Busting Rock !


Bronze Member
Aug 15, 2007
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
hello : all you old desert rats and Dutch Hunters you young green behind the ears trigger happy fools ...i came to say good bye ...

most of my friends and family are all but gone and i don't have a lot of time left my self ...so lets make this short and sweet .

its a pit shaft about 14ft deep in solid bed rock ..the vane runs south to north and is seen in the west side of the shaft wall ..if what Clay stated was true about every 3 foot of the vane . then there is enough to make over a 100 millionaires at todays prices .my time is coming and i just cant get the time or money to get back to the mine and i am just to old now to worry about those things ..if i could have found someone trust worthy enough to take to mine . this would all be over and done .my father read the Killer Mountains to me in 1967 ---
.54 years it took to find it ... you all take care ,its out there .. i am out of here ...Stay Safe Stay Free

The Blindbowman ! Robert William Lawton

hello : all you old desert rats and Dutch Hunters you young green behind the ears trigger happy fools ...i came to say good bye ...

most of my friends and family are all but gone and i don't have a lot of time left my self ...so lets make this short and sweet .

its a pit shaft about 14ft deep in solid bed rock ..the vane runs south to north and is seen in the west side of the shaft wall ..if what Clay stated was true about every 3 foot of the vane . then there is enough to make over a 100 millionaires at todays prices .my time is coming and i just cant get the time or money to get back to the mine and i am just to old now to worry about those things ..if i could have found someone trust worthy enough to take to mine . this would all be over and done .my father read the Killer Mountains to me in 1967 ---
.54 years it took to find it ... you all take care ,its out there .. i am out of here ...Stay Safe Stay Free

The Blindbowman ! Robert William Lawton

[h=1]Veni, vidi, vici![/h]Sounds like old Adolf Ruth has met his match!
Travel well and God bless ya Bowman it's been a very interesting journey.
You came, and found, then conquered what you were looking for that's more than most on here can claim.
Please leave us all a vague verbal map in German as you're exiting this Earth it's a tradition old Jacob started long ago.
Peace be with ya. God Bless. True Gold is in the heart and yours is solid.

think before you act .. this hunt has not always been fun ...i have been followed ,shot at . had dozens of threatening phone calls ,and had my girl friend threaten . i have walked a man off my land at gun point and i have had two fist fights with people that just would not take no for a answer ..i have watch as a curse took 7 family members 14 friends ..i watch my brother Ron suffer from the day we went into the mountains 7 years till his death ..no it was not free it had a cost and its not over yet ...but yes i would do it all over again .." Waltz did in fact have a real Gold mine ! " i know how Waltz must have felt walking away from the richest GOLD mine in the world ..i tried to get Wayne T . and his team to help but it just did not happen . and i cant make it back to the mine with out help i can trust .. so this is where it ends for now ... stay safe stay free

think before you act .. this hunt has not always been fun ...i have been followed ,shot at . had dozens of threatening phone calls ,and had my girl friend threaten . i have walked a man off my land at gun point and i have had two fist fights with people that just would not take no for a answer ..i have watch as a curse took 7 family members 14 friends ..i watch my brother Ron suffer from the day we went into the mountains 7 years till his death ..no it was not free it had a cost and its not over yet ...but yes i would do it all over again .." Waltz did in fact have a real Gold mine ! " i know how Waltz must have felt walking away from the richest GOLD mine in the world ..i tried to get Wayne T . and his team to help but it just did not happen . and i cant make it back to the mine with out help i can trust .. so this is where it ends for now ... stay safe stay free

Good morning BB,
It is very difficult to let go... to walk away. I have tried, but to no avail.
I decided to give my search away .... maybe then could let go ... nope, only made it worse... lol

If you?re going to keep thinking about it, then might as well participate ?
Personally, unless God has placed a curse, then the only power a curse has, is what you relinquish to it.

Every time we get miffed and cuss at something ... like the car door that smashed your fingers ... is actually a curse.
We get blessings too. And they also have power if you let it.
For instance, I gave you a blessing by saying ?good morning?.
I could have given a curse instead, but I like you. I don?t wish bad things for you.

I hope there is a way that this all turns into a blessing, and that the only thing you walk away from, is any curse you give power to.

Good morning BB,
It is very difficult to let go... to walk away. I have tried, but to no avail.
I decided to give my search away .... maybe then could let go ... nope, only made it worse... lol

If you?re going to keep thinking about it, then might as well participate ?
Personally, unless God has placed a curse, then the only power a curse has, is what you relinquish to it.

Every time we get miffed and cuss at something ... like the car door that smashed your fingers ... is actually a curse.
We get blessings too. And they also have power if you let it.
For instance, I gave you a blessing by saying ?good morning?.
I could have given a curse instead, but I like you. I don?t wish bad things for you.

I hope there is a way that this all turns into a blessing, and that the only thing you walk away from, is any curse you give power to.
i am thinking of make my last expedition 7 but i have a lot to do . i wanted to be at the gathering this year but not enough hours in the day ...with the death my brother Rick and all that comes with that . i find no time left for what i love the most .. i am chasing some Leeds and researching some back ground details .. but every thing is looking good so far ...i have to fix a corvette engine ,fix damage to a Harley and get some new rock climbing gear if i have time ..you guys stay safe stay free

i am thinking of make my last expedition 7 but i have a lot to do . i wanted to be at the gathering this year but not enough hours in the day ...with the death my brother Rick and all that comes with that . i find no time left for what i love the most .. i am chasing some Leeds and researching some back ground details .. but every thing is looking good so far ...i have to fix a corvette engine ,fix damage to a Harley and get some new rock climbing gear if i have time ..you guys stay safe stay free
Good morning Blindbowman,
I detect some optimism..... thinking about making plans is an excellent way to get that life blood moving ;)
I hope your plans come together. The search isn’t done yet :occasion14:
Glad to hear you’re working on it,

If you’re close to me. Send me location. I’ll do the work and split the bag. I’ll sign in blood.
you would have to stand in line i have dozens of offers . the problem is there are 16 sites 2 of them are total unknown legends ..often we become the only people protecting these sites from the out side world . and not everyone has respect for the historic nature of the sites .. they ram sack what ever they can for the mighty buck and that's just not going to happen with these site ..about 98 % of my research has not been made public for a good reason . i still want to retire but there is just to much at risk to end and let it fade away ,it will become lost to time and there is so much hidden right in front of the world and few will ever under stand what why and how these things were lost to start with .and at what risk they came at ...i risk my life hundreds of times even in a given day out there . i held nothing back i turn my back to world and did what had to be done to locate the answer . and looking for one answer to my sighting took me 32 years to locate it ..i ask a few people if they were willing to help and they had to much to do and who could i trust .. i knew almost no one in AZ ...but faded almost totally away from the human eye are some of the most rare Aztec and early native American draw and artifacts i have ever seen ...some dating as far back as the Clovis and some as early as the LDM it self . ... Legends are guessing till you find the truth if they are real or not .. i never looked for the LDM . i was just the luck one that just found my self standing on it ...!

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