
  1. gemstones and arrowhead while metal detecting question

    Anyone know of some good sites in Georgia that would be good to hunt gem stones and/or arrowheads while out on some overnight metal detecting trips?
  2. âś… SOLVED Can anyone identify this arrowhead (Patapsco State Park, Maryland)

    Hi there, I’m new to this site and would love some help identifying our first-ever found arrowhead! It was found on the river bank of the Patapsco River in Maryland. Thank you so much!
  3. CloudKicker

    My first post. Thanks for your input. Found in Eastern North Carolina. Hoping it’s an arrowhead! Have never found one before! Any ideas on medium/rock type, arrowhead type, time period? Thank you.
  4. To be or not to be an arrowhead?

    hello! so to start off I'm pretty sure this is not an arrowhead, but here's the backstory. I was metal detecting in my family's back fields which our family has owned for over 150 years. my great grandparents always found arrow heads in the fields after they would plow them up for crops, this...
  5. ARROWHEAD : Lenni-Lenape? - Yadkin Point? - ARROWHEAD

    Hello everyone and happy Sunday! :hello: I recently discovered something astonishing! In late March, I was measuring trees to identify their age. While I was measuring a 110 year old tulip popular tree, I looked down to see what I originally thought was a broken mason jar cap. I was so wrong! I...
  6. ARROWHEAD : Lenni-Lenape? - Yadkin Point? - ARROWHEAD

    Hello everyone and happy Sunday! I recently discovered something astonishing! In late March, I was measuring trees to identify their age. While I was measuring a 110 year old tulip popular tree, I looked down to see what I originally thought was a broken mason jar cap. I was so wrong! I saw...
  7. Couple of artifacts I found this month in the Tricities TN area

    Hey everyone, I’m very new to Native American artifact hunting. I wanted to share what I found recently. The first piece is a little larger than a quarter. It is made of sandstone, and is not very pretty. The only reason I even picked it up was that I noticed it had been notched in 4...
  8. Stone arrowhead or scraper?

    I’m hoping this is an arrowhead or scraper of some kind. One side is flat or even a little concave while the other is a more rounded and comes down to a sharp edge one one side. The other edge is flat. I found it by the Chattahoochee River in Atlanta, Ga. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  9. My first find - or not?

    I was hiking by the Chattahoochee River in Atlanta, GA today and found this in the rootball of an uprooted tree. At first I thought it was an arrowhead, but now I think it might be a scraper of some kind. Or maybe it’s just a pointed rock? It’s pretty flat on one side and slopes down to a...
  10. Quartz arrowhead?

    I found this today far into the high desert California. Was laying amongst a group of other rocks. I'm assuming...and only assuming...its an arrowhead. I've done some research and some say its quartz? My question is, is it a recent arrowhead or is it years old?
  11. just a couple of my favorite finds from last year

    just a couple of my favorite finds. found in northwest Arkansas area
  12. Does anyone know what these are? Indian beads/money??

    I met an older gentlemen that ive got to talking about hunting arrowheads with and he gave me a box full of stuff he has found over the years and these were in the collection..Does anyone have any idea what they are? Any help would be much appreciated..Thank you in advance.
  13. I think I’m close to finding one!!

    If you want more pictures please ask and I will take them and post.
  14. EVER seen ANYTHING like this before?

    Wasn’t even looking. Stone was solidly embedded in ground and I kicked it several times until it flipped over. It was covered in hardened dirt. I thought I saw something on it so I cleaned it off and wow, wasn’t expecting this. It was next to my home in a gated community just over the Wall...
  15. Clovis-need help!

    This was part of the “Charles Elgin” collection. Not sure who he is ( any ideas)? Anyways a buddy of mine wants to buy it. Before he does, do you see any issues with it. Supposedly from Ohio or Ky. One thing to point out, there are no copper reminants on the base which is often a clue to a...
  16. Arrowhead info please identification

    One of the guys on this site said to post pics of this arrowhead over here. Found this recently in a box of wwii photos. I know nothing about arrowheads. As always, thanks for your help!
  17. Native American Arrowhead found Nashville Arkansas

    I was in Nashville Arkansas and found this arrowhead while in a park. Would anyone have any ideas about the native Americans who were indigenous to that part of America?
  18. Need some help with an arrowhead

    Found in a box of wwii photos. This is also probably junk. Any help is always appreciated!
  19. Arrowhead found anyone know age?

    Found arrowhead in king George va. I’d like to know how old...
  20. Bird point!!

    A small beautiful Avonlea-Carmichael point found in Douglas, WY its placed by a penny for size reference.