Warning to members advertising other Detecting Sites Here

jeff of pa

Super Moderator
Staff member
Dec 19, 2003
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Please Be advised there are other detecting sites trying to get members to Spam us,
in order to Mine members.

Please do not Do it, by PM or in Posts.

doing so is considered Spamming And Members can be banned for it.

Thank you for your Understanding & Cooperation :notworthy:

Not that I would do it....but how would you know if it were done via PM :icon_scratch: and lets face it, those that leave would soon return, only one TreasureNet :icon_thumleft:


there are other sites? nahh

Jeff I hope mods are not reading PM!

Some members have reported receiving unsolicited PMS about going to other sites. If it is reported we will take action, if not reported we want get involved.

Many Tnet members visit other sites, PM other members about listings on other sites, certain topics/subjects on other sites, even ask other members about other sites. So is this normal type stuff ok, or is this also considered spamming/mining? :dontknow: I've PM'd other members in regards to classifieds, topics, etc., on other sites simply because I know they visit them and that they're familiar with them. Is this, or can this be considered, spamming? In fact, I just PM'd someone recently asking about another site. Had no idea it may not even allowed. :dontknow:

so, if we see something cool on another site or someone asks for some info and we give them a link to another site we are doing something wrong? we are all detectorists/treasurehunters and most of us use more than one forum to comunicate. if your afraid everyone will leave and never come back to tnet because the "other site" is better your wrong!!!!

recomending a site by pm should be none of t-nets buisiness!!!! its a pm.....personal message and not a public advertisement on the forum!

if another website is fishing thats wrong, but if one tresurehunter recomends a cool site to another treasurehunter there should be no problem with that!!!!!!
anyone that agrees with me please speak up.


what you do in pm between friends is your business...........

what you do in pm between friends is your business...........

marty, jeff of pa wrote...."Please do not Do it, by PM or in Posts."

you guys need to discuss this!

Jeff I hope mods are not reading PM!

we don't need to read PM's.
we get reports when members are Spammed through their
Private message boxes.

so, if we see something cool on another site or someone asks for some info and we give them a link to another site we are doing something wrong? we are all detectorists/treasurehunters and most of us use more than one forum to comunicate. if your afraid everyone will leave and never come back to tnet because the "other site" is better your wrong!!!!

recomending a site by pm should be none of t-nets buisiness!!!! its a pm.....personal message and not a public advertisement on the forum!

if another website is fishing thats wrong, but if one tresurehunter recomends a cool site to another treasurehunter there should be no problem with that!!!!!!
anyone that agrees with me please speak up.


Many Tnet members visit other sites, PM other members about listings on other sites, certain topics/subjects on other sites, even ask other members about other sites. So is this normal type stuff ok, or is this also considered spamming/mining? :dontknow: I've PM'd other members in regards to classifieds, topics, etc., on other sites simply because I know they visit them and that they're familiar with them. Is this, or can this be considered, spamming? In fact, I just PM'd someone recently asking about another site. Had no idea it may not even allowed. :dontknow:

You People are exhausting :tongue3:

as usual you's are over dramatizing :laughing7:

If you are conversing with a member Friend and recommend another site,
your friend probably is not going to
report to us that he was just spammed, so no harm no foul.
not our business or intent.

However if someone sends a PM to anyone that says something like this :

(Edited to protect the Spammer ; this time)
"Thought I would send you in invite to a new forum that was just started. This one is just easier to navigate. Www.******************** put my name in the referral and check in at the new member thread you will love it there no stupid answers unless its a joke going on which happened last night and not heard the end of it. etc."

and if the person who receives it is a TreasureNet Patriot & reports it, We will take action

this un-named forum is getting its members to do their dirty work & Spam other sites. & in some cases, they are probably getting banned doing it. at least We warn members first

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Got it. Thanks. So it's really all about direct spamming, mining, with the sole purpose of drawing members away from Tnet. Thanks for the clarification. :icon_thumleft:

I have some question:

perfect and new products will attentioned widely and if always talk about old models which developed years before no fun
the hunters need more sensitive detector and new concept of detecting,over thousand forums online.

if you refuse cool idea I will be leave and never come back View attachment 736596

Surely when I contact potential clients or get order from this forum I will make decision to be a sponsor, yes I promise

as far as I'm concerned you can ask about, or talk About or Introduce any product
that is related to the industry. Old or new.

You cannot sell a product through TreasureNet without being a Charter Member
or Dealer. & either way you cannot Private Message members to sell, or advertise. unless they ask you to

so as long as you don't post contact info until that point, I see nothing wrong with
showing it off & answering technical questions, and reading feedback.

I Hope this helps answer your concern.

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I am not familiar enough with the workings or etiquette of forums, being fairly new to them, but the only thing that I find detrimental to this particular forum is that it seems to take forever to load. Gotta be one of the slowest sites on the net. What's up with that?? I'd spend more time here and less on other forums except for the fact that it takes me so much longer to change pages here. I do agree that any forum user anywhere should be allowed to do or say as he/she pleases in a PM setting. I am glad that the moderator cleared up that question. Other than the snail's pace I kike TN a lot.

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