Beware the "Ides of March",and the truth of the "Christos"

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Zincoln Miner

Hero Member
Nov 14, 2003
New York State
Detector(s) used
Minelab Vanquish 340, Tesoro Silver uMax, Compadre, and BH Tracker IV.

Ex: White's Spectrum XLT, Tesoro Cutlass II Umax, and that circa late 70's red handled junk from RadioShack that started it.
Say no to Sheitgeist...lulz!

Tropaion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chi Rho - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Caesar's Comet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shamash - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jews had there own word for messiah.Christ comes from the greek word Christos.It is the annointment of oil to the forehead.

The ancient Romans were steeped in religion,and Julius Caesar was a Christos to his celestial mother the Goddess Venus.

Julius Caesar's adopted son Octavian was given Julius's estate/title aka Augustus Caeasar. Augustus had a divine background (political lie).born of a virgin birth thru the Gog Apollo (night visit to his mother by a serpent).During the funeral games to honor Julius a comet appeared in sky(chinese recorded),and Augustus proclaimed Julius resurrected.Julius Caesar was deified,and made into a God with a temple. "Cult of J.C." wich lasted 200 yrs

The Divine God Julius the annointed one
"Divus iulius Christos"

So to be antichrist can mean antioil...



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Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
Say no to Sheitgeist...lulz!

Tropaion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chi Rho - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Caesar's Comet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shamash - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jews had there own word for messiah.Christ comes from the greek word Christos.It is the annointment of oil to the forehead.

The ancient Romans were steeped in religion,and Julius Caesar was a Christos to his celestial mother the Goddess Venus.

Julius Caesar's adopted son Octavian was given Julius's estate/title aka Augustus Caeasar. Augustus had a divine background (political lie).born of a virgin birth thru the Gog Apollo (night visit to his mother by a serpent).During the funeral games to honor Julius a comet appeared in sky(chinese recorded),and Augustus proclaimed Julius resurrected.Julius Caesar was deified,and made into a God with a temple. "Cult of J.C." wich lasted 200 yrs

The Divine God Julius the annointed one
"Divus iulius Christos"

So to be antichrist can mean antioil...


TOO late for all THAT!

Zincoln Miner

Zincoln Miner

Hero Member
Nov 14, 2003
New York State
Detector(s) used
Minelab Vanquish 340, Tesoro Silver uMax, Compadre, and BH Tracker IV.

Ex: White's Spectrum XLT, Tesoro Cutlass II Umax, and that circa late 70's red handled junk from RadioShack that started it.
For the mindclasped it is too late.God has many wonderous worlds waiting for us by using our gifts of open minds,and hearts.The ancient flesh n blood tricksters are at a stalemate with mankind for they know they cannot win in God's realm.


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Zincoln Miner

Zincoln Miner

Hero Member
Nov 14, 2003
New York State
Detector(s) used
Minelab Vanquish 340, Tesoro Silver uMax, Compadre, and BH Tracker IV.

Ex: White's Spectrum XLT, Tesoro Cutlass II Umax, and that circa late 70's red handled junk from RadioShack that started it.
Antichristian historicity to use against Bible pushers.Read 1st

Dear person of faith,how can you expect me to read what you bring to me when you will not read this?
Faith (noun) is confidence or trust in a person or thing, or a deity or in the doctrines or teachings of a religion. It may also be belief that is not based on proof.

There is no epigraphy,or literary sources to support the crucifixion outside Biblical texts.

The "tropaion" is a sacred trophy/sun symbol for the ancient Romans.The tropaion was decorated with armor,and was reserved for the spirits of there Gods.The trophy/victory symbol was displayed after a victorious battle in tribute to there Gods.Prisoners were bound at the base,and never placed on it for it is sacred.Only victory thru divinity was it's tribute for public display.

"Crucify" is a homophonous mistranslation of the "Latin/Greek" "cremo/kremo burn/to hang" wich makes literary sources sound as if crucifixion was common.It is misqouted to make it look like it was,but it is only cremation of executed prisoners to stop the spread of flies that carry disease.Ancient Romans also made sacrifices of cremation of animal intestines because they believed there Gods,and passed on ancestors took up the smoke that rised up in the air.

Jesus is modeled after Divus Iulius Christos aka Julius Caesar,and his resurrection thru the comet of 44 B.C.E. during his funeral games in the skies above Rome.Julius Caesar held the title of Christos (annointed with oil),and he was a Christos to his celestial mother the goddess Venus (God of love).Caesar's wax effigy was hanged (Kremo) on a Tropaion for the public to see his stab wounds.Caesar's body was then cremated (cremo) on a pyre.The people of Rome went in a frenzy dipping there fingers in the ashes,then rubbing the ash on there foreheads to be one with there divine Christos (Ash wednesday).The conspirators of senate is Satan.

Just like the sacred Tropaion the crown of thorns is the "Civic laural crown" reserved for honor/sacred use,and would never be used by Roman soldiers to mock someone else,and especially a condemned prisoner in public display.
Comet is derived thru "kometes" latin/greek for long hair.This is why medievel paintings depict Jesus with long hair for it represents Caesar's comet.

There are no literary sources outside the Bible that support the existence of Jesus.Only an obvious medievel forgery in the writings of the historian Josephus who was not a direct witness in the first place.Other nonBiblical references refer to the title of "Christos",and not Jesus.

Jesus Christ is a transformation of the imperial cult of Caesar that started under the Pontifex Maximus Augustus Caesar (Julius's adopted son Octavian),and lasted over 200 years.further transformation into Christianity was under emperor Constantine with the council of Nicea.The early Christogram "Chi Ro",is actualy the
Julian star aka Caesar's comet.The imperial cult of Caesar closely match the Gospels,and are only a distorted mirror of the triumphs of the divine God Caesar.

The Holy Trinity,and the core of the old testament are plagiarisms of ancient Egyption,Babylonian,and Sumerian texts that was preserved on papyrus,stone walls,clay tablets,or just plain old oral tradition.The 3 main religions of today are a consolidation,and a rewrite of old Paganistic (country dweller) beliefs.

Angels are ancient Roman "Victoria",and ancient Greek "Nike"inwich evolved from ancient Sumerian epigraphy of "human bird hybrids" or "half bird humanoids".

This is why I can never share your faith,for your faith in reality comes from historical distortion inwich hold some truths,but not divine sourced.

If one wants to have faith in God,then all that is needed is to use the gift of mind.To use that gift to do good for everyone we share this planet with,and throw away mental distractions.

This is the age of reason,and knowledge that your kind has fought against a very long time.
We will not take your lies,for that is all you perpetuate.

Have a nice day.......... :)
For further info please Youtube search "wax imago" or "caesar's comet" or
"gospel of caesar",and do an image search for "tropaion" or "caesar's comet chi ro" or "caesar coin".
Post# 239 compares The life of Caesar,and the fictional gospels of Jesus.
Religion has to get the f#ck out of here!!! - Page 16 - Forums
I usually get thanked,but if you are confused,or angry about this?Then this is simply not for you.
Take it or leave it...I am just sharing knowledge.Thanks,and have a nice day.
>---------------Jesus Christ <--------> Divus Iulius Christos--------------<

Both Julius Caesar and Jesus began their careers in northern countries: Caesar in Gaul, Jesus in Galilee.

Both cross a fatal river:the Rubicon and the Jordan.

Both then enter cities:Corfinium and Cafarnaum.

Caesar finds Corfinium occupied by a man of Pompey,and besieges him.

Jesus finds a man possessed by an impure spirit.

There is similarity in structure as well as in place names.

Gallia > Galilaea; Corfinium > Cafarnaum; occupied/besieged > possessed (both obsessus inLatin). The similarities remain consistent throughout (when occupation or besieging is referred to in the one text, possession is used in the other).

Jesus=Son of God.

Julius Caesar=Son of the Goddess Venus.

Jesus=Crown of thorns.

Julius Caesar=Crown of Laurel.

Jesus=Betrayed by Judus.

Julius Caesar=Betrayed by Brutus.

Jesus=Speared in the side by Longinus a Roman soldier with a lance.

Julius Caesar=Stabbed by conspirators with one being Gaius Cassius Longinus.

Jesus=Served in Gallilee.

Julius Caesar=Served in Gallia (Gaul).

Jesus =Was Batptised in the Jordan river.

Julius Caesar=Rubicon river where Julius Caesar uttered the famous phrase "alea iacta est" "Let the die be cast" when his army crossed it.


Julius Caesar=Strategic bridge maker heralded in miraculous time with his
advancing armies by building a bridge across the Rhine,and making a show of force in Germanic territory.

Jesus=The Christian symbol of a dove with an olive branch in it’s beak represents peace,and a sign of the Holy spirit."Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him".

Julius Caesar=In the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean, doves were used as symbols for the Canaanite mother goddess Asherah, the Phoenician goddess Tanit, and the Roman goddesses Venus (Caesar's celestial mother),and Fortunata.

Jesus=Star of Bethlehem symbolised his birth.

Julius Caesar=Julian star symbol of Caesar's comet that symbolised his birth into heaven.

Jesus=John the Baptist head Decapitated by Herod on request of his daughter,and wife.

Julius Caesar=Caesar has his former ally,and former son inlaw (Caesar's daughter Julia whom previously passed away while giving birth) Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus severed head interred in Alexandria,on ground reserved for a new temple to the goddess Nemesis.

Jesus=The first disciples are also disciples of John the Baptist and are
Andrew,and brother Simon Peter.

Julius Caesar=Started out with 2 supporters Quintus Scribonius Curio,and Mark Antony,whom were also friends of Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus,then helped Caesar in the civil war against Pompeius.

Jesus=Entry into Jerusalem on a Donkey before his death (Greeted with crowds waving palm branches).

Julius Caesar=Triumphant entry into Rome before his death would have been on a chariot with someone holding a golden laural crown over above his head.(Greeted with crowds waving palm branches).

Jesus=Relationship with Mary magdelene (mary of the Tower).

Julius Caesar=Relationship with Cleopatra VI (Pharos Lighthouse of Magdala).

Jesus=Visited by Nicodemus (Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin) by night.

Julius Caesar=Accused by political enemies of having a secret homosexual affair with king Nicomedes IV of Bithynia.

Jesus=Hated by the Sanhedrin who plans his murder.

Julius Caesar=Hated by the Senate who plans his murder.

Jesus=Accused by his enemies of proclaiming himself "King".

Julius Caesar=Accused by his enemies of trying to be "King".

Jesus=Portrayed as wearing the red robes of Roman royalty.

Julius Caesar=Wore the red robes of Roman royalty.

Jesus=Crucified on the 15th of Nisan.

Julius Caesar=Stabbed to death on the Ides of March (15th).

Jesus=Hung on a cross.

Julius Caesar =Wax effigy hung on a cross (Tropaion).

Jesus=Affinity for the poor.

Julius Caesar=Affinity for the people.

Jesus=Called Christ by his followers.

Julius Caesar=Christos to his celestial mother Venus (Goddess of love).

Jesus=Called Savior by his followers.

Julius Caesar=Called Savior of Rome by his subjects.

Jesus=The coming of the Kingdom.

Julius Caesar=The coming of the Roman empire (Under adopted son Augustus Caesar).

Jesus=Roman soldiers cast lots for his bloody robe.

Julius Caesar=Followers fought over possession of his bloody robe.

Jesus=Ascended into Heaven as a God.

Julius Caesar=Ascended into Heaven as a God thru the comet of 44 B.C.E.

The word comet derives from the Latin word cometes, which is the latinisation of the Greek (kometes), meaning "comet", but literally "long-haired",from the word (kome), which means "hair" (on the head).The Greek scientist and philosopher Aristotle first used the derived form of kome, kometes, to describe what he saw as "stars with hair". The astronomical symbol for comets is consisting of a small disc with three hairlike extensions.Caesar's comet took on the Myth of Jesus as having long hair in medievel Biblical artistic traditions,but not common for an actual citizen of ancient Judea to have feminine long hair (unless a Samsonite).Caesar's resurrection thru the comet of 44 B.C.E. came as a star with long hairs.
Ancient Romans would add water to wine,and Jesus turned water into wine.

Jesus=No proof of existence except for those that want,or have been indoctrinated to believe.

Julius Caesar=Actually existed,and was many things including some of the same (in historical context) things believers in Jesus was.
Francesco Carotta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The reason I put mostly atheist videos below is because there brains are not diluted by nonsense,and can think clearly.
Religion is specifically designed to weed out the thinkers,and hold down further generations.

I know,as well for atheists know that morality comes from using a healthy brain,and does not come from books of lies.
Religion is a lie,and promotes lies within it's own believers for there subminds struggles with there waking thoughts pushing more lies,and they of religion cannot grasp this simple concept.

We are not here to prepare for the hereafter,but to harmonise here,now,and our future.Religion only teflon coats the toilet bowl to make us all slop back into the diluted filth of others wether you reading this realises this or not.
There are truths we are not ready for yet,but with flushing away the multitude of lies,we as a whole will be better prepared for what comes next.

Do not believe what I,or others say,and shake off the lazy mindedness to push away the clutter blocking the truths.
you people actually reading this have no idea of the potential we have.You can thank the bunk,and the **** that religion leaves in it's wake for that.

Thanks for listening......................;)

The God Delusion (a must see)

Remember wether if one believes in God or not is that we are allways welcome back to our hyperdimensional home..:)


Hero Member
Sep 16, 2012
That is all well and some good reading,but there is more to these story's and why they are shaped and formed for society.The game has changed now.This new game of when good and evil collide is over.No more games,false profits are gone.This new book is when good and evil collide and all come out winning.No more power for the elite.Alister says he is here to say hello to them.They have a choice to make as this battle is not supposed to end like this.The one that cry devil is not supposed to be here.Well the evil seeker was not a evil one at all.So the tables got turned this time around and stabbed the do good right thru the heart and lived to tell the story.

Zincoln Miner

Zincoln Miner

Hero Member
Nov 14, 2003
New York State
Detector(s) used
Minelab Vanquish 340, Tesoro Silver uMax, Compadre, and BH Tracker IV.

Ex: White's Spectrum XLT, Tesoro Cutlass II Umax, and that circa late 70's red handled junk from RadioShack that started it.
It's all made up,and if you are refering to Crowley then he is a B.S. chucker too.

Wheel of delusion

Light bearer's fall from grace

Temple of Caesar and Janus

Clash of the water bearers




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Zincoln Miner

Zincoln Miner

Hero Member
Nov 14, 2003
New York State
Detector(s) used
Minelab Vanquish 340, Tesoro Silver uMax, Compadre, and BH Tracker IV.

Ex: White's Spectrum XLT, Tesoro Cutlass II Umax, and that circa late 70's red handled junk from RadioShack that started it.
To deny the Holy Spirit is to deny Horus.

Crown of destiny

Caesar's comet

Divus Iulius

Alternate religion



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