A little bit on how LRLs utilize (or rather DONT UTILIZE) dowsing



A little bit on how LRL's utilize (or rather DON'T UTILIZE) dowsing

Some quotes from the "Supersensonics" by Christopher Hills.

"... Here in this volume is the means for discovering the answers to any question that can be formulated by the human imagination. Here are the skillful means by which we can discover the hidden processes by which the human body works and links itself etherically with its total environment. It is not expected that everyone will understand this universal link because the complex mind fails to understand the simplicity of what is meant by direct perception. Rare spiritual geniuses have always had these faculties of perception and have used them to contact the evolutionary intelligence of their times."

"... Therefore, checking the accuracy of scientific observations and watching nature's processes at work and arriving at your own reality and comparitive knowledge through getting first-hand information from nature herself, is the first step in achieving yoga or union with the universal field."

"...If we think we know it all or try to fit nature into some preconceived set-up in our consciousness, we will be automatically guaranteed failure in all this volume sets out to do. The attitude of the student must be open-minded, which means forgetting entirely what you know already and learning something new. This is much more difficult than most people think. The true humility required, before nature will reveal her secrets, is enormous and beyond the achievement of most men. Therefore to work on the purity of our consciousness as we undertake this work on the biological radiations we experience from matter is the main experiment. All others which follow are second to that."

"...What seems miraculous to someone imprisoned in fixed laws, may be explained quite simply by an observer with a higher level of intelligence. However, the lower intelligence may be functioning on too low a threshold to even see that such an explanation is of a higher intellectual order and may even reject it out of his own conceit."

Well said Dr. Hills!



Re: A little bit on how LRL's utilize dowsing

That's dowsing and it has little to do with a rod swinging left or right as some would like you to believe.



Re: A little bit on how LRL's utilize (or rather DON'T UTILIZE) dowsing

Actually the term "dowsing" is a misnomer no doubt created by someone who didn't have a clue (kinda like "ideomotor" or ANYTHING the skeptics try to push over on people). "Direct Perception" or "Direct Knowing" or something like that might be a better term.

To paraphrase Hills, second-hand knowledge about this is like reason to a mindless fool. Or as I put "If you can't do it, you don't know and are not qualified to even discuss it."


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Apr 21, 2008
Central California
Re: A little bit on how LRL's utilize (or rather DON'T UTILIZE) dowsing


Just to clarify terminology here, you're saying, in essence, it's a psychic ability?


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Re: A little bit on how LRL's utilize (or rather DON'T UTILIZE) dowsing

I think Dr. Hill meant, that as soon as you become a legend in your own mind, you just changed your address to the Kingdom of Id. Where you will blissfully live on your "special" hill, overlooking the lower life forms in their follies.



Re: A little bit on how LRL's utilize (or rather DON'T UTILIZE) dowsing

Direct Perception not the same as ESP. Once a person learns awareness, the rest just comes naturally.


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Re: A little bit on how LRL's utilize (or rather DON'T UTILIZE) dowsing

Two possibilities:

1) People who believe in this sort of thing do indeed posses a higher order of intellect. Their ability to 'see' things that cannot be repeated or demonstrated scientifically is merely a symptom of their finely tuned and intensely specialized 'awareness', usually achieved sometime in the 1960's via dosing LSD while living in an Ashram. The fact that none of it lives up to accepted scientific standards is because the people who believe in such folly as 'science' are really just dumber than they are.

2) Those same people have colossal gaps in intellect, causing them to believe in supernatural hocus-pocus that isn't true; everything they claim in support of these 'beliefs' is hardly much more than a measurement of their own capacity for self delusion. Or, they're just mentally ill.

Protip: Whenever people start prattling about subjective reality and 'states of consciousness', usually, you can safely categorize them to the furthest fringe of moonbats, regardless of how many college credits they might have.



Re: A little bit on how LRL's utilize (or rather DON'T UTILIZE) dowsing

LSMFT, you did hit on some points. I'd have to go back and do some research to get you a good explanation. Dell talks about physical dowsing vs mental dowsing. The physical dowsing is way more accurate. The mental stuff is what you are referring to and anyone who has much experience with it (Do you?) knows it's not going to be as accurate, but there is still a lot of info to be gained. You definitely fit in the group that doesn't understand, you try to rationalize something you can't grasp. You should read the Keyes book. Maybe do a little self-analysis to see why you feel superior. BTW, read the line at the bootom of this post.

As for LSD, from the remote viewing books I have read I highly suspect the viewers were on something, and the govt might have even hidden this fact from them. Many of them went psychotic. That's probably why they shut down the program.



Re: A little bit on how LRL's utilize (or rather DON'T UTILIZE) dowsing

I have always maintained there are some fruitcakes out there. Just go to some of those dowsing forums that are non treasure-related. And yes, even many treasure dowsers are very superstitious. That doesn't mean dowsing doesn't work. The people who have trouble with it seem to be the intellectual types. They want to over-analyze it in an attempt to "control" it, to manipulate it like some electronic circuit. Like I say you can't have your cake and eat it, too. The logical side of the brain just automatically filters out the info. The Keyes book explains how you need to get out of that attitude, but very few will listen because "they know better". End of discussion.


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Re: A little bit on how LRL's utilize (or rather DON'T UTILIZE) dowsing

LSMFT, you did hit on some points. I'd have to go back and do some research to get you a good explanation. Dell talks about physical dowsing vs mental dowsing. The physical dowsing is way more accurate. The mental stuff is what you are referring to and anyone who has much experience with it (Do you?) knows it's not going to be as accurate, but there is still a lot of info to be gained. You definitely fit in the group that doesn't understand, you try to rationalize something you can't grasp. You should read the Keyes book. Maybe do a little self-analysis to see why you feel superior. BTW, read the line at the bootom of this post.

I think the same way about Dowsing..Physical Dowsing is more accurate than the Mental Dowsing..there are a few things that do not produce a signal line to follow (Caves for one).Then I use mental dowsing to locate them..When you learn where to find the strongest signal it is much simpler…
What I said about using a LRL or MFD is still in play..If you try to Dowse with one of these tools you are doomed to failure…Art


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Re: A little bit on how LRL's utilize (or rather DON'T UTILIZE) dowsing

Mike(Mont) said:
You definitely fit in the group that doesn't understand, you try to rationalize something you can't grasp. You should read the Keyes book. Maybe do a little self-analysis to see why you feel superior. BTW, read the line at the bootom of this post.

No, I do understand. It's why I can safely categorize it as being outright bullshit. I'm in that goofy coterie of kooks who casts in my lot with the standard and best practices of science. As such, I tend to approach everything scientifically and with a scientific eye (and a skeptical eye, when warranted).

For example, when someone claims that they can take two bent wires (or sticks, or rods, or pendulums) and use those things to locate minerals in the ground by way of mythical emissive forces that interact with said mediums and cause them to move, that interests me. I then look for evidence of this being true, beyond the anecdotes of those people who insist it works. Naturally, the frailty of human nature causes some pretty outlandish (and untrue) beliefs to be held so whenever someone makes such a grandiose claim, I need to see it demonstrated scientifically in order to believe it's a credible phenomenon. Thus far, the "best evidence" of dowsing comes from a lone paper written by a college professor somewhere, who claims to have conducted a blind test that achieved a baseline that exceeded chance.

OK, wonderful! Now this time, duplicate that very same outcome but leave the cameras running and invite a few unbiased, neutral parties to supervise the experiment. Then you'll have my full attention. Until that time, it's nothing more than anecdote, which is not evidence (and occasionally, is nothing more than fabrications, even coming from college professors). Everything else we've seen on the scientific efficacy of dowsing that HAS been recorded or that HAS been conducted in the presence of neural, third party observers has shown the practice to be nothing more than the imaginary figments of a few 'eccentric' types with zero effective potential.

People who carry the mantle of various supernatural 'forces' invariably do so from the vantage that they have some sort of unique 'understanding' of the issue that others do not posses. Coincidentally, the man who lives on the park bench downtown and has loud conversations with the pigeons believes much the same thing.


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Re: A little bit on how LRL's utilize (or rather DON'T UTILIZE) dowsing

Quote from: Mike(Mont) on Yesterday at 05:29:16 AM
You definitely fit in the group that doesn't understand, you try to rationalize something you can't grasp. You should read the Keyes book. Maybe do a little self-analysis to see why you feel superior. BTW, read the line at the bootom of this post.

No, I do understand. It's why I can safely categorize it as being outright bullshit. I'm in that goofy coterie of kooks who casts in my lot with the standard and best practices of science. As such, I tend to approach everything scientifically and with a scientific eye (and a skeptical eye, when warranted).

A lot of Scientist and others have been trying to figure out how Dowsing Works for over 8000 years…Your ideas and thoughts will not stop Dowsers from using their rods.
As long as people can make a set of rods and find Utility Lines in their yards all the Science will not stop them…
All I know is the fact that I can find treasure with my rods..Do I have to know a lot of mumble jumble stuff to find treasure ?.Heck no..All I need to know is how to find the signal lines, follow the signal lies and dig the treasure..
Millions of Dowsers in the world use these tools..No explanation needed..
Here’s a good place to start unless your afraid that your fragile belief system will be shattered http://forum.treasurenet.com/index.php/topic,19537.0.html


Silver Member
Apr 21, 2008
Central California
Re: A little bit on how LRL's utilize (or rather DON'T UTILIZE) dowsing


If you want to hunt with certain types of equipment, why should that be a problem?

Go ahead and hunt.

But why tell everyone about it, if you don't add some pictures and videos of the actual hunt, like everyone else does? That would prove your point way better than arguing and insulting people.

But I mean actual hunts, where you locate something in undisturbed ground. Not something you laid on the surface to show that your rods cross when you move your hands! Or something on the surface that just has a rock on top of it!

When you get real, people will stop making fun of you.



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Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
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Re: A little bit on how LRL's utilize (or rather DON'T UTILIZE) dowsing

If you want to hunt with certain types of equipment, why should that be a problem?

Go ahead and hunt.

But why tell everyone about it, if you don't add some pictures and videos of the actual hunt, like everyone else does? That would prove your point way better than arguing and insulting people.

But I mean actual hunts, where you locate something in undisturbed ground. Not something you laid on the surface to show that your rods cross when you move your hands! Or something on the surface that just has a rock on top of it!

When you get real, people will stop making fun of you.

Showing how the equipment is tested.
Art...why not make a one-minute video of you stepping on a silver coin and your rods crossing, whilst they are in your rod holding gizmo?
Another showing how the device works
Explanation for a real hunt
a real hunt
do you have any real questions?


Silver Member
Apr 21, 2008
Central California
Re: A little bit on how LRL's utilize (or rather DON'T UTILIZE) dowsing


EE THr said:
But I mean actual hunts, where you locate something in undisturbed ground. Not something you laid on the surface to show that your rods cross when you move your hands! Or something on the surface that just has a rock on top of it!

Not one of the links you posted, in answer to the above, qualities as to what I recommended.

Surely you know that. Why did you even post them? :dontknow:

And just repeating stock photos and videos from the past is kind of lame. Other (metal detector) hunters post photos and videos of their daily or weekly hunts. Always something new. It's not hard to do when you are hunting regularly---just bring your camera along.

But you seem to always post the same ones over and over, only to fill the board with LRL promotions, rather than sharing your experiences, like most of the real hunters.

It just looks like a pay-o-la deal from the LRL makers to me. Sorry.



Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
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Re: A little bit on how LRL's utilize (or rather DON'T UTILIZE) dowsing

Thank you for proving our points..Your answer tells everyone that you have no knowledge about using one of these devices..I will keep on instructing treasure Hunters about using these devices and you can keep doing your skeptic thing..It is apparent that you do not trust what your eyes see

It just looks like a pay-o-la deal from the LRL makers to me. Sorry.

Could you please tell me which Manufacture’s you are accusing of pay-o-la deals ? …Art


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Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
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Re: A little bit on how LRL's utilize (or rather DON'T UTILIZE) dowsing

Sorry, but nothing I have said proves any of your points. That is so sad. You really should get that translator software.
Sorry, but nothing I have said proves any of your points.
Just your opinion
You really should get that translator software.

I think you are in error..I can not seem to find any translator software that will translate Treasure hunter into Skeptic..Art


Silver Member
Apr 21, 2008
Central California
Re: A little bit on how LRL's utilize (or rather DON'T UTILIZE) dowsing


What you are saying is that anyone who lives in the real World is a skeptic.

Maybe if I state my opinion in http://your language, you will understand.

Oops, I forgot, I don't speak gibberish!

Oh well, you'll just have to talk to yourself (as usual.)

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