native american artifact

  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Hand axe or axe head? Or any other ideas?

    Southern West Virginia. Found this out in the apple orchard with my dad in June 2023. On the site, I have found many points, filled multiple mason jars with debitage, a broken axe head, abraders, rubbed hematite, and a few nutting stones. I don't know what kind of stone but it's not similar to...
  2. Found arrow head in the creek bed near my house

    I found this I the creek bed while digging and I 2ant to know if it's real. It looks like ic3 age type stuff to me. Pics with flash on and off and a quarter to size.. this was found off old highway 100 in Haralson County, Tallapoosa, GA. USA
  3. 112 pound sphere hand made or geo artifact native American artifacts Boston Indiana

    Hello and greetings to all. I was attending a estate auction when I came upon this 112 pound or right around that weight this giant hand chipped round stone. Of course I bought it. My question is what is it? And is it native American? I believe it is because there's a small groove in it as seen...
  4. Native American Game Ball/Marble Identification Needed

    Hello, I found this nearly perfect sphere in Virginia on high ground off the James River where I’ve found numerous Native American artifacts. The white arrowhead in the photo was found the same day just 10 yards away. The sphere is very heavy/dense for its size, which leads me to believe it...
  5. Could these be spoke shaves?

    These were found in different locations, but both were in creeks in North Texas. They have a similar spokeshave-like feature, but I am unsure if this is a common natural formation, or if it is intentionally done. I have found spokeshaves before, but they are thinner than these two. Thanks in...
  6. Native American axe head

    Found in farmers field in south Jersey...looks like a native American axe head.
  7. How a Tourist Attraction Displaying the Open Graves of Native Americans Became a State-Run Museum

    by Logan Jaffe Feb. 1, 6 a.m. EST Don Dickson stands outside the wooden structure that was built to protect the excavation at Dickson Mounds. Credit: Illinois Digital Archive, Illinois State Library When William Dickson moved to Fulton County, Illinois, from Kentucky in 1833, he...
  8. Arrowheads


    More of my collection
  9. Native American Artifact

    Native American Artifact

  10. Native American

    Native American

  11. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED What is this cool thing?

  12. Newbie here…is this a hand axe of some sort? Or scraper?

    I found this today have no idea what it is, but I think it’s definitely something? The edge is chipped btw. I’ve attached multiple photos taken at different angles. Expertise is greatly appreciated.
  13. Cape Cod arrowhead

    A little over a year ago I was skipping rocks on a beach in the Cape when I picked this up. It laid right at the shore line and looked to be the perfect skipping rock but after getting a closer look I went over to show my uncle to see if he knew what it could be. When I got back to the cottage I...
  14. Wide variety of pottery shard types and manufacturing styles

    Hello, I recently identified a site in Central Brazil with hundreds (more probably thousands) of ceramic shards of the most varied pottery and manufacturing styles. Below (attached) are some photos (macro - 23 x 23 square cm) and light microscope details (micro - some few square mm) with temper...
  15. First arrowhead!!!

    Found my first arrowhead today in northwest Florida! Been looking and digging test holes on our property for a while and have only found a few flakes and broken pieces until now. This one was barely covered with dirt. The field has been plowed and cultivated in the past. It has a broken tip, but...
  16. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED A Face rock? Help please found in nc amongst tons of artifacts...

    Hello this treasure was Found in Lincolnton north Carolina... it appears to ne a teardrop shaped face with an arrow or scar maybe over his/ her / its left eye.... im very intrigued by this piece but I have no clue I what/or who this really is? Has anything like this come abroad I'm very curious...
  17. How about these? 🤔

    Here's four more that I'd appreciate any input you have. Two of them I'm confident are the real deal, but have been wrong before. Not sure what he round stone would've been used for but was part of what my grandpa had set aside, so I included it. As always thank you to those helping me out...
  18. Stone tool with fossils/quartz?

    Could once again use some help weeding out the true artifacts from the truly just rocks. Out of the four I'm posting, only one I am fairly confident, in my limited knowledge, of being genuine is the smallest one. The one with lines thru it, I was going to post elsewhere but does have one end...
  19. Treasure or Rocks?

    I have been going through my grandpa's collection and some just look like rocks, while others look like the real deal. Then there's some that leave me scratching my head and not sure what to think. One of these that I'm posting is a flat stone in a teardrop shape with slanted sides. I wouldn't...
  20. Repaired with pine sap?

    Anxious to hear input on this one. Not sure if this is a pestle, but it sits at about 9 inches long and has a definite flat side to it. One end appears to maybe have been shaped down to a smaller point? The substance in the crack is the question I've been dying to have an answer to. This is part...