar, was like seeing the hottest girl ever, and seeing what was under that dress.
"Excuse me sir?" I iniate the friendliness with my curiosity..."any good rejects?"
So basically he explains to me that there is a trap chute, calls it a crap chute, where 90% of the rejects go into a bin, the other 10% goes into the reject tray.
I believe him too, cuz sitting there was a half gallon sized plastic bucket, packed with half dollars, among a butt load of who knows what. Goes on to say that Canadians, Caribbean, and Euro coins are sent to a facility in D.C. For metal recycling.
There is software inside that only accepts clean, American coins, but there are updates coming...
Asks me if I'm a coin collector..... ummmm... yeah.
So am I he says...
Says he's got THOUSANDS of silver coins, 4 gold coins and 2 wedding bands....
I'm about to faint, or throw up......all I can do is think if this guy needs a helper.
So, inside the open door, there were hundreds of coins on the floor, I am drooling.
So my TreasureNet memory leads me to the Coinstar legality thread from a couple months ago, I ask the guy if I could take a picture of the guts of the machine, knowing I wasn't gonna score Jack from him. He steps to the side, closes the door, and then....
He says to me....
Wait for it.....
"Sir, for my safety and the security of my Company's property, I have to ask you to walk away, nice talking to you"
Guys, I ain't gonna lie, looking at the inside of the Coinstar, was like seeing the hottest girl ever, and seeing what was under that dress.