Interesting pic of wild pig


Full Member
Dec 22, 2008
I saw this pregnant feral pig (half domestic/half wild)eating off of this deer carcass. I never seen this behavior before. At first I thought it was actually eating the rotting flesh of the deer but after watching her eat for awhile I noticed she was actually eating the maggots off of the carcass. Definitely a protein/bacteria packed lunch! ~bleh





Cool pic.

You are very brave. I would never get that close to one of those things. They are mean as hell. I am not a hunter (of animals) but I would have no problem blasting one of these things and "bringing home the bacon". Other than the fact they will mess you up, the ecological and crop damage they inflict is massive. They aren't like cute nibbling deer - these things root around and tear up all kinds of stuff.

Yup. Shoot first, BBQ later.............

given a chance --say you were hurt and unable to move about well & fight em off --they would eat you too--- so get em first. :icon_thumright: :wink: much like humans , wild pigs are omnivores --they eat anything that doesn't eat them first. and just like humans they are generally quite destructive to the habitait around them. -- and the bad news is they tend to run in packs :help: --so its you vs a whole buncha them --the good news --we got repeating firearms. ;D and BBQ pork taste good.

My wife's uncle has a wooden leg because of one of those suckers. Razorback shredded his leg from the knee down. Barely made it out of the woods without bleeding to death.

A small bunch of them came into our yard in Arizona.

My dog knew I was in trouble with them. Long story short - she (my dog) killed all three, but not before the last one sank his tusk into her chest, and we could not save her.

I do believe they are the only animal that I truly hate. They are the only animal that can bring out that primal urge to eat what bugs you.

August 19th, it will be 4 years ago that it happened. About 5 days later, in the suburbs of Tucson, a woman was attacked by a mama pig and a couple of youngsters. Took over 500 stitches to put her leg back together - not counting other injuries - they managed to attack her, knock her down, and just tore her up -luckily for her, she was right on the street and a guy came out and put a bullet in its head - it would have killed her -
it got an artery, and again, like I said, she was lucky - she was in town, so an ambulance and doctor etc., were right there within seconds.


Fantastic Pictures. Pretty gross pig, but excellent photography. My ex father in-law would trap em, pen em, cut off the males testicles and then fatten em up for a while and ultimately BBQ em.

I used to hunt em out in the glades on occasion. We would sometimes track them but we knew where they liked to feed and would just wait for a good shot. One of the most terrifying times I had was becoming the hunted when I literally was surprised and attacked :o. My boots got stuck in the muck and divine intervention guided my pistols lead into both of their tusked heads. One died right there the other took off squealing and we were unable to find any trace.

There has never been an unprovoked wild boar attack in the U S. There have been numerous attacks, but none were unprovoked. A lot of stories out there, none documented.

lookindown said:
There has never been an unprovoked wild boar attack in the U S. There have been numerous attacks, but none were unprovoked. A lot of stories out there, none documented.
They can rip open a carcass and a wild hog will eat you if given the chance but they are not dumb. They are oppurtunists and will take advantage if the situation presents itself.

Thats a good looking sow in the picture. Nice color on the coat.


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lookindown said:
There has never been an unprovoked wild boar attack in the U S. There have been numerous attacks, but none were unprovoked. A lot of stories out there, none documented.
Them hogs don't see so good,you best not be in their site!Ever been close to a 350#Boar with tuskers 6in.long?They'll wind ya first and skidattel,sneak up on one,best get your arse up a tree!


You are incorrect. There have been unprovoked attacks. I am personal witness to an unprovoked attack - unless you consider the fact that just standing there is provocation.

And, the story of the lady I told, someone filmed - so, her provocation was walking down the street?

Here are some more "unprovoked" attacks:

The story details that, “Greg Lemke, who designs chicken houses for Latco Inc. of Lincoln, was a passenger in a utility vehicle when the wild boar struck the rear of the vehicle, causing it to flip with Lemke inside.”

In one instance, a boar attacked a woman on a Fort Worth jogging trail

“a man was hospitalized recently after being attacked by a wild hog at his home on Gaston Road. The hog, which eyewitnesses estimated to weigh upwards of 700 pounds, materialized in Fab Burt’s backyard while he was working in his garden

Four partygoers were forced to dive into a skip when they were charged by a pack of wild boar as they strolled home.
The two men and two women were chased for 100 yards, with the animals gaining ground, when they found refuge in the smelly rubbish container

When Frank went outside she was stunned. An enormous sow was staring her down.

"This one was pretty large," Frank said. "I guess it wanted to be in charge of somebody."
The 200-pound pig charged her. Frank ran across the yard, but the sow caught up with her.The animal used its tusks, striking her in the back of the leg. After awhile, the pig ran off.

I have 100's of them on file - something I did after they killed my dog. Because, I had the dumb idea, before that, that pigs wouldn't attack unless provoked.

It is wrong, wrong, wrong.

You can never tell what a wild animal is thinking. Walking down a street that a pig might consider "its territory" or whatever. So, a human living its life has to be considered "provoking the animal"????????

We do not live in Disneyland. They are not cartoon characters and they will do what they darn well please when they think of it. There are no wonderful Porky Pigs or gentle Bambi's, outside of zoos and farms - and even THEY can - and have - hurt people.


Wild pigs are mean and they taste delicious so killing them is a win-win for everyone. You can help the environment and fill your stomach with delicious bacon at the same time. And they WILL attack you. Even the domesticated ones will chew you up if you trip and fall down in a pigpen.

Reddirt how did you get so close? Were you in a tree?

Ive hunted and trapped wild boar all my life......those are some nice stories for people who don't know better. All the new t v shows have everyone believing they attack on sight. If you mess with them, they will get you. I wish they would come after me, it would make killing them easier.


I did not MESS with the ones that got my dog - it came straight at me in my own yard.

And, your disney-world outlook can get someone hurt. I can tell you have that disney-outlook, because, you say it would make it easier for you to kill them if they came after you - :laughing7: A REAL hunter doesn't think his target is an enemy.


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