native american

  1. ID this artifact

    Help ID the item on the left. Found last night amongst whole points, broken points and flakes. It is intentionally shaped. In the photo shown the center is raised, the sides have been knapped to form a circle. The reverse is flat, with a rounded rim. Randolph Co. WV
  2. ✅ SOLVED American Indian Tool found in WI driftless area…

    Hi there! Today my guy and I were morel hunting on his property in SW Wisconsin, in the hills near Muscoda, when he stumbled upon an interesting rock that appears to be an artifact. When gripping this stone, right handed, it looks and feels like a man’s hand was imprinted into its grooves. We’re...
  3. Frame Friday 🖼️

    I’ve posted majority of these but my birdies need their own home lol Put this together for last week but ended up on a 18 mile float trip
  4. The good bad and the ugly. Dalton edition

    Somebody tell me if I post to much I was years late to the party I got a lot to share haha
  5. Does this bowl count 🫣

    Looks like the bowl portion is shaped as a turtle what's your thought's
  6. HELP! Found this today while digging near an old beach path. Could it be a stone tool?

    I found this today and it's got me confused. As someone who digs a lot of holes often, I've never come across something like this before. Found on the north shore of eastern Long Island. I have practiced flint knapping in my free time and it seems to have a lot of similar characteristics to some...
  7. Todays creek find

    First post newbie so not too confident. Found in situ 2ft. Of water creek find. looks like a flake axe that has been worked but not sure. fits in the hand with nice grip carved in. Sharp as daylights! Doesn't look too hard ro replicate so any comments are welcome.
  8. Dont know

    What is it? Found on friends property
  9. Can anyone ID these arrowheads and let me know if they're genuine or knapped?

    They're from Northern California I assume because that's where the people I got them from went gold prospecting. They claimed they were genuine, and I did see some age on some of them, but I couldn't be sure. And if they are real, can anyone identify what type of arrowheads they are and maybe...
  10. I think I just identified something I have had for a long time!

    chungkey is a game and this is a game piece they used. Right?! Interesting. I found it in the sw Colorado mountains. A game local to Tennessee, Georgia Illinois and Missouri. Chahokia regions. I just am more sure than ever that I am near an old trading post? The saga continues. What do I do with...
  11. Broken Quartz Clovis Maybe?? Opinions appreciated

  12. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Native American Artifacts?

    Hey all! Just purchased these from a local auction and was hoping I could get some terminology on what these are and what they were used for. Still learning so any info is appreciated. Thanks!
  13. Carved stone face ?!?!

    New to this site wanted to share a find of mine a carved stone face! So what do u think???
  14. First point I've found in months, could the second thing be a small scraper?

  15. What are these?

    All these items were found on private property in or around Conasauga river.
  16. Interesting looking rock

    Went on a walk around my private woods and found this interesting rock (interesting to me at least). I was wondering if any of you had an opinion on it being used as a fire starter of sorts or if it’s just a dumb rock. Thank you all for any suggestions!
  17. Effigy??? Is it or isnt it?? Need some help

    Was out metal detecting in West Virginia a short while back and after arm got a little tired and wanted a break from swinging my DFX i did what i always do headed for the nearest creek or run. I headed down the hill to the run and started looking. I found a rock i beleive is an effigy but...
  18. Found this nice point

    Any info on type and age would be appreciated. Found in nova scotia.
  19. Help? Effigies?, etc.

    I'm not completely positive what they are but the smaller one, to me, resembles a sleeping bear or hybernating bear. And the big one seems to have a couple of small stick men carved into it
  20. Found years ago, just in my collection. Little bowl?
