UPDATE ~ We Got Babies!!!


Hero Member
Feb 23, 2007
Not once but twice today! :o

For the past couple of day's, it has rained off and on and has done some damage to one of the bushes next to the front porch. It got top heavy with all the rain and started falling over so I decided to go out and trim it back. It needed it bad for a long time and I have been avoiding the yard work lol

Anyway's, I went out and got started trimming,

First I whacked my thumb pretty good and now it's all bruised and puffy and then I cut a good sized branch and went to cut the next one but seen this just in time ...

I thought it was empty. All I seen in it was a leaf so I decided to remove the leaf and save the nest for a friend that collects them. (She places them all around her house outside for decoration) After removeing the leaf I seen the little tiny brown and white egg in there (Sparrow). Whewwww, :o glad I reached for the leaf before just yanking the nest off the branch. I didnt get a clear pic of the egg but will try again tomorrow.

I decided to leave things alone and not disturb that side of the bush any more than I already did. I moved on to the other side and started hacking away again when I noticed something strange ...

I think another nest, I move in for a better look ...

Yep, another nest! :o Looks empty but I wanna be sure so I start snapping pics and notice ...

3 Eggs?? No way, Robin eggs! 3 of them!!! I take a few more pics, just to make sure and guess what ???

There are 4 eggs :o :o Yup, 4 Robin eggs. So now my yard work is "on hold" again ;D :wink: :D

Except for cleaning up the branches I manage to get cut off :-\ The bush looks really bad now but it will have to suffer for awhile lol

Will update in the coming days and take pics soon as all the babies hatch :icon_sunny:

Re: A Big "Oh S***" Avoided

Cool! Sorry some of the cleanup's gonna have to wait, but as they say-never do today what you can put off till tomorrow. :D Of course, MDing doesn't count. :wink:

Re: A Big "Oh S***" Avoided

That is too cool Tammy!! I can't wait to see the updates! ~hugs~

I finally got back out to the bush today to check on the nests and to my surprise, WE GOT BABIES ;D :thumbsup:

I didnt realize it at first, I was just snapping pics and then finally went back thru them on the camera and saw one of the babies. After I got them on the computer, I do think there are 2 babies and 2 eggs, so hoping they hatch soon. Will check again tomorrow since the mommy wasn't too happy with me today lol

Here they are and the mommy too :D





This one I had to lighten a bit to be able to see them better

Congrats on being a Uncle ....lol.... Nature at its best...ya just gotta love it... great photos and thanks for sharing, now to wait for the other two to hatch... wtg for saving em too :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Thanks Booty, except I'm a proud "Aunt" :wink:

Here is new pics of the other nest. I hope this egg will hatch, but im having some doubt. I haven't seen the mommy in this one lately. Im really hoping it's not because I touched the egg by mistake when i was trimming the bush :'(

I think this one is a Sparrow egg ???


Well at least the bird didn’t build its nest in your shoes!


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Very cool I wonder if use use tongs or something and put the egg in the other nest if the robin will sit on it I wonder if she would feed it :icon_scratch: ?

That is just something else Dale, never seen that before ;D You shouldn't have left those shoes outside lol

That's a good idea Mental Granny, I wonder tho how long I should wait to give it a try and if it would cause problems with the 2 robin eggs that didn't hatch yet? Would mother robin still set on all the eggs even tho one isn't hers?

I don't know what to do. Not even sure how long that egg was in the bush with no mommy. :-\ ???
I'll sneak out again in a few minutes with a flash light and see if I can get a glimpse of the mommy. Do they roll the eggs around or anything? If I can see that it's being moved, then i'll know the egg is fine. Will letcha know what I find.

TeddyB1967 said:
That is just something else Dale, never seen that before ;D You shouldn't have left those shoes outside lol

That's a good idea Mental Granny, I wonder tho how long I should wait to give it a try and if it would cause problems with the 2 robin eggs that didn't hatch yet? Would mother robin still set on all the eggs even tho one isn't hers?

I don't know what to do. Not even sure how long that egg was in the bush with no mommy. :-\ ???
I'll sneak out again in a few minutes with a flash light and see if I can get a glimpse of the mommy. Do they roll the eggs around or anything? If I can see that it's being moved, then i'll know the egg is fine. Will letcha know what I find.

I don't know works with ducks, chickens, turkeys and geese but wild birds are strange.. They get leery of any nest disturbance at all. If you do move it you need to not touch it with your skin, I guess leave rubber gloves outside tonight and use them or a pair of tongs so the oil/scent of your skin doesn't get on it. I raise and hatch my own quail eggs but I use a incubator.

I went out to check and watched for a few minutes but didnt see the mommy sparrow and the markings on the egg looks like it's laying the same way it was this morning. :'(
I wonder if it's been laying there too long to save it ??? I'll check it in the morning, if it's still the same way I'll try to put it in the robins nest. I guess the worse that could happen is the mommy robin knocks it out of her nest. It's worth a shot I guess :-\


Those 2 new robins looked hungry. Did you feed 'em?

Sorry I didn't get with you when I was in your neighborhood a week and a half ago. Mom had a list of projects. I did kinda get down your way. My sister took us to the Venture Inn...great place to eat! :thumbsup:

Homestake, that morning dove is beautiful. Hopefully they don't get washed away or plugged the gutter to bad.

Your welcome Cyn. I'm having fun time photographing them as they grow and updating their pics here.

Next time your in the neighborhood Wes and have a few minutes to spare, we can get coffee at McD's. it's right down the road from where I live. Venture Inn is a great place to eat. I haven't been there in some time tho.

Here are a few more updated pics of the birds I took today. The first two were taken around 3pm and the last two were taken around 6pm. I did put the sparrow egg in the robin's nests this afternoon. So far, it's still there and the momma Robin is still getting in the nest. She hasnt knocked it out of the nest yet but I do believe the baby inside is more then likely deceased already. I think it layed too long without being taken care of. It was prolly gone even before I first noticed it a few days ago. :'(

We got baby number 3 ;D





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