Best bagged paydirt to buy?


Jr. Member
Feb 7, 2014
Brownstown, Michigan
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Fisher F2
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All Treasure Hunting
I know there has been lots of discussions on this subject, I've read through most of them. What it comes down to is, I live at least 300-400 miles from anywhere that has enough gold to make panning for gold rewarding. I don't have much free time as it is, and i'm not looking to get rich. I just want to pan and find enough gold to have it be entertaining.

Not looking to hear a debate on why people should or should not buy bagged dirt. This is just for me (or anyone else) who has already made the decision to buy some and are looking for recommendations. Or maybe if you have bought some share your experience with the seller/dirt.

I have panned a little before, but just bought my first pan that came with a 1/4lb of concentrate dirt:from ebay seller. Kit cost me 19.50, he sells a 1/2 lb bag for $10 just for reference. Not an expert at panning, nor have i weighed what i have, but below is a pic of my 2nd of what will be 3 pans I will get out of the 1/4 lb sample.


So if you could help me make my next purchase, and if anyone has any tips on getting flour gold out of this blond sand without a miller table... thanks

Also I see a member here sells some, I may contact you, or send me a pm.

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I was thinking the same thing. I'm also new and want to practice my panning. I have been looking on eBay and looking at some of the vendors in GPAA magazine. I ordered one 3 lb 6 oz bag if pay dirt off eBay and have been toying with the idea of getting a California bucket sluice to use for ease if just starting out and something to use during the cold. I'll be back after the dirt arrives and I try panning it out. I figured I would sluice all the dirt over again and see what I miss.

Here is a good one. Rick Lim google wild pacific gold miner dot com. I tried a bag of his stuff. Well worth it. I think he has a variety pack.

Kuger (Cody) right here at treasurenet. TTC

I will look him up. thanks.
I have purchased his dirt before. His bags a very good return for your money.... and he is one of us so he backs up his product. TTC

i would rather dredge up my own, BUT if buying cons Randy Witham (C-17A) has good gold in his panning bags.he has his own website but i wont post it unless its ok with da boss!

Great I like doing business with people you can speak with and have good recommendations.

Can you pm me his site?

The stuff I ordered online off eBay had excellent ratings. Should be here today. will be panning in the morning and posting pics by afternoon.

Great I like doing business with people you can speak with and have good recommendations.

Can you pm me his site?

The stuff I ordered online off eBay had excellent ratings. Should be here today. will be panning in the morning and posting pics by afternoon.
Let us know the results! TTC

Results are in. Nice amount of fine gold. This was my first time ever panning. I saved everything to re run it when I have my small sluice.


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Thought I would start a blog on my pay dirt testing. Going to try to update it with a new sample ever couple I weeks. loom me up I can use the feedback. I'll be posting my first results shortly.

help me convince my wife this will work.


I bought a half pound sample bag of "rich" concentrate from sluiceboy prospectors on ebay. It was guaranteed to have gold, he said nobody would get "skunked". I found one tiny gold flake and about five microscopic pieces of gold dust. I repanned this about ten times with a triple riffle gold pan and and mini sluice. I asked for a refund and he refused. I said one tiny flake a five dust pieces is not rich paydirt. He sent an email and said they keep all the nuggets. Anyhow, I ordered some more from another ebayer and will see how it goes.

I bought a half pound sample bag of "rich" concentrate from sluiceboy prospectors on ebay. It was guaranteed to have gold, he said nobody would get "skunked". I found one tiny gold flake and about five microscopic pieces of gold dust. I repanned this about ten times with a triple riffle gold pan and and mini sluice. I asked for a refund and he refused. I said one tiny flake a five dust pieces is not rich paydirt. He sent an email and said they keep all the nuggets. Anyhow, I ordered some more from another ebayer and will see how it goes.

You can file a disput saying you did not get what was advertised.
Unless he had a statement some where saying that the cons might hold gold, or hold nothing.
Check his feed back and see if he has others complaining. And always check peoples feed back before you purchase.
I am about to purchase a few more nuggets for testing my equipment, ect.

Results are in. Nice amount of fine gold. This was my first time ever panning. I saved everything to re run it when I have my small sluice.
Mace, please don't be offended but that is a PATHETIC amount of gold for bought paydirt. Kuger's paydirt has MUCH more. Check out my video of a two pound bag from Cody from the archives. THAT is what you SHOULD be getting. That is why you must stay with one of us! Sorry about the rant but I'm trying to look out for ya. TTC

Like I said this was my first time and was happy to see I found something. I'm going to get my next sample from Kuger. Still say not bad for the first time. I'm also going to pan the concentrate again, because I'm new. It was after all fun for me anyway.

"Pathetic" yea I guess you got me. But I'm a newbie.

Just a thought to digest, Best Gold Paydirt ? Are you talking about guaranteed Gold or unsearched paydirt. Most sellers have a raw paydirt that they salt with an advertised amount of gold. But then there are paydirt concentrates, unsearched and/or salted. Are you buying paydirt to find pickers and nuggets or just to have a hobby and see some colour. How much do you want to spend. The list goes on. Do you want it to be easy to pan out or do you like super thick black sand for the challenge. Try them all like have. And decide for yourself. Try not to limit yourself to one seller. Its kind of like playing golf, a variety of courses to play is better than just one.

I recomend you stay away from ebay sellers for paydirt.You can no longer go by feedback on ebay. They have made it almost impossible to post negative feedback or file a complaint. I use to ebay alot but stopped after a few bad deals and was made to jump through hoops to file a complaint or negative feedback. Ebay now protects the crooks on their site and doesn't care about the buyers any longer. Follow Terry's suggestion buy from folks on here who are recomended or through othere reputable sources. I would think gpaa mag should have some assuming they check out their advertisers.

Good Luck!

BH Prospector

A pretty good site that gives you pretty much what you pay for is Goldbay. They buy and sell gold and if you buy a gram of gold he will put it into some sand and dirt for you so you can pan it. It is easy to pan and good stuff for the beginner and he will also let you trade in your fines towards bigger nuggets if you want. You can buy 1/4 pound of black sand on Ebay for about $7.00 to mix in and make it a little more challenging.

If you want unsearched material then Gold Hog is a good one. He bags the cons off the sluices and sends them to you. You may get a very good batch or not so good but you will get some gold. Like he says, it's just like prospecting. some days are better than others

DirtHogg in Canada has very good paydirt and is one of the best out there.

A member here has a gold mine in Alaska and sells paydirt on Ebay. I have bought from her and had good luck. Her Ebay name is Elkie13.

I agree with UTA, Dave at Goldbay is a straight up guy in his dealings with all manner of gold. Some years ago I had him make me a couple custom hunting knives for my two boys. These were individually made knives with nuggets inlaid in the handles. Very nice, functional and great looking.


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