Are the Safari’s days numbered?

Bama Billy

Sr. Member
Apr 2, 2018
Central Alabama
Detector(s) used
Minelab Safari
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
So I’ve only been detecting for a few months but I’m pretty obsessed with it. I love my safari and have no complaints but I do have a question:
Why would anyone choose a Safari over an Equinox? Is there a situation where the Safari would outshine an equinox? From what I’ve read they are better, faster, lighter and totally waterproof. Not to mention the fact that the Safari costs more. I have to admit, the weight alone has me wanting one.

Currently, the Safari has more coil options, which is a big plus for me. Also, I like the numbering system better on the FBS machines over the Nox. Once the coil choices are better for the Nox, I don't see them continuing the Safari and maybe not even the E-trac OMO.

Currently, the Safari has more coil options, which is a big plus for me. Also, I like the numbering system better on the FBS machines over the Nox. Once the coil choices are better for the Nox, I don't see them continuing the Safari and maybe not even the E-trac OMO.
Ah coil choices! This newbie would have never thought of that. I have just recently bought one of the 6x8 butterfly coils for mine and I’m really liking it so far. Gets great separation.

Agree with Bama Billy on using the 8x6 butterfly coil on my E-TRAC. I work an old grassy parking lot that is absolutely littered with pulltabs, bottlecaps and every other kind of trash imaginable. I set it up with two-tone conductive, high trash and difficult ground. A single sweep of the coil usually results in a minimum of four low tones (low conductors). By going slow, a high tone (coin) will sound off amongst all the trash and I can pinpoint it easily. Love this Detech coil!

Agree with Bama Billy on using the 8x6 butterfly coil on my E-TRAC. I work an old grassy parking lot that is absolutely littered with pulltabs, bottlecaps and every other kind of trash imaginable. I set it up with two-tone conductive, high trash and difficult ground. A single sweep of the coil usually results in a minimum of four low tones (low conductors). By going slow, a high tone (coin) will sound off amongst all the trash and I can pinpoint it easily. Love this Detech coil!
Amen! They’re great little coils

My comment is basically useless because I never used a equinox, but I have been told by several people that the safari is a better machine due to fbs. I’m not familiar with too much technology that goes in to metal detectors, I’m only saying what I’ve been told by veterans and by mom-and-pop shop owners that have been in the business for years, and weren’t trying to sell me anything. They seemed to like safari better.

My comment is basically useless because I never used a equinox, but I have been told by several people that the safari is a better machine due to fbs. I’m not familiar with too much technology that goes in to metal detectors, I’m only saying what I’ve been told by veterans and by mom-and-pop shop owners that have been in the business for years, and weren’t trying to sell me anything. They seemed to like safari better.
My two best hunting buddies both have an equinox, one has a 600 and the other has the 800. The only advantage I feel like they have over me is speed and the weight of the machine. They’re SO light.

A Safari in the hands of someone who really, REALLY knows it's capabilities and tricks...can be devastating. I happened upon 3 guys working an old abandoned grade school (that I didn't know existed, dang it!) and they were taking a break. I stopped to chat them up a minute and asked who's the big winner so far? The guys with the Deus and Kruzer pointed to the guy with the Safari. 😱

Well.....This may be a topic I could comment on. I've used the Safari for some time now, and I really do like it, takes some time to really understand it, and it IS a much slower machine then most, the response time can be slow in that your sweep speed needs to be slower, and the VDI numbers are often slower still to catch up, it's tricky. The what I will call the "kaleidoscope" of sounds at first made me a little crazy, until one day it just "clicked" for me. And of course it's built like a tank, with the addition of a second lower shaft, changing from stock coil to a 5X8 is a snap, love it. I believe the FBS handles the ground better than a single Freq. machine, and works just dandy on salt water beaches. All in all, a really good detector in MOST types of hunting. Having said all that, I have (back in March) ordered the EQ 800. Reason being, for me anyway, without having received the 800 yet, I do believe it will roll three machines I still use into one. The Minelab X-Terra 70, I bought because of three different single Freq's (3, 7.5? & 18.75) and I have 5 coils with it, but of course you must change each coil, whereas the EQ has 5, 10, 15, 20 & 40 with out changing anything other then pressing a touch pad. (If you should want single Freq.) and the X-Terra has a prospect mode, as does the 800. I bought the Garrett AT Pro, because it is waterproof to 10', as is the EQ, and the 800 having Multi IQ, well it MIGHT be a new generation of Multi Freq's better then the FBS's 28. I don't really know, but it just might be. I did also order the 6" coil as well, and perhaps one day it will no longer be (What detector to use today for whatever hunting I'm doing) to simply (which coil, large or small). Are the Safari's days numbered? I cannot say yes, nor can I say no, and that's all I have to say about that. Great good luck to you "Bama Billy" no matter what you might use.

Well.....This may be a topic I could comment on. I've used the Safari for some time now, and I really do like it, takes some time to really understand it, and it IS a much slower machine then most, the response time can be slow in that your sweep speed needs to be slower, and the VDI numbers are often slower still to catch up, it's tricky. The what I will call the "kaleidoscope" of sounds at first made me a little crazy, until one day it just "clicked" for me. And of course it's built like a tank, with the addition of a second lower shaft, changing from stock coil to a 5X8 is a snap, love it. I believe the FBS handles the ground better than a single Freq. machine, and works just dandy on salt water beaches. All in all, a really good detector in MOST types of hunting. Having said all that, I have (back in March) ordered the EQ 800. Reason being, for me anyway, without having received the 800 yet, I do believe it will roll three machines I still use into one. The Minelab X-Terra 70, I bought because of three different single Freq's (3, 7.5? & 18.75) and I have 5 coils with it, but of course you must change each coil, whereas the EQ has 5, 10, 15, 20 & 40 with out changing anything other then pressing a touch pad. (If you should want single Freq.) and the X-Terra has a prospect mode, as does the 800. I bought the Garrett AT Pro, because it is waterproof to 10', as is the EQ, and the 800 having Multi IQ, well it MIGHT be a new generation of Multi Freq's better then the FBS's 28. I don't really know, but it just might be. I did also order the 6" coil as well, and perhaps one day it will no longer be (What detector to use today for whatever hunting I'm doing) to simply (which coil, large or small). Are the Safari's days numbered? I cannot say yes, nor can I say no, and that's all I have to say about that. Great good luck to you "Bama Billy" no matter what you might use.
Thanks for the well thought out comment. Honestly man, I don’t know a good one from a bad one haha. I got a GREAT deal on mine used and it’s been great for me so far. I feel like I’m getting better but for somebody like me that has zero experience, I’m just never sure what the sounds + numbers are telling me exactly. I’ll get there sooner or later, after maybe another 1,000 or so holes.

"Are the Safari's days numbered?"

Interesting question and one that I've been thinking about lately.

The Etrac replaced the Explorer series. Then comes the Safari which is the little brother to the Etrac (for $500 less) but replaced the Quattro. And now comes the Nox. The least expensive ML detector and thus far is proving itself to be more than a capable detector. I now swing a Nox 600 and since have not used my Safari due to Nox's lite weight, speed and multiple modes all wrapped into one detector. In comparing the two, I can't find where one has outdone the other on quality finds. The Safari is no slouch and neither is the Nox. But for it's low price, I would go for the Nox, given all that it has to offer in comparison. There is no chance on earth I will get rid of my Safari as they may become scarce due to all the competition with newer generation, affordable, powerful machines coming to the market. Having said all this... is there a future for the Safari? I think it will be phased out in the near future. All said IMHO.

I sincerely think the Safari days are numbered.

Here in Europe, they regulary pop up as first prizes on metal detecting rallies.

I had a Quattro for a few years and really liked de machine. I traded it in for a mint 2nd hand Explo II, and regretted it.

I happened to win a Safari at a belgian rally two weeks ago.

Took both the Safari and the Nox 800 to a plowed field (corn field) which has seen WW1 action.

Searched the field(s) 2 hours with the nox, two hours with my new Safari.

The results of both hunts are on the joined pics.

Nox : 18 finds, 2 coins...Safari 32 finds, two coins, including best find of the day, a belgian silver king Leopold II 2 francs from 1867. This coin has only been minted for three years (1866-1868)

I'm not saying the Safari is better, as finds concentration was higher on the part I hunted with the Safari, but I find the nox and the Safari both shone on on smaller stuff (Nox field 1 & 2, sens 22, IB 1 and RS §, multi), while the Safari (C&J, sens 17, High trash) gave more solid signals on high conductivity targets.

If the Safari is going to be discontinued, prices will drop. Don't miss this occasion when it happens. It's a really good machine. Still have to compare it to the CTX...

Happy hunting !


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Great review on the safari. I’d love to hear from someone who has both the ctx and the Safari. I’d be very curious if the price jump is worth it at all. I’m thankful every day for my safari. I truly believe it’s a hidden gem of a machine that can do absolutely everything. And it’s a beast as far as build quality goes.

I am a Safari fan but I do think the machine won't be in production much longer. Its just dinosaur slow compared with all the hot new machines. Its also as big and sturdy and heavy as a dinosaur. That being said I have never been able to pull those deep silver coins out with any other machine. I've hit silver dimes at a foot and a large cent at 18 inches. The signals get iffy and deep targets are misidentified as iron but if its deep and the machine gives you anything but iron response even just once in a while its good enough to dig. I have the Equinox 600 and look forward to trying it where I did well with the Safari but I think I'll find its all cleaned out. So far that has been the case when I revisit spots that were productive in the past with the Safari. I went to a colonial landing that I had worked with the safari and got 30 buttons and musket balls and a handful of coins including a reale. I jumped in with the equinox years later to find a handful of modern clad that had been lost since I detected it last and nothing else. I mean nothing. I was disappointed since the reviews were so favorable for the equinox. It couldn't seem to get me through the foot of silt that hides the good stuff on much of the bay. In my experience the safari big coil combo can do it but not being waterproof the applications are limited.
In another thread Bama Billy asked about big coils. I love the WOT on the Safari for relic hunting farm fields. Thats the successful combo for me. I hit a tot lot and dug right through the bottom which was a foot down to get at a silver quarter that it was hitting on every swing. I know this tot lot has been detected many times.
I feel confident once I go over the turf with the big coil there's nothing worth finding left in my wake. It finds 22 bullets and casings and underwear buttons, trimes, half dimes all that with no questions on ID if its at a reasonable depth. The main problem is swinging the machine. You are going to be feeling a weekend with it and the big coil does lose depth/ sensitivity in hot ground. I have a strap on mine and I take ibuprofen BEFORE I swing the thing.
I thought it was going to be awesome at the beach but it was a disaster in any amount of salt water like the trough. Fresh and brackish water it kills and can be detected with in a foot or so of water. It also does well in the high and dry beach and I found a Merc and a silver washington on the beach which gets hit every few minutes so I know that extra inch(es) of depth can get you an advantage over the competition. My two cents. Big fan but going the way of the dodo- slow and heavy. I am not rushing to sell mine but its gathering some dust until the farm fields open back up for me. Until then the equinox is seeing heavy action but I wish I had brought the Safari with me yesterday to coax out some deep gold that was hiding at the local swim spot. I hit multiple silvers that I'll post but couldn't get the equinox to see any gold. It was like it just wouldn't go deeper than a foot down which is where the old clay layer with targets is. If it opens again to the safari I'll hit it and post the results. It'll be a while until the wind pushes that much water again though. One last thing, although its slow it seems to get me the same or better target separation as the equinox in iron. Its so frustrating because you have to move it so slowly and forget TID but I am sure Bama Billy and I can, more often than not, tell by ear when theres a good target in the hole with iron with the Safari. I haven't had enough time on the Equinox yet but I'll get there.

Oh and the Safari only performs poorly in the salt water with the big coil. With the 11 inch it'll find gold deeper than I can with the Excalibur.

Oh and the Safari only performs poorly in the salt water with the big coil. With the 11 inch it'll find gold deeper than I can with the Excalibur.
totally agree with you on the sounds, they tell a story for sure. I’m like you, I can see it coming but I LOVE my safari and will probably always have it.

Minelab will continue to produce a product as long as sales are high enough to support it. When a detector is discontinued it is because sales dropped to a point cost of producing and marketing it was no longer profitable.

It's days may be numbered, but it's still a really good machine. I may have taken the battery's out mine, (using the 800), but I'll always keep it.

I can't imagine what it would be like as a new detectorist whose first machine is a I have never used one, almost bought one when transitioning from single band to FBS machines. I know I would not have been disappointed. Before my Etrac, I swung an Explorer SE and loved it. Finds bumped up unquestionably. But they are slow machines imho...and that takes special diligence when in the let the machine work. I need to get more time with my Etrac though. Havent been out much at all this year with it.

I can't imagine what it would be like as a new detectorist whose first machine is a I have never used one, almost bought one when transitioning from single band to FBS machines. I know I would not have been disappointed. Before my Etrac, I swung an Explorer SE and loved it. Finds bumped up unquestionably. But they are slow machines imho...and that takes special diligence when in the let the machine work. I need to get more time with my Etrac though. Havent been out much at all this year with it.

It’s such a unique machine. So underestimated. I couldn’t think of a better machine in that price level (used). I’ve said this before - my salesperson told me that it will be the last machine I ever need, unless I wanted completely waterproof. He was right. And he could have sold me on the ctx or xp deus.

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