I've been using the LR2000 system for planning an upcoming trip, and although
it can certainly provide the needed data, it's a PITA when you are looking at many
areas in general, and just want to be sure you're not poaching someone's claim.
Best solution I've found is using the Google Earth program, and then adding
Mine Cache software. Mine Cache has really improved, and you can select either
OPEN or CLOSED mines, or you can view all mines in the area. You won't get
exact dimensions, but you will get boundaries showing the edges of claims.
Mine Cache accesses the BLM data directly, so it includes all the data you
would find via the LR2000 system, but in this case the results are displayed
on the map itself.
For closed claims, once you click on the mines name you get a pop-up with
all the pertinent data, including a link that you can use that allows Mine Cache
to access and then provide the info direct from the LR2000. Could not be any easier.
Mine Cache does cost about $30.00 per year, but with what it provides I can certainly
see the value and time savings for nugget shooters, etc. researching areas they can
MineCache.com - Home - Gold Prospecting with Google Earth
report on that claim